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very long essay: "why venom now", for critique, editing, your perusal.

Migrated topic.
Very enjoyable reading!:)

I also want to echo (altough I have not yet sampled 5meo) that the unity experience is definitely possible with other psychedelics. Personally, I've had it with LSD and N,N-DMT.
Late to the party here null24, but I read this before online and didn't realise you were the author!! An excellent piece, bravo sir. A friend and recent 5-MeO convert said it was the best thing he's read on the toad/5-MeO, I'm trying to beef out the 5-MeO-DMT subreddit group with the pick of the best 5-MeO web information available, and have linked your article there and a number of other subreddit groups. This would be a great thing to read for anyone considering experiencing 5-MeO, and I will be sure to share it with anyone I know who is interested in the molecule. Great job dude! :thumb_up:
Thanks so much, Bancopuma! Everything happens for a reason, and comments like yours really banish discouragement. I'm really happy someone gets something out of it, that's why it's there. Peace!
jamie said:
I would just forget colubrina. It is a plant I have worked with very heavily at times a number of years ago, from multiple sources etc..I had about 50+ experiences and it is always a bufotenine trip. If there is any 5-MeO-DMT present in it's extracts, it was never enough for me to detect. The difference between anadenanthera colubrina and 5-MeO-DMT is drastic..worlds apart. 5-MeO-DMT is far superior an entheogen for me.
Couldn't it be that most of the 'colubrina' is just mislabeled peregrina?
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