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Very happily musing about my yield

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
MHRB, finely powdered in my VitaMixer.
Cyb's Maximus Ionicus Tek.
3 jars, 50g MHRB each jar.
Vinegar, sea salt, lye, VM&P Naphtha.

I've done a few dozen extracts, all the tek's here are wonderful and I try to follow them plus I'm lucky, never had a real bad extraction, and this one is no exception.

I had been (I thought) doing real well with nice yields using quite warm Naphtha - 75-80 C.

But I keep reading here, and I read the downside of that high-temp: pulling more oils/fats/undesirables.

So, let's watch the temps carefully, don't allow much over 50C.

My expectation - compared to *my* previous pulls: probably less product, but likely 'cleaner' (my read: whiter).

After a full 48 in the freezer, I scraped last night.

As you can see, a very healthy yield, I will weigh and post if this thread isn't boring to you.

But virtually all yellow. Other extracts yield maybe 50/50 white/yellow for me? So, I'm surprised there.

No complaints here, nothing but gratitude.

I will weigh, re-crystallize, and weigh again and post (assuming interest here).

Any intelligent folk care to comment to this recipe-following-layman?

Thanks again, nexus, for everything.


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It could be the temperature of the non-polar solvent or it could also be the volume of solvent used. It could be either or both in combination with the amount of time the solvent was allowed to mix or just sit with the basic layer. I could also be that early pulls were cleaner, but were combined with less pure pulls towards the end.

You seem to have hit the ground running from how you describe your extraction experiences so far. A simple re-x will clean up that pile. What you have there is perfectly good stuff already though, good job!

And yes, if you do re-x, do post your results. We all love a bit of crystal porn!
I would not mind that yellow at all, it is all active, it is perfect.
The people hunting for the white, it's just a hype. It's nice the white to look at but in no way more active imho.
Orion said:
It could be the temperature of the non-polar solvent or it could also be the volume of solvent used. It could be either or both in combination with the amount of time the solvent was allowed to mix or just sit with the basic layer. I could also be that early pulls were cleaner, but were combined with less pure pulls towards the end.

You seem to have hit the ground running from how you describe your extraction experiences so far. A simple re-x will clean up that pile. What you have there is perfectly good stuff already though, good job!

And yes, if you do re-x, do post your results. We all love a bit of crystal porn!

Thanks for the support and encouragement. If this is indeed hitting the ground running, it is solely the fault of the nexus community - you folks just make this so accessible.

I read your first lines, and it hit me like a brick, right? You point out - appropriately - there are just so many variables. And I try to take that as lessons learned. Much appreciated.

Anyway, haven't yet started the re-x, but the weight of this is 3.26 grams, out of 150 grams raw materials, so I'm ecstatic about it. I mostly vape the freebase, but I like to enhance some herbs which I'm able to share with a pal or two, so that's why it's kind of a large amount.

After clean-up, I will post my yield.

And as you say, I'm fine with this yellow product, I'm sure I will enjoy immensely.

As always, thanks nexus, for everything.
Jees said:
I would not mind that yellow at all, it is all active, it is perfect.
The people hunting for the white, it's just a hype. It's nice the white to look at but in no way more active imho.
I'm right there with you. Early on, I celebrated any successful extraction, and didn't worry about cleaning it up, so I've enjoyed the yellow.
But I'm trying to grow-up a little, be more patient and thorough, so I've been working on re-crystallization.
I consider it part of my learning/maturity process. Which, to be fair, I've never been terribly successful with. But I regress...
Thanks for the support, it means alot.
skoobysnax said:
8) golden yellow of the sun! Smoalk that!! I wouldnt bother re-xing.
Laughing. I like your enthusiasm and encouragement.

The other piece of this, I read so much about the changa here, and I want to proceed in that direction.

I'm not certain, but I think I've read that when making changa, I want the spice to be as pure as possible.

So, that's in the back of my mind, as well.
Running Bear said:
3.26g 😊. You did a good job!

Thank you.

But seriously, the only thing I did good was following the directions in Cyb's recipe.

The rest is all on you folks.

Sunnyside said:
...I want the spice to be as pure as possible...
It's a hoax to believe that the yellow is not pure "active material".

If you make a re-X then you will separate pure-white-hard from some pure-more-oily-less-hard.
But they are both as active make no mistake. It's just 2 different forms of active material.
You can do Re-x and use the most white for changa which is super duper nice.

But don't think of the yellow-orange oily part as un-pure please, it's just another expressed form of ultra active material. Deems is polymorph, it can exist in different forms. Some have called the re-x oily part gunk or nasty and trow it away, which is an utter mistake to do. If you have not really sucked lye with, then it is oily-dmt. Even when it is oxidized deems, its just as active. Keep it to do pharmahuasca with. It can really make up to 40 to 50% of your initial yield.
Yeah both crude and crystalline work perfectly. Some people praise the crude extract for its wider spectrum activity.

The one good reason for recrystallization would be to remove traces of lye or maybe to make larger crystals if you intend to store free base (powders has bigger surface area = oxidizes quicker).
I will weigh and post if this thread isn't boring to you.
Man, you're funny!:thumb_up:

Ha ha, keep it up, you've got a (yellowish-white) thumb?

Personally, I appreciate how you laid out the info plainly and clearly. Makes reading and understanding your process very simple, and I enjoy the information resource on how extraction variables effect yields.

2%+ MHRB yield=:thumb_up:
Good job, sir or madam!
Jees said:
Sunnyside said:
...I want the spice to be as pure as possible...
It's a hoax to believe that the yellow is not pure "active material".

If you make a re-X then you will separate pure-white-hard from some pure-more-oily-less-hard.
But they are both as active make no mistake. It's just 2 different forms of active material.
You can do Re-x and use the most white for changa which is super duper nice.

But don't think of the yellow-orange oily part as un-pure please, it's just another expressed form of ultra active material. Deems is polymorph, it can exist in different forms. Some have called the re-x oily part gunk or nasty and trow it away, which is an utter mistake to do. If you have not really sucked lye with, then it is oily-dmt. Even when it is oxidized deems, its just as active. Keep it to do pharmahuasca with. It can really make up to 40 to 50% of your initial yield.
Cool, thanks.
I had read somewhere, maybe you had pointed it out, I've noticed your wisdoms, to retain the residue from the re-x, and I have. It's difficult to photo in its little jar, but there it is. I'll continue to re-x in that jar, and keep it for the pharma, as you suggest.


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blue.magic said:
Yeah both crude and crystalline work perfectly. Some people praise the crude extract for its wider spectrum activity.

The one good reason for recrystallization would be to remove traces of lye or maybe to make larger crystals if you intend to store free base (powders has bigger surface area = oxidizes quicker).

Thanks for the guidance.
If one plans to keep the oily part for later purpose, and want to be sure no lye is in that, it's a good idea to wash your initial spice laden non-polar with [water + just a pinch of sodium carbonate]. Potential lye traces will go into that water.
Separate layers, discard the water phase, freeze the non-polar. Then do your reX-ing and know that the oily part will be lye free.
It's known as "the carbonate wash".
Most know all that but just adding it here.
Jees said:
If one plans to keep the oily part for later purpose, and want to be sure no lye is in that, it's a good idea to wash your initial spice laden non-polar with [water + just a pinch of sodium carbonate]. Potential lye traces will go into that water.
Separate layers, discard the water phase, freeze the non-polar. Then do your reX-ing and know that the oily part will be lye free.
It's known as "the carbonate wash".
Most know all that but just adding it here.


And again, thx.
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