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Very Unsure

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After the last few months of extracting and experimenting with DMT, a friend of mine suggested maybe to try Salvia as something new that I have never done. Most of what I hear about Salvia is that it is a much darker kind of trip with intensity comparable to DMT.

This same friend has tried Slavia before and thinks it is worth the experience. He says Salvia is to DXM what DMT is to Mushrooms. He also mentioned that what he tried was 100x and I would have to do a somewhat decent dose to get anything worthwhile out of it.

On the other hand I have ANOTHER friend who has also tried Salvia 40x and says that it really isn't worth it at all. This friend found the effects to be dark and uninteresting and suggests I just stick with DMT and skip Salvia all together.

Both of these friends are very experienced psychonauts and so am I. Mostly I just wonder from a source that is not close to me, would you recommend the Salvia experience? Would it be worth it to extract and try at least once?

A huge part of me wants to just try it for the experience but also if I don't really enjoy it what do I do with the extra? Toss it I guess... Anyways any input on Ups and Downs of smoking Salvia would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Salvia is off the charts weird. I'm not sure I'd compare it to DXM at all personally. It can be very un-enjoyable for people sometimes but it really just depends. Hellish trips can be rough - it's just difficult to let go into it with salvia when any sensation can steer the trip a strange way. But then again, tears have joy have also streamed down my face during it.

Maybe grow it if you can, then it doesn't matter when you decide whether you'd like to try it. Plus you can just quid it if you want... which is a much smoother ROA
Salvia takes time to open up to you. Some of the most potent, vivid, and queer visuals I've ever had have been from salvia. It seems to not follow the typical sound/light synthesis phenomenon of mushrooms/canna/dmt etc. It's purely visual for me.
The salvia experience is very worthwhile!

When smoked/vaporized, it’s similar to DMT in speed of onset, intensity, and duration, but different in most other respects. I don’t find it “dark” at all, and it’s very interesting!

In some ways it’s much stranger than DMT, but it doesn’t seem “alien” in the way DMT does. For me, it lacks the spiritual profundity of DMT, and the messages, if any, are not as clear, but the experience is very unique.

Regarding dose:

A moderately strong dose of legitimate 100X salvia extract would be 4mg, and a comparable dose of 40X would be 10mg. Both of these amounts are difficult to accurately measure without a scale capable of weighing in the sub-milligram range.

Creating a true 100X extract requires some fairly tedious and labor-intensive purification steps, so I doubt there’s any available commercially. Sellers can call the “X-factor” whatever they want – it doesn’t mean much.

As with most substances, starting with a low dose and gradually working your way up is a reasonable approach.

Be safe and enjoy!
universecannon said:
Plus you can just quid it if you want... which is a much smoother ROA

What does "quid" mean haha.

Thank you so much for all the input so far everyone!

I am trying to find out the best way now to go about this then. Where I live, Salvinorin A is illegal so I don't quite understand if that means it is illegal to grow Salvia Divinorum or if it would be ok to grow as long as it is not for consumption? Figuring out laws sometimes seems confusing haha.
As already mentioned, it's wise to begin low and work your way up. Salvia is mysterious and has vast characteristics of what we term the subjective, salvia experience. See if you are able to sense what is actually happening.

It's strange and awe-inspiring as it immediately starts to dissolve your perception and push one through a place where not many of gone. 😉 Acutely and within the afterglow. Prepare accordingly and you'll definitely begin to understand this incredible teacher. Intense but beneficial in its uniqueness. :)

If the sole molecule salvinorin A is illegal, this does not always mean the plant is illegal itself to grow. There are many different molecules in this plant, alone. Some active and inactive. Perhaps it is upon extraction then it is illegal within possession.
Salvia is very worthwhile and is one of my favorite 2 Entheogens.

That said it has much less of a recreation potential than some other drugs like dmt. This is because it is a plant of sorcery and witchcraft and indeed a certain level of darkness is present. People can use it if they will, but I believe it to be a sorcerers plant and most that use it will not be called to use it again.

Also salvia has a steep learning curve and the first number of times may be hard to make any sense of. It's only with practice on how to maintain absolute focus while entering the trance that you can start to work with it in a positive wAy. Once you have started the relationship and seen it through a bit it makes much more sense and you can gain much from the plant.

Salvia is remarkable in its consistancy I would say the most consistent plant there is. 9 times out of 10 you will pick up directly where you left off. This makes it easier and easier to learn from salvia.
Do the effects differ between smoking leaf or smoking extract? It seems like extract is really the best way to go. Currently trying to research seeds but it seems they are very rare. I'm not sure how exactly to go about it but this plant being as rare as it apparently is makes me want to add it to an Entheogenic garden. 😁
Yes, the effects can differ because you have two completely different materials being utilized. Plain leaf can be gentler or depending how many leaves you have but extracts are potent by themselves, even 5x-10x. Use a scale and adjust your dosage. Seeds are not common, no. I think there was a Nexian on here a while ago who figured out a way to acquire seeds, might have to dig that out in search, though.

I wish you well on your entheogenic salvia journeys! :thumb_up:
Wattapwn said:
universecannon said:
Plus you can just quid it if you want... which is a much smoother ROA

What does "quid" mean haha.

Thank you so much for all the input so far everyone!

I am trying to find out the best way now to go about this then. Where I live, Salvinorin A is illegal so I don't quite understand if that means it is illegal to grow Salvia Divinorum or if it would be ok to grow as long as it is not for consumption? Figuring out laws sometimes seems confusing haha.

Quid is a ball made out of salvia to chew. You need to leave it in your mouth for a long time and chew it to absorb the salvinorin. Its was impossible for me to do that because its just to bitter and to much of a mouthfull.

For me only smoking yielded effects the following is the effects of smoked leaf. About 0.6g
Salvia is wierd as hell for me. I didnt have any visuals the multiple times I smoked leaf.
Its always just the mind shattering instant hit of wierdness that gets you.
Your body feels light and heavy at the same time. Standing up feels like you weight nothing. Lying down makes you fall down because its so heavy. Also theres a heavy tingly feeling mostly coming from my back that is pushing me forwards.

In my mind the effects are always that I "forget" my senses and think about the effects.

It often feels like different room will be indefinetly far apart on salvia.
I took it alone in my room and it thought about how my room got ripped out of the house and thrown into space.

When you take it while another person is there it feels like there is an invisible wall between you.
Also I multiple times succumbed to "insane" laughter especially when you combined with nitrous oxide.

The general "OOOOHMPF" of the drug is very high but quickly fades before you get acustomized to it.
After the trip you will be slightly messed up because of the punch it delivers to you.
I was sceptic about it too but you really need to decide yourself. Im glad that I tried it because I can always come back to it now and repeat the mind blowing.

Other people shouldnt decide if you take salvia or not.
Also in many countries the laws are wierd for salvia. Some ban the plant and the compound some only the compound not the plant. Some both. You need to look up the law for your country.
In some ways it’s much stranger than DMT, but it doesn’t seem “alien” in the way DMT does. For me, it lacks the spiritual profundity of DMT, and the messages, if any, are not as clear, but the experience is very unique.

Well said gibran2.
It is a very very very fascinating experiences..i'd even say that it feels more "real" than DMT. The feeling has been very neutral and as if you had slipped through the cracks into another dimension. Noone really cares about you there just because you are there...you might even become a plaything for the creatures that live there....
For me it is the opposite, salvia is he holder of messages and more profound, where dmt certainly has profound effects, I don't really get the message like I do with salvia. Don't get me wrong had amazing dmt experiences, and they have depth and meaning, I just couldn't tell you what that depth and meaning was all the time..

With salvia though I have a teacher waiting for me there. The first thing I do in trance is call upon "the princess" (the entity I refer to as the spirit of the salvia) and she always shows up.

For example I smoked 2 nights ago, I took a deep rip, let it sink in, then another, and that was enough. The world started to spin and I could feel the effects coming. So as an example of main ting focus into the trance, my method this time was to hold on to my spirit Chrystal, and think about it and nothing else. For me the Chrystal was a tangible and touchable symbol of my intention for the journey. Once the maelstrom took hold I forgot what I was doing and why but felt the Chrystal in my hand visualized it as a vehicle of unbending intent. I visualized Chrystal pure healing energy coming in with my breath and purifying my body, melting away blockages with later heat.

Then once the initial take off effects were complete and I entered salvia space I called upon the princess and I asked her for guidance and insight. She came also the presence of 2 other more shadowy less clear spirits came into perception. Then I petitioned the princess for guidance on my personal questions which related to using the dream body and walking with it. The princess was brief with me, but the last message I received in audible words. All the spirits told me they would finally introduce themselves to my friend, who was sitting beside me.

A bit of back story on him, we have taken several profound journeys into nature this summer and he is one of my closest friends. I have tried salvia with him many times but no matter how much he smoked he never achieved effects. But now the spirits told me they would see him. Very curious I told him it was his turn to smoke, but I said nothing about what I was told by the spirits.
Where before he had smoked whole bowls of leaf, and then reloaded them and then smoked the whole second one, this time he took 1 huge hit and immediately gave me the bubbler.

5 minutes later he stared laughing uncontrollably, I took this as a good sign. A few minutes later he tried explaining but still wasn't making sense I told him not to explain it yet but just to think about it.

Turns out he was flown to his childhood, and he received the FEELING he used to have as a child, the wonder the belief in endless possibility, and was sternly reminded that he was allowing these important parts of his soul die and would suffer accordingly if he continued to deny this part of himself. He went into personal examples of how he has let his inner child die, and we discussed the inner child for awhile before going to bed.

Rinse wash repeate
Hello Wattapwn,

Of all entheogens, this is the one I highly recommend starting slowly with and working up your dosage. If you take it slowly, you can make much better sense of the space, and work into it over time. If you take a bowl full of 100x your first time, you will likely never do it again. But if you work your way up to it so you know what's coming to some degree, you can get a LOT out of this plant.

Many long-time users start out smoking extracts and work their way up to large doses, but then also tend to move towards quidding over time. Quids give you a good 45-90 minutes in the space, but at a much more usable speed.

For me, I find that Salvia takes me to a much more inner and central location in my body and perspective. It's as if my awareness is normally looking though a periscope connected directly to my eyeballs. But while on Salvia, I can move back from the periscope, and see my mind/conscious awareness.

It's like our bodies are virtual reality goggles for our consciousness. Except we normally cannot remove the goggles. Salvia removes the goggles.

I can also control my body in additional ways, such as sending electrical pulses, make muscles twitch, etc. At low doses, especially while quidding, this is very controllable. One simply has bodily control from a deeper level than normal.

Best of luck in your Salvia journeys!
Thanks a ton friends! I will probably try extract and see how I like it first and then go from there. Probably 100x and just take it really slow and dip my toes in before going for a swim :thumb_up:
. Then I petitioned the princess for guidance on my personal questions which related to using the dream body and walking with it. The princess was brief with me, but the last message I received in audible words.

Isn't it extraordinary, how you are able to actually talk to the beings in salviaspace? How they are actually giving you answers? Not as with DMT where you might get something transmitted ...but that is usually utterly cosmic holographic sparkle-sense transmitted by the third eye of the alien buddha directly into your pineal gland.

Salvia appears to be far more sober and "hands on".

Probably 100x and just take it really slow and dip my toes in

Does not really compute.
Also fair to say that salvia is a rather dreamy, meditative experience that unfolds when you let it unfold. Darkness and quiet is a must. Then, it does not take 100x extracts.
Yeah, 100x is quite unnecessary. You'll get your experience, no doubt about that but 20x-40x is a decent amount for any strong experience you desire from salvia. Particularly if you want to come back from this with some recall, insight, direction or possibly a goal. I'm not even aware of 100x extracts being available in such potency so readily. :?

At least you can still work with it.. in very small, approximate increments. :lol:
Wattapwn said:
Thanks a ton friends! I will probably try extract and see how I like it first and then go from there. Probably 100x and just take it really slow and dip my toes in before going for a swim :thumb_up:
A moderately strong breakthrough dose of legitimate 100X is 4mg – just a speck, although I seriously doubt what you have is 100X.

Please be aware that vendors are free to label their products however they choose. If they want to call plain leaf “1000XXX” there’s no labeling law preventing them from doing so.
I haven't gotten anything yet. I'm trying to research as much as possible to figure out what is my best option 😁 So what I am gathering is that 20x-40x would be great? I definitely will not just be plunging into the depths of Salvia Realm on my first few goes until I get a feel for how I react at lower doses :thumb_up:
In theory, plain leaf should be fine.
I've chewed on 4g of leaf and went to another dimension.
I've smoked extracts - nothing.
It does not appear to be so clear cut as DMT is.
No harm in taking your time, chewing plan leaf one day...
Then maybe smoking a bowl of plain leaf, noticing how that feels...
And as you grow more accustomed to Salvia, a gate might open.

Not a fan of brute force with Salvia.
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