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Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

Migrated topic.
What if one consumed unground Rue seeds? What if one made a tea from unground Rue seeds? It seems that surely the latter would work. That the water would penetrate the tiny seeds and extract the alks.
What if one consumed unground Rue seeds? What if one made a tea from unground Rue seeds? It seems that surely the latter would work. That the water would penetrate the tiny seeds and extract the alks.
As the OP came to the conclusion, making a tea is the way to go as it gets rid of excess seed material and possible toxins that can cause stomach upset. Grounding up the seeds will just allow for more harmalas to be released when you boil. It doesn't have to be to a very fine powder, you will get some powdering as well as just crushed up seeds.

I use a granite pestle and mortar for the task which is perfectly adequate and adds a traditional ritual feel to the process.

My first experience with 'ayahuasca' was just 1.4g MHRB in capsule consumed after 2g SR in a capsule. Obviously not all guts are equal, because I would never do this again or recommend it to anyone.

For me, it induced very disagreeable sensations in my stomach that were distinctly different from the acceptable and to be expected nausea/purging that comes with 'ayahuasca'. Digesting pure bark felt distinctly 'not ok' and 'unhealthy' and somehow 'heavy'. These sensations passed and I ended up having a good experience, but in retrospect I am glad that I did not consume more bark.

If anyone wants to try this recipe, definitely start low to see how well your stomach can handle it. Also, the pure MHRB was obviously the culprit, as I consume grinded SR seeds quite often and never have any of the sensations described above.

What if one consumed unground Rue seeds? What if one made a tea from unground Rue seeds? It seems that surely the latter would work. That the water would penetrate the tiny seeds and extract the alks.
The "ayahuasca sandwich" method worked for me and my stomach was fine. It was made with highest quality organic spelt bread, similarly good chocolate spread, powdered rue and powdered MHRB.

Fake stuff like CBP loaf that's passed off as bread nowadays, and Nutella or worse might produce less favorable results - remember the 'MEAD' principle: Magic is Empowerment by Attention to Detail!
A quick report based on a variation of this method that used moclobemide as the MAOI instead of Syrian rue:
  • Took 150mg moclobemide and 2g ginger root in capsules on an empty stomach. The ginger was used to discourage any potential nausea.
  • +1 hours: Mixed 2g of powdered MHRB with 50ml water and drank. Also took another 150mg moclobemide and another 1g ginger root
  • +2 hours: Noticed some increased calmness and improved focus/immersion in the TV show I was watching. Stomach felt fine. Ate a snack.
  • +3 hours: Feelings of physical and mental relaxation were increased. I lay down on the sofa and listened to music on my headphones. Music was mildly enhanced. I nearly fell asleep a couple of times.
  • +5 hours: Feelings of increased relaxation had mostly drifted away and I was pretty much back to normal.
My stomach growled at me a few times later in the day but otherwise I didn't notice any nausea or digestive issues.

Overall it was a fairly pleasurable way to spend an afternoon. I wanted to start low and work my way up. I'm guessing my bark is fairly weak, say 1% at most, which means I would have consumed the equivalent of about 20mg of DMT freebase.

I will likely repeat this ROI with this exact same batch of bark, doubling the MHRB to 4g next time and keeping everything else the same. Once I've dialled in the MHRB dosage I will start experimenting with a Syrian rue dosage that provides an equivalent MAOI effect to the moclobemide. I like the idea of a fully plant-based approach.
A quick report based on a variation of this method that used moclobemide as the MAOI instead of Syrian rue:
  • Took 150mg moclobemide and 2g ginger root in capsules on an empty stomach. The ginger was used to discourage any potential nausea.
  • +1 hours: Mixed 2g of powdered MHRB with 50ml water and drank. Also took another 150mg moclobemide and another 1g ginger root
  • +2 hours: Noticed some increased calmness and improved focus/immersion in the TV show I was watching. Stomach felt fine. Ate a snack.
  • +3 hours: Feelings of physical and mental relaxation were increased. I lay down on the sofa and listened to music on my headphones. Music was mildly enhanced. I nearly fell asleep a couple of times.
  • +5 hours: Feelings of increased relaxation had mostly drifted away and I was pretty much back to normal.
My stomach growled at me a few times later in the day but otherwise I didn't notice any nausea or digestive issues.

Overall it was a fairly pleasurable way to spend an afternoon. I wanted to start low and work my way up. I'm guessing my bark is fairly weak, say 1% at most, which means I would have consumed the equivalent of about 20mg of DMT freebase.

I will likely repeat this ROI with this exact same batch of bark, doubling the MHRB to 4g next time and keeping everything else the same. Once I've dialled in the MHRB dosage I will start experimenting with a Syrian rue dosage that provides an equivalent MAOI effect to the moclobemide. I like the idea of a fully plant-based approach.
Unless DMT benzoate increases bio-availability you should have had more effects from that or atleast I would have. With 20mg of DMT freebase equivalent benzoate salt I already had some fractals and fairly strong effects. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to the effects. You did well at starting low but doubling from 2g to 4g may be too much I'd increase by 1g at most. Not to say that it'll be overbearing but maybe a bit more than you were expecting? ALSO I tend to take my dmt source 15min after maoi (caapi tea) 1H for me is too much time and doesn't increase duration or strength FOR ME. With around 10-12mg dmt freebase equivalent I had a very similar to LSD experience with mindset being similar and quite visual but not getting strong fractals. I'd say similar to 100ug but lasting only 4h.

If you can titrate your MHRB that is great way to dose. I would however guess you have even lower than 1% yield but again maybe I'm just more sensitive to the effects?

Depending on what experience you want just be careful increasing by 100% I've been burnt by that in the past.
What if one made a tea from unground Rue seeds?
Looking back on this, I can confirm that good whole rue seeds will make a tea simply from infusion in boiled water. Add vitamin C to the seeds before brewing, and serve with a generous blob of honey and a smear of lemon oil, it will be almost palatable. Multiple re-brews are possible, with diminishing returns, but you can save up several batches of used seeds for a final boil (which is how I massively overdid it once, earlier this year).
Depending on what experience you want just be careful increasing by 100% I've been burnt by that in the past.
Thanks, your advice is very welcome I will heed it :)

My previous pharmahuasca experience was 300mg moclobemide followed 45 mins later with 40mg DMT freebase. I tripped fairly hard (but comfortably) for about an hour and then the experience dissipated disappointingly quickly after that. My assumption was that the DMT dosage was correct, but I'd mis-timed the administration of the MAIO, hence my splitting of the moclobemide dose in two doses on my next attempt with MHRB.

You could be right about my bark having less than 1% DMT in it. It's a fresh bag of bark from a new source and I've not done an extraction from it yet. I'll try 3g of MHRB next time and report back.
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