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Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

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Esteemed member
I'd like to share this method of ingestion I have been using for quite a while now which I find very convenient. It's as simple as this:

1. Ground max 4 g of syrian rue (3g if you are inexperienced)
2. Add liquid of your choise. (Removed previous instruction to soak it lemon. You can try that too, the come up may be less sudden, but boy it tastes bad)
3. Drink
4. Wait for about 45 minutes (depending on how empty your stomach is)
5. Mix approx 2-4 g of powdered mimosa hostilis root bark with the liquid of your choice (you can try lemon as per suggested before). Edit: If this is your first time, take just one gram to see how sensitive you are!
6. Drink.

Take a few drops of lemon essential oil to reduce nausea. Encapsulating the oil is best, if possible. You can also rub this to your chest and armpits if you don't like the taste. If you need, a very tiny amount of cannabis can help ease the nausea (avoid getting stoned!). Practice controlling the feeling of nausea through breathing and relaxing your stomach.

Adjust the dosage and the ratio of harmalas to DMT to find the level you feel comfortable with. Challenge yourself every now and then by taking a little larger dose.

Make your environment comfortable and keep comforting music at hand. If you have clean home and a nice respectful setting, with maybe candles and incense, it helps you a lot to get into a mood that gives a positive tone for the experience.

If this is a TEK that works for you, I'd be glad to hear about it!

Edit: Lemon is bad for your teeth, so if you do this often, you might want to use something less acidic, like apple juice. The point of using acid is to extract alkaloids, but your gastrointestinal juices are very acidic anyway, so it might not be that important. You can make the brew taste better with a good amount of honey. Roasting the rue seeds makes them taste better, but you may need to use more of them.
Tomtegubbe said:
I'd like to share this method of ingestion I have been using for quite a while now which I find very convenient. It's as simple as this:

1. Ground approx 5 g of syrian rue
2. Add lemon juice, let it sit for about ten minutes
3. Drink
4. Wait for about an hour
5. Mix approx 5 g of powdered mimosa hostilis root bark with lemon juice.
6. Drink

Take a few drops of lemon essential oil to reduce nausea, and if you need, a very tiny amount of cannabis to ease the nausea. Practice controlling the feeling of nausea through breathing and relaxing your stomach.

Adjust the dosage and the ratio of harmalas to DMT to find the level you feel comfortable with. Challenge yourself every now and then by taking a little larger dose.

Make your environment comfortable and keep comforting music at hand.

If this is a TEK that works for you, I'd be glad to hear about it!
Nice Tomtegubbe, thanks for sharing.
What is the difference between boiling seeds and mixing ground seeds into lemon juice? Most teks I read say 2.5g rue is a strong enough dose to feel harmala drunk. I am going to do 2g rue today just to see how I feel. If I'm feeling really good I may vape a dose with e mesh. If I don't feel much, I will try a changa bowl instead, feel it out. If I get sick, then I will try a lower dose next time. This lemon juice tek sounds like just what I need. I have an hour commute to and from work and I don't drive on the way home, so it's the most convenient way to orally dose rue. Hopefully this works well.
Th3_tRuTh said:
What is the difference between boiling seeds and mixing ground seeds into lemon juice? Most teks I read say 2.5g rue is a strong enough dose to feel harmala drunk. I am going to do 2g rue today just to see how I feel. If I'm feeling really good I may vape a dose with e mesh. If I don't feel much, I will try a changa bowl instead, feel it out. If I get sick, then I will try a lower dose next time. This lemon juice tek sounds like just what I need. I have an hour commute to and from work and I don't drive on the way home, so it's the most convenient way to orally dose rue. Hopefully this works well.

If using the boiling route, be sure to roast them until they pop first (thank you Tomtegubbe for that tidbit).

I'm unsure of the technical difference in mechanisms, but one seems to be an acid soak to release alkaloid content, and the other uses heat to do similarly.

I think you'll be okay on 2g-2.5g. I definitely purged the first time I drank rue tea (3g) and vaped freebase DMT, buy the experience was wonderful nevertheless.

Good luck friend:love:

One love
Voidmatrix said:
If using the boiling route, be sure to roast them until they pop first (thank you Tomtegubbe for that tidbit).

I'm unsure of the technical difference in mechanisms, but one seems to be an acid soak to release alkaloid content, and the other uses heat to do similarly.

I think you'll be okay on 2g-2.5g. I definitely purged the first time I drank rue tea (3g) and vaped freebase DMT, buy the experience was wonderful nevertheless.

Good luck friend:love:

One love

Thanks Void, can't wait to try this. I may not vape tonight but I'm definitely taking the rue to see how I feel and if I don't vape tonight, I'm definitely going to this weekend.
Th3_tRuTh said:
What is the difference between boiling seeds and mixing ground seeds into lemon juice?
By boiling and filtering you can get rid of the plant material but it's less efficient and requires much more time. Test the lemon tek. If you prefer it to boiling, stick with it. With caapi you have to do the boil because there is so much plant material, so I believe people do it with rue just by unnecessary convention.

You can roast the seeds if you like for a bit better taste, but it's just one gulp so it's tolerable to drink raw.

You can get pretty far with 2.5 grams but it's best to wait a little before vaping. You should notice the change in headspace in 30-50 minutes.
Tomtegubbe said:
By boiling and filtering you can get rid of the plant material but it's less efficient and requires much more time. Test the lemon tek. If you prefer it to boiling, stick with it. With caapi you have to do the boil because there is so much plant material, so I believe people do it with rue just by unnecessary convention.

You can roast the seeds if you like for a bit better taste, but it's just one gulp so it's tolerable to drink raw.

You can get pretty far with 2.5 grams but it's best to wait a little before vaping. You should notice the change in headspace in 30-50 minutes.

Thank you. I am definitely going to try 2g today, maybe 3 tomorrow depending on how this one feels. I'm going to hold off on vaping or dosing DMT with it until I know what dose I prefer, but most likely will be trying the full ride this weekend.
It's easy in the sense that it's fast, doesn't require much preparation and almost foolproof (which may not be a good thing) but ingesting the plant material is unpleasant and not easy on the body.
Taking the time to prepare the brew can be seen as part of the experience and self preparation.
I've been drinking rue with my Sleepytime Extra at night. Seems to be helping with sleep and depression. Rue is a good experience in and of itself.

Let us know what your experiences are like:)

One love
Voidmatrix said:
I've been drinking rue with my Sleepytime Extra at night. Seems to be helping with sleep and depression. Rue is a good experience in and of itself.

Let us know what your experiences are like:)

One love

Oh of course! And that's awesome, I have been smoking harmalas for sleep, would be great if this works even better.

Will definitely keep y'all posted for sure!

All love
I ended up taking 2g of ground rue in lemon juice. I felt pretty good but I can definitely take it higher so today I'm going to try 4g. I was not in the "mood" for a deep journey, let alone a 2 hour long deep journey lol, so I just took one gentle puff on the ccell cart just to dip my toe in the water so to speak. I was blown away by the fact that the effects from that little puff lasted about 45 minutes. Today I am going to try 4g of rue and I may vape when I get home and it kicks in. I may also just enjoy the rue by itself, who knows. All I know is that I am falling more and more in love with rue. This stuff is amazing. Rue and kava; my new jam lol.
Th3_tRuTh said:
I ended up taking 2g of ground rue in lemon juice. I felt pretty good but I can definitely take it higher so today I'm going to try 4g. I was not in the "mood" for a deep journey, let alone a 2 hour long deep journey lol, so I just took one gentle puff on the ccell cart just to dip my toe in the water so to speak. I was blown away by the fact that the effects from that little puff lasted about 45 minutes. Today I am going to try 4g of rue and I may vape when I get home and it kicks in. I may also just enjoy the rue by itself, who knows. All I know is that I am falling more and more in love with rue. This stuff is amazing. Rue and kava; my new jam lol.

Me too! The effects are absolutely wonderful and balancing. I definitely notice a difference in my mood and affect if I stop drinking rue.

The first time I vaped some spice after drinking rue blew me away as well. I felt as though the intensity had been elevated as well, but not in a manner that is jarring.

Hope your experience overall goes well today.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Me too! The effects are absolutely wonderful and balancing. I definitely notice a difference in my mood and affect if I stop drinking rue.

The first time I vaped some spice after drinking rue blew me away as well. I felt as though the intensity had been elevated as well, but not in a manner that is jarring.

Hope your experience overall goes well today.

One love

Thank you!
Why are you guys tossing and washing plant powder? Extracted alkaloids are the way to go for pharma IMHO.

For my pharma experiences I take 200 mg Syrian Rue freebase extract, 20 minutes later I drink (70 to 100 mg) dmt freebase dissolved into a small glass of cola. This is very effective each and every time.

Dream moar!!!
Tony6Strings said:
Why are you guys tossing and washing plant powder? Extracted alkaloids are the way to go for pharma IMHO.

For my pharma experiences I take 200 mg Syrian Rue freebase extract, 20 minutes later I drink (70 to 100 mg) dmt freebase dissolved into a small glass of cola. This is very effective each and every time.

Dream moar!!!

For me personally, I really enjoy drinking rue tea, but that doesn't diminish my interest and future endeavor in extracting alkaloids from rue.

Because of the need to perform extractions first, I'd say your method isn't as easy as the OP, but definitely interesting and something I'd like to try myself.

Thank you for the added recipe Tony6strings:)

One love
Tony6Strings said:
Why are you guys tossing and washing plant powder? Extracted alkaloids are the way to go for pharma IMHO.

For my pharma experiences I take 200 mg Syrian Rue freebase extract, 20 minutes later I drink (70 to 100 mg) dmt freebase dissolved into a small glass of cola. This is very effective each and every time.

Dream moar!!!
The main reason is ease. No need to do the extraction first and you get everything out of the plant this way if you just tolerate the taste.

Another reason is that you get a long trip this way. The substances come up slowly and last long. You get to adjust your mind if you meditate while the medicine begins to take effect.

Also, weighting grams is easier than milligrams 🙂
I'm just getting started with Syrian Rue and powdered MHRB but I haven't consumed the whole seeds yet. When you soak them in lemon juice are you then consuming the whole seeds? If so, how is that for you stomach? So far I've also tried to filter, wait (for quite a few days) and remove as much solid material that settles out of the MHRB tea - I haven't tried substituting lemon juice for water with this yet... I'm not opposed to Cannabis but it's only very seldom that I've tried it as I struggle to inhale and hold smoke - although very interesting that it can help with nausea... btw My last tiny Cannabis toke was with some Blue Lotus and other herbs - very enjoyable!
BobDobbs said:
I'm just getting started with Syrian Rue and powdered MHRB but I haven't consumed the whole seeds yet. When you soak them in lemon juice are you then consuming the whole seeds? If so, how is that for you stomach? So far I've also tried to filter, wait (for quite a few days) and remove as much solid material that settles out of the MHRB tea - I haven't tried substituting lemon juice for water with this yet... I'm not opposed to Cannabis but it's only very seldom that I've tried it as I struggle to inhale and hold smoke - although very interesting that it can help with nausea... btw My last tiny Cannabis toke was with some Blue Lotus and other herbs - very enjoyable!
Cannabis is strong anti-emetic. You don't need to inhale it a lot or hold the smoke for long to get the reduction in nausea. It's actually preferable to not get high on weed while on pharmahuasca, just use a little to feel better. Learning to use DMT is very much about learning to focus and it's very hard to focus while stoned. You are driving on the highway of your mind and you want to be able to steer the wheel.

I grind the seeds before I soak them in lemon juice and then eat them. This may vary from person to person but I don't get any stomach pain from eating Syrian rue or mimosa hostilis root bark powder. The nausea comes from the active ingredients, the harmala alkaloids and DMT. Although, I may have developed quite a strong stomach for it.

With Syrian rue and harmalas in general you will learn to tolerate them better with use. Also, you can learn to control your nausea at will, which I find to be a good exercise in willpower.

You should also try lemon essential oil. It is known to block the serotonin receptors (5-HT3) responsible for the nauseating effect of serotonergic psychedelics.

Edit: I have never done a cold extraction with mhrb so I don't know how well it will work. I believe though, that you need more liquid than is reasonable to substitute with lemon juice,
You can condition yourself to minimize the nausea. Start with low doses and meditate, breathing slowly and deeply into whatever feelings you are having. If you feel nausea, breathe deeply into that. The feeling of nausea may intensify. Accept the feeling. I've noticed that some nausea is caused by resistance to whatever I'm feeling or experiencing in my mind. Gradually increase your doses over time. Your nausea will lessen and you will also learn how to stay grounded as your trips intensify.

Good luck!
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