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Unusual San Pedro alkaloids

Migrated topic.
69ron said:
SWIM did a test 90 minutes ago. He took a full San Pedro alkaloid extract and removed the non-mescaline alkaloids from it by washing the mescaline hydrochloride with acetone a few times followed by 99% isopropyl alcohol. He took the combined washes and evaporated them.

The alkaloids that were washed off the mescaline were very sticky once dry. He added calcium carbonate to it and mixed it a little to help make it less sticky. This trick works really well. He was able to get it to a powdery state that could easily be measured.

He calculated what a 25 mg dose of extract would be by adjusting for it being diluted with calcium carbonate.

11:00 pm, he took 25 mg of the alkaloids orally without any water. He wanted to see what it tasted like. It was extremely bitter and difficult to describe. It almost immediately made his mouth numb.

11:20 pm, his mouth was much more numb. He felt a pleasant tingling sensation in his body that's similar to THH. He felt somehow different but there were no visual effects. It was a smooth and pleasant sort of soft feeling. It felt like it might become psychedelic if the dose was stronger.

12:00 am, his tongue was still numb. He still felt a pleasant tingling sensation. There were no visuals, but things sort of looked animated.

12:30 am, the effects are starting to fade but are still present. His tongue is still slightly numb.

1:00 am, the effects got stronger again, sort of a second wave. He feels more body tingling sensations, some euphoria. His tongue is still numb a little tiny bit. Maybe some was absorbed sublingually and that's why there's a second peak? The effects are the same though and nothing at all like mescaline, more like 300 mg of THH orally.

The overall experience was pleasant. There was mild euphoria at times and it seemed to be on the verge of becoming psychedelic. Next time he will try a larger dose and see what happens.

SWIM did a repeat of that test and used 75 mg.

At that dose the onset was 5 minutes! SWIM's tongue and body started feeling a little numb and tingly.
It peaked after about 1 hour. During the peak there were definite visual effects that were totally unlike those of mescaline. Everything seemed to be moving slightly. There was also quite a bit of euphoria. With the eyes closed, SWIM had short dream-like visions. The total trip lasted about 3 hours. As it fades the euphoria gets stronger. You're left feeling fantastic euphoria.

So yes, there is definitely another psychedelic present in San Pedro that is responsible for the two trip phenomenon. It has a quick onset and peaks after 1 hour with a total duration of about 3 hours. As a hydrochloride it's soluble in acetone and can be removed from the mescaline hydrochloride by washing it with acetone.

I would love to know which alkaloid (or alkaloid complex) this is. The effects are a little like THH, but much more visual. I wonder if it has MAOI effects?
These non-mescaline alkaloids might be useful for relieving pain. If you put them on your tongue, your tongue rapidly becomes numb. If you take them orally, the numbing effect is mild but noticeable in the body a well. This might be useful for headache pain relief, toothache, and many other similar bodily pains.

I believe the numbing effect and the psychoactive effects are from two different non-mescaline alkaloids. The numbing effect starts within 5 minutes, but the psychoactive effects seem to start after about 15 minutes. Also, the numbing effects fade before the psychoactive effects do. As the numbing effects fade, the trip becomes more stimulating and euphoric, more like a typical phenethylamine psychedelic. The psychoactive effects are unlike mescaline, and are gone within about 3 hours.

I would like to know if there’s a way to separate the numbing alkaloid from the psychoactive one, that is, if they are truly two different alkaloids as I believe.
I’m guessing that the psychoactive effects from the non-mescaline alkaloids are from 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine or 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine or both. Chemically, they are nearly identical to mescaline.

I’m guessing that the numbing effect is from Anhalinine.
When SWIY does his washes of the mescaline HCL, you wash it twice with acetone and then once with alcohol. Does the alcohol remove some compound that is insoluble in acetone? Have SWIY evaporated the acetone and alcohol washes seperately and bio-assayed the remnants seperately?
SWIM washed the mescaline HCl two or three times with acetone. This removes most of the impurities, but not all of them. The mescaline is still slightly tan after washing with acetone. If you smell the mescaline HCl after washing with acetone, it has a strong odor. Mescaline HCl is odorless and colorless. The odor and color indicates there are still impurities present. At this point the mescaline HCl is maybe 97% pure. It’s good enough for most purposes.

If you want it as white as possible and odorless, then you wash it one or two times with 99% IPA. This gets rid of the odor and slight coloring the acetone is incapable of removing.

SWIM evaporated and tested the IPA and acetone washes together, not separately. 75 mg was definitely psychoactive and very unlike mescaline.

Perhaps the strong smelling IPA washes alone are active. They amount to a very small amount of the impurities though, maybe 5%. It would be interesting if it was active alone.
What ever the "Desert Spice" is it definitely adds to the experience. 200mg off white hcl crystals from what was sold as "Peruvian Torch" using 69Ron's d-limonene TEK (using hcl instead of vinegar). Numb tongue right after drinking the 200mg mixed with water. 30 minutes and a very strong Harmine like high comes on. Then at T 1hr 30 minutes the mescaline starts coming on like gangbusters. God what a wonderful feeling! Right now SWIM is at 4hrs and is in full stride. :)
Hey, when it starts to fade try drinking a strong cup of coffee. It gives it a very interesting, almost LSD-like boost.
u know i was thinking about this thread a bit last night and put 2 and 2 together.
Iv read a good few reports of ppl stating that smoking dried cactus does work and tastes nice - an equal amount of ppl have said thats pure bullshit but im sure most of them havent tried it - i havent.
now the mesc is in salt form and wouldnt be active at the amounts of dried cactus ppl are smoking so it must be something else in that cactus - perhaps what has been isolated here - are all the alkaloids in cactus in salt form when in the cactus ?
perhaps these other alkaloids are what are causing the activity, tried smoking them ?
sorry to resurrect a old thread but did anyone do anymore research on this? i see that 69ron hasnt been active for a bit.... does anybody know if he did the acetone and isopropyl extracts off of a a/b extract? could one just not wash the product from kash a/b extract to keep the full spectrum of alkaloids?
to all the alkaloids possible, the wash done upon them in hcl is with dry acetone, this removes some oil and whatever small amounts hcl acid that didn't fizzle off. using dry ipa on hcl is to separate the "mescaline" from the "other alkaloids", i suggest what we consider mescaline is a component of the whitish results but may not entirely define its alkaloid profile.

if using orange oil, vinegar can be used as salt and not washed with anything. i find it safe enough
One effect I've noticed from full spectrum cactus experiences is that there can often be an initial sedative effect for the first couple hours. Often I will actually be quite sleepy and sometimes even lie down and slip into a sleepy dream state. Once this subsided, then the more typical stimulant mescaline effects seem to take over.
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