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VaporGenie no longer working (dmt just sticks to the bowl under the screen)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have lurked this forum for a while and finally decided to make an account. I have a question that I have been unable to find anywhere else (unless my search term skills suck.) So anyways, here it goes.

I have attempted and failed smoking DMT many times until finally buying the VaporGenie. I used it about a half dozen times at sub-breakthrough doses and it has worked great. My issue is, it is no longer working properly. When I try to smoke the DMT, it just disappears and I get little to no smoke. I took out the screen, and now I see that it has been going through the screen and sticking to the side of the bowl? I have read before that a lot of people like to use multiple screens, so I replaced the old one and put in 4 fresh ones. I got a little smoke on the first hit, but now it's back to doing the same thing. I have read that pure crystals will act in this way, but I am smoking freebase. I also looked at my ceramic filter, and I'm about 90% positive I didn't damage it (based on the pictures of what a damaged one looks like on their website.)

So what exactly is happening here? Am I doing something incorrectly? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance.


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As the running bear points out, there are ways to improve the experience. A cheap and easy substitute for the liquid pad is a Chore Boy (brand) scrubber cut and shaped to fit.
And importantly, all the spice IN the pipe is recoverable.
syberdelic said:
Pure crystals work great in an E-cigarette.

Just sayin'

I've seen a bunch of videos and read countless stories about those things blowing up and disfiguring people. Wouldn't want to come out of breakthrough to missing teeth and third degree facial burns. Just sayin':twisted:

Welcome BigHoss. Yeah. You are probably just doing it wrong. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get it right, it's a wonderful thing.

I have used liquid pads and chore boy. The chore boy worked best for me. I have yet to try vapor genie's own brand of pads. They might be great, but if they are as dense as the volcano vapor pads I'd stick with the chore boy or copper mesh method. I'll try the VG ones though. Didn't know they existed.
I want to buy some of the health stones or whatever they are called, which are ceramic foam like the GVG diffusor that fit perfectly in the chamber. I've heard they are better.

How often are you cleaning your VG or is it a GVG?
Dude, get a ceramic flavor disc from 7th Floor. They are awesome!

Also to add to Running Bear's comment about the torch lighter, really, the best part about them is the ability to control the heat. This may be your problem and a torch lighter will most likely solve it with a ceramic pad and a bit of experimentation with distance from the pipe.
Mister_Niles said:
I have yet to try vapor genie's own brand of pads. They might be great, but if they are as dense as the volcano vapor pads I'd stick with the chore boy or copper mesh method. I'll try the VG ones though. Didn't know they existed.

The VG pads are very dense. I found it better to unroll it and make a disk of the material like you would with a choreboy than to attempt to heat that massive thermal mass. Total weight of mine is ~1.4G while the piece of it that I use weighs in at ~0.3g and even that can take a hit to warm it up enough to properly vaporize the magic.
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