Okay i was reading another thread here titled Naptha and Residue and was thinking perhaps i should start a thread(and this may be worth stickying) on this.
What naptha to use and what not to use.
Il start it off with 2 brands 1 good and 1 im unsure of.
Neon brand states its just Petrolium distilate / naptha and it smells like naptha should - evaps cleanly.
Newport lighter fluid states its petrolium spirit and works like naptha should but it doesnt smell like naptha at all. Swim doesnt like or trust it.
What naptha to use and what not to use.
Il start it off with 2 brands 1 good and 1 im unsure of.
Neon brand states its just Petrolium distilate / naptha and it smells like naptha should - evaps cleanly.
Newport lighter fluid states its petrolium spirit and works like naptha should but it doesnt smell like naptha at all. Swim doesnt like or trust it.