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Hello Wattapwn,

Of all entheogens, this is the one I highly recommend starting slowly with and working up your dosage.  If you take it slowly, you can make much better sense of the space, and work into it over time.  If you take a bowl full of 100x your first time, you will likely never do it again.  But if you work your way up to it so you know what's coming to some degree, you can get a LOT out of this plant.

Many long-time users start out smoking extracts and work their way up to large doses, but then also tend to move towards quidding over time.  Quids give you a good 45-90 minutes in the space, but at a much more usable speed. 

For me, I find that Salvia takes me to a much more inner and central location in my body and perspective.  It's as if my awareness is normally looking though a periscope connected directly to my eyeballs.  But while on Salvia, I can move back from the periscope, and see my mind/conscious awareness. 

It's like our bodies are virtual reality goggles for our consciousness.  Except we normally cannot remove the goggles.  Salvia removes the goggles. 

I can also control my body in additional ways, such as sending electrical pulses, make muscles twitch, etc.  At low doses, especially while quidding, this is very controllable.  One simply has bodily control from a deeper level than normal.

Best of luck in your Salvia journeys!

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