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Using the Mighty or Crafty vaporizer for Changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am having many issues with vaporizing Changa. Launch fear, fear of burning, unable to carry on toking and lighting at the same time etc etc. I have broken through once before but with the help of a friend who has now gone. The breakthrough brought me out a of a huge depressive stream and I would like to return there again as it's been around a year!

I am looking at buying the Crafty or Mighty Vaporizer and wanted to gain some thorough insight. This vape would take pretty much all my anxiety away due to the ease of use.

But, I have read that the MAO inhibitor in Changa vapes at a different temperature to the DMT which can make the experience more similar to pure DMT. The vape has a temperature control so I expect if you wait for them both to vape the air will mix and be all good? That is what I hope/expect anyway.

Anyone that has used either of these I would really appreciate your comments!
Hi, welcome to the Nexus!

I have one question:

Have you tried changa in the bong?

You are correct in the different vape temps of harmalas vs DMT, making it tricky to have an accurately dosed trip. That being said, if you load it up into a standard 10in water bong, lightly cherry the top and smoke until it is gone, you will blast off.

:shock: :thumb_up:

Now, I know some people have their reasons for not using a bong, but it has been one of the most beneficial ROA I've ever encountered. So I don't really have any solutions for your vape problem but I am a huge advocate of changa in the bonga!


-The Grateful One-
Hey! Thanks very much I am very grateful to be here :)

Yes i have! I just found it particularly difficult as I got close to breaking through. I don't smoke so I have basically no experience with a bong and this kind of added to the anxiety. Which is why I was thinking a vape would be perfect.

I really appreciate your input. Maybe I should just get a bong and learn properly.

Part of the problem is I have a couple of people I want to help, none of which smoke either and again I believe a vape would be soo much easier if it is possible.

Do you have any tips for preparing for take off?
No problem man, and I do have some tips for blasting off but before I go into that I thought of something that I forgot to mention earlier.

I'm not sure what the exact vape temps are for DMT and harmalas but next time you make changa you could make two separate blends, a harmala blend and a DMT blend. Vape the harmala blend first followed by the DMT blend.


You could always take some sublingual harmalas, about 25-30mg (or oral, about ~200mg) harmalas and then vape your DMT blend, although be prepared for the experience to be quite a bit longer this way.
Sublingual harmalas absorb faster. With oral you'll need to wait about 40min to an hour to vape DMT.

Now, as for preparing for the trip. Make sure you are in a safe, comfortable place with minimal to no distractions except for your sitter/close friends (people you trust, essentially). I prefer low light, no music, and surrounded by blankets and pillows. After I take my hit(s) I lay down, cover up, close my eyes and hang on! (you can have them open too but if you really "get there" you won't be able to tell if they're open or closed anyway)

After taking the hit(s) there is no turning back so it is best to mentally prepare yourself to accept what happens and BREATHE. I spend a good deal of time relaxing before blasting off with focus on my breath...not really meditating but you get the idea.

For moar information you can read some of my reports here on the Nexus if you feel so inclined. I talk a lot about the "fear" , pre-flight anxiety, and letting go:

The Singing Bowl and the Information Ocean

Fear and Respect

"Do What You Will, I'm Letting Go."

Anyway, there are others but I learned the most from those *smoked* experiences. Good luck with your journeys man!
I really appreciate you going out your way to help!

I have read a few times around 180 is perfect. There is actually another thread on here and a guy uses the Mighty. He says that the Mighty is a 'Changa extraordinaire'. I have written on the thread as i have a few questions for him but I am not sure he has seen it. Is there any other way of me reaching out to him? I just want to know whether it works properly and still works as Changa. I believe this is the key to my next experience.

Amazing. So would that mean I get the MAOI first then DMT second? How long does the harmala last? What would my window for the DMT be? Sounds like a good idea actually!

How long are we talking with the oral route? I think the idea of the 10-15 minutes removes allot of anxiety and although i plan on doing Ayahuasca soon I plan on working up to that.

Ok great. I will be sure to do that. Can i ask do you still get nervous? It's such a strange thing because it's so bizarre I think over time with my attempts it has actually made me more worried about it.

I will happily meditate before but when it comes close I just get super nervous again. I like the idea of the vape as I could work up to it concentrating on staying calm rather than fumbling with a lighter etc.

Really appreciate the articles i will be sure to read through those in the next couple of days.

Very grateful to The Grateful one!
rockalick said:
Ok great. I will be sure to do that. Can i ask do you still get nervous? It's such a strange thing because it's so bizarre I think over time with my attempts it has actually made me more worried about it.
Every single time :lol:

I think staying in limbo "threshold" flight is the hardest and really for myself causes the most anxiety, once I'm there all that is out the window.
I just focus on breathing as TGO mentioned on the come up. Learning how not to fight it, which is a natural reaction I'm assuming, meditation helps with this, the letting go part. Just take your time.

Just the act of smelling my changa sends fear and freaky feelings through me.
Spaced Out 2 said:
rockalick said:
Ok great. I will be sure to do that. Can i ask do you still get nervous? It's such a strange thing because it's so bizarre I think over time with my attempts it has actually made me more worried about it.
Every single time :lol:

I think staying in limbo "threshold" flight is the hardest and really for myself causes the most anxiety, once I'm there all that is out the window.
I just focus on breathing as TGO mentioned on the come up. Learning how not to fight it, which is a natural reaction I'm assuming, meditation helps with this, the letting go part. Just take your time.

Just the act of smelling my changa sends fear and freaky feelings through me.

Why is it so scary :O It's mental.

I agree! The worst thing is this is where my girlfriend got on her first go! So now she is really afraid of it. Yeah once there as long as there is no resistance you are along for the ride.

Is it possible to go slower and build up to a breakthrough? Like get to a medium level wait a few mins then just hit 2 huge tokes?

The worst thing I find is from the first toke I already feel more out of it than I feel comfortable with! I am so so hopeful the Mighty will help but I just need to know whether it will work properly. 😁
I am very sorry if it is not allowed. I looked though the rules and couldn't see anything against it but it's quite urgent I get in touch with the user: ducdevil

Would it be possible for someone to message him and ask if he/she doesn't mind to reply to this thread or my post here A guide to vaporizing DMT electronically - Introduction Essay - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

He has the Mighty and can answer my question and I believe it could be the key to helping my friend who is very much in need. Again very sorry if this isn't allowed I just can't message direct and I am sure he/she would help me if we could talk.

Thanks! Peace. :d :d :d
Of course you can take it slower. For myself the trick is getting to that place as quickly as possible to reduce the come up anxiety. I'm with TGO on this, a bong is where its at with changa, getting a personal technique down will blast you straight there.

I smoke it either out of a dedicated pipe or a bong, with a pipe I can prolong it by tokin on it slower. Which can be great in its own right.

Clear a cone on a bong and hold it, there's no time for anxiety your going whether you want to or not, depending I guess how strong your changa is.

I wouldn't know anything about fiddling with a vaporizer for changa, I use my vapor genie for free base. Good luck and I hope you get the info your seeking on them vaporizers.

rockalick said:
I really appreciate you going out your way to help!

I have read a few times around 180 is perfect. There is actually another thread on here and a guy uses the Mighty. He says that the Mighty is a 'Changa extraordinaire'. I have written on the thread as i have a few questions for him but I am not sure he has seen it. Is there any other way of me reaching out to him? I just want to know whether it works properly and still works as Changa. I believe this is the key to my next experience.

Amazing. So would that mean I get the MAOI first then DMT second? How long does the harmala last? What would my window for the DMT be? Sounds like a good idea actually!

How long are we talking with the oral route? I think the idea of the 10-15 minutes removes allot of anxiety and although i plan on doing Ayahuasca soon I plan on working up to that.

Ok great. I will be sure to do that. Can i ask do you still get nervous? It's such a strange thing because it's so bizarre I think over time with my attempts it has actually made me more worried about it.

I will happily meditate before but when it comes close I just get super nervous again. I like the idea of the vape as I could work up to it concentrating on staying calm rather than fumbling with a lighter etc.

Really appreciate the articles i will be sure to read through those in the next couple of days.

Very grateful to The Grateful one!

Oral harmalas by themselves last a solid 3-4 hours typically (at least in my pharma/Aya journeys) which would leave your window open for DMT anytime within that. I usually have the DMT about one hour in if using oral. I'm not sure about how long for sublingual harmalas but it is quite large compared to the literal "minute" window you get when vaporizing DMT freebrase alone. (edit: To answer your question, yes, you must take the harmalas first in order for any of this to work properly).

But the trip itself can vary greatly in length from anywhere from 15-30min when going with this route of administration (oral/sublingual). That will also depend on your DMT dose itself. These things are always very subjective which is why everyone here advises starting low and building up. Unfortunately, sub breakthroughs (lower dose experiences) are universes apart from breakthrough doses so in reality, there is nothing that can truly prepare you! But hey, who doesn't love a good mystery?


Do I still get nervous? Nervous is the understatement of the century. Terrified is more like it! But that is because it is so intense and feels more real than reality most times. But I never regret doing it and that is why I keep going back. Scared? Yes, but with proper respect and preparation and is one of the most profound things one can experience in life, IMHO.

BUt based on what you said you are looking for, I'd imagine your best bet would be to vape some harmalas and then vape your DMT a couple minutes later. This way it won't last too long, you know. Test the waters and enjoy the ride!
Spaced Out 2 said:
Of course you can take it slower. For myself the trick is getting to that place as quickly as possible to reduce the come up anxiety. I'm with TGO on this, a bong is where its at with changa, getting a personal technique down will blast you straight there.

I smoke it either out of a dedicated pipe or a bong, with a pipe I can prolong it by tokin on it slower. Which can be great in its own right.

Clear a cone on a bong and hold it, there's no time for anxiety your going whether you want to or not, depending I guess how strong your changa is.

I wouldn't know anything about fiddling with a vaporizer for changa, I use my vapor genie for free base. Good luck and I hope you get the info your seeking on them vaporizers.


Yeah very true that would be best for me too! With a bong how many tokes does it take you on average to get through? The hardest thing for me is the first time I broke through I had a guide. It was so easy! I now don't have anyone to help and I am the most experienced out of everyone so they look to me to go first. At the minute lat time I tried I got as far as I could without a breakthrough which has made me very fearful!

Thanks man appreciated!!
The Grateful One said:
rockalick said:
I really appreciate you going out your way to help!

I have read a few times around 180 is perfect. There is actually another thread on here and a guy uses the Mighty. He says that the Mighty is a 'Changa extraordinaire'. I have written on the thread as i have a few questions for him but I am not sure he has seen it. Is there any other way of me reaching out to him? I just want to know whether it works properly and still works as Changa. I believe this is the key to my next experience.

Amazing. So would that mean I get the MAOI first then DMT second? How long does the harmala last? What would my window for the DMT be? Sounds like a good idea actually!

How long are we talking with the oral route? I think the idea of the 10-15 minutes removes allot of anxiety and although i plan on doing Ayahuasca soon I plan on working up to that.

Ok great. I will be sure to do that. Can i ask do you still get nervous? It's such a strange thing because it's so bizarre I think over time with my attempts it has actually made me more worried about it.

I will happily meditate before but when it comes close I just get super nervous again. I like the idea of the vape as I could work up to it concentrating on staying calm rather than fumbling with a lighter etc.

Really appreciate the articles i will be sure to read through those in the next couple of days.

Very grateful to The Grateful one!

Oral harmalas by themselves last a solid 3-4 hours typically (at least in my pharma/Aya journeys) which would leave your window open for DMT anytime within that. I usually have the DMT about one hour in if using oral. I'm not sure about how long for sublingual harmalas but it is quite large compared to the literal "minute" window you get when vaporizing DMT freebrase alone. (edit: To answer your question, yes, you must take the harmalas first in order for any of this to work properly).

But the trip itself can vary greatly in length from anywhere from 15-30min when going with this route of administration (oral/sublingual). That will also depend on your DMT dose itself. These things are always very subjective which is why everyone here advises starting low and building up. Unfortunately, sub breakthroughs (lower dose experiences) are universes apart from breakthrough doses so in reality, there is nothing that can truly prepare you! But hey, who doesn't love a good mystery?


Do I still get nervous? Nervous is the understatement of the century. Terrified is more like it! But that is because it is so intense and feels more real than reality most times. But I never regret doing it and that is why I keep going back. Scared? Yes, but with proper respect and preparation and is one of the most profound things one can experience in life, IMHO.

BUt based on what you said you are looking for, I'd imagine your best bet would be to vape some harmalas and then vape your DMT a couple minutes later. This way it won't last too long, you know. Test the waters and enjoy the ride!

Ok great that might be a really good idea actually.

Yeah my last attempt was a sub breakthrough and that is what has made me so afraid of the next time! I wish I had the lungs to do it in one hit but i never smoke so would be tricky!

That made me laugh allot! Nice to hear others feel the same. Can I ask how many times you have broken through? I agree. The wisdom I got on my single breakthrough was next level. It made me incredibly happy for months.

Maybe I will just get the vape and see if it works. The potential benefits are massive. Appreciate the advice cheers guys!!
I make my changa "strong", its a 1:1:1 ratio. If I predose with harmalas, 1 standard cone in a bong is enough, boy is it enough. Without harmala predose it all depends how long I can hold it in. If I miss the mark its ok, better luck next time.
I don't fly with other people, I'm a loner that prefers to trip by myself, I think I would be more comfortable that way, your situation seems to be different if you're doing it with friends.

I'm an ex smoker so my lungs are a little more adjusted for smoking things but sometimes I still have a little trouble holding the smoke in because of the harshness of the different herbs in my mix, I think I will do as TGO mentioned next time and just use mullein as the medium.

rockalick said:
Ok great that might be a really good idea actually.

Yeah my last attempt was a sub breakthrough and that is what has made me so afraid of the next time! I wish I had the lungs to do it in one hit but i never smoke so would be tricky!

That made me laugh allot! Nice to hear others feel the same. Can I ask how many times you have broken through? I agree. The wisdom I got on my single breakthrough was next level. It made me incredibly happy for months.

Maybe I will just get the vape and see if it works. The potential benefits are massive. Appreciate the advice cheers guys!!

I've actually lost count how many times I've fully broken through, honestly. I've shared but a mere handful of my experiences here on the Nexus. When I first discovered DMT I went through the typical honeymoon phase where I smoked a lot until I started getting hyperslapped which in turn slowed me down. I'd say (guess) I must be somewhere close to ~100+ DMT experiences by now although not all of them were breakthroughs.

One last note, some people find sub breakthroughs to be more uncomfortable than a breakthrough because it is like being stuck in two worlds and you get all the intense feelings of the "come-up" but don't quite make it far enough. It can be unsettling. Of course, like most subjective things, the opposite can also be true!


I recently got a Mighty cuz some of my friends couldn't smoke dmt the way I'm used to(1 shot dab rig) and tried changa with it, holy shit I felt the effects almost instantly. My friends also had no problems using it, none of them complained about the harshness of the smoke. It does leave a bit of odor on the device tho but it's not bad imo, nothing like burnt dmt.

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