xa said:if i have vegetable oil pulls, opposed to salting out with acid and then rebasify...etc ect...if i add ethanol alchool or acetone to the oil pulls and then separate i got my alcaloid ? alchool don't mix with vegetable oil.
xa said:...now it's all in evaporation stage...need wait long time, i have three pulls from oil/alkaloid, i evaporate a little sample of this and smell good, but i don't know if there's dmt inside, i save all the oil pulls for salting, another day.
...the acetone also is evaporating, one big pull and one little, the second one was quite clear so i discard the bark/base/soup.
...now i wait, i write again and photos when it's all evaporated, bye.
I forgot to mention that was a 50 gr acrb.