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VERY, VERY traumatizing DMT trip

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I just had such a horrifying experience....I cant even begin to wrap my head around what all happened but basically all of the teeth in my mouth shattered into infinite fragments and i was swallowing them, choking, for what felt like an eternity in hell. I thought surely i was going to die/had died because theres no way i could breathe with all of these teeth in my mouth. And there were tons of other things happening i just dont know how to explain with words. I vaped 45mg, and all my other trips werent as powerful due to inefficient vaping technique. it was soooo crazy like i kept my eyes open most of the time and i couldnt even tell where i was. (my bedroom). How can i go forward? I don't want to give up on DMT, but im just terrified to smoke any more.
You took a good step by posting about your experience. You might want to read through some of the negative trip reports, to give you some perspective.

Also go to the Wiki:
Nexus Wiki: Dark Entities

There's nothing wrong with taking some time away from spice to integrate what happened. Don't worry whether you'll ever vape again. Try to focus on the experience itself, write about it in more detail and reflect on it while you're in a comfortable space.
Sorry to hear about your experience. I don't know what device you use to vaporize, but with my GVG, I can reliably break though with 20mgs. A couple of years ago I pushed it to 35mgs. It was very intense and had the potential to go sideways and become traumatic. 45mgs is waaay too much for me.

Take some time away. Take your time coming back. Try sublingual caapi extract in the future if you can and start with low doses. Sometimes, I preload several copper discs with increasing doses. 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20. Then I slowly work my way in. Caapi can make things calmer and slower.

Try to examine your experience and integrate it if you can. Then take a break. Make sure you have a very reliable device, lighter and scale. Then, when you get the call, wade in slowly.
Teeth breaking and falling out is often a representation of a feeling of loss. Have you had some hard times lately? It could just be your mind playing out some pain you repressed. This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.

My feeling is that you may want to jump right back in. Others may disagree with this. When you face something that scares you it can really push you towards something better. Go to the places that scare you and do your best to have courage. Push through it as best you can and be strong. If you feel that this is not the best course of action, disregard all I have said. Either way is fine. We all have our own approach to things of this nature. A lower dose is definitely something to consider when and if you choose to go back.

Change the way you are thinking about it. This experience could be a great catalyst to positive change in you. Try and find something about this experience that empowers you. The mind is often wrong about things and can play tricks on you. Work on your set and setting and go when all is right in your mind and you are feeling strong. Take your time.
You're not alone in experiencing shattering teeth early in your DMT experiences, I too felt that, as real as day. All the little bits of shattered teeth in my mouth and throat. Here's a quote from the trip report...

I took the pipe in one solid hit and even before I was finished taking it in the world was starting to obliterate. Flowers turned into strobing horizontal and vertical lines throughout my vision. I only just managed to put the pipe down and lay down. Despite many years of psychedelic experience it was hard not to panic. I was thinking "What have I done to myself?". The noise that had started as a low hum was deafening and my teeth felt like they were melting and falling to pieces in my mouth. The closed eye visuals were inexpressible and my breathing was getting out of control. I started talking myself down, explaining it was just a drug and it would soon pass. I opened my eyes and everything was made out of huge blocks, not unlike an insane version of Minecraft. I looked around the room and everything was made of squares and rectangles. The blocks were becoming bigger and bigger, filling my vision and I closed my eyes again. Back to the CEV's which were much more comforting (less scary) than the OEV's. I drifted a while, then suddenly it stopped... I opened my eyes and even though my vision was crazy and morphing I was definitely coming out of it. The way I would describe the experience is terrifying, but amazing at the same time... Mostly terrifying.
So, the first bit of advice... don't keep your eyes open. It's far more difficult for our monkey minds to comprehend than what goes on in the back of our eyelids. The second... let go. Accept it as a terrifying experience, and let go. Do not dwell on the feeling you experienced but celebrate the difficulty you overcame. Look at it as a fortification of character. You are now stronger because you experienced that. Not weaker.

Sometimes these things get really wild and out of control. But they are just that, out of our control. Just accept what happened and let go. No two DMT experiences are alike. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

DmnStr8 said:
Change the way you are thinking about it. This experience could be a great catalyst to positive change in you. Try and find something about this experience that empowers you. The mind is often wrong about things and can play tricks on you. Work on your set and setting and go when all is right in your mind and you are feeling strong. Take your time.
Thank you all for your advice.

My physical setting was in my bedroom, so i figured nothing could go wrong. However reflecting on what happened and what some people have told me, I think i am just not ready to venture into deep psychedelic state quite yet. I just had a VERY profound 800mcg ego death on LSD only 3-4 days ago and I'm still digesting what happened to me (i doubt i'll ever be able to comprehend the entirety of it).

Anyways I think that this DMT experience may be a sign that i need to slow down and take a break after having such a powerful acid trip. I had decided that i wasn't going to take acid for 1 month+ and that i'd just smoke DMT here and there, but i now think maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe i will take small doses of acid ( <200 mcg) for recreation but i really don't think i can handle any more for now. I'm just so shook even days after my acid trip - i can tell it is going to be a long and slow re-entry into familiar reality. Does anyone have any advice for integrating my experience which was otherworldly and indescribable? I can't comprehend it at all - it was far beyond human language
In my personal experience, I found that spending time in nature, contemplating the astonishring beauty around me, anf being deeply grateful for the miracle that is life helped me integrate. I also started excercizing more and growing more plants. Less TV, more reading and meditation, listening to Ted talks and podcasts. Spending more time with my kids and seeing them for the miracles that they are.

I think that ultimately accepting the beautiful mystery that is life really helped me. That is, who cares what reality really is, let's appreciate what we have because it is simply beatiful. An humble ant crawling on the table is an amazing feat of physics, biology and chemistry with trillions of intricate things happening at once.

For me it boiled down to appreciating beauty and love with deep thankfulness. Oh, and humor, seeing the humor of it all also helped.

That was my integration experience. It was not easy for me and it's probably not done (and may never finish in a way), there were doubts and concerns: what is life? What is really real? What do I really know? Why have I been lying to myself and numb for most of my life? How did I lose my sense of wonder? I felt anxiety and concern around these thoughts at times.

Taking a break was important for me to go through this process. I think that is a great idea.

I got a lot of help from the Nexus too.

In the end it was definitely worth it. Overall, I don't want to go through life comfortably numb: in a semi regular drunken stupor, obsesively watching the imaginary stock market, maintaining a false persona/ego, wasting time with mind numbing TV, and mostly ingoring my kids and beauty all around me.

Wishing you the best of luck and sending some love.
WoWoX said:
Thank you all for your advice.

My physical setting was in my bedroom, so i figured nothing could go wrong. However reflecting on what happened and what some people have told me, I think i am just not ready to venture into deep psychedelic state quite yet. I just had a VERY profound 800mcg ego death on LSD only 3-4 days ago and I'm still digesting what happened to me (i doubt i'll ever be able to comprehend the entirety of it).

Anyways I think that this DMT experience may be a sign that i need to slow down and take a break after having such a powerful acid trip. I had decided that i wasn't going to take acid for 1 month+ and that i'd just smoke DMT here and there, but i now think maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe i will take small doses of acid ( <200 mcg) for recreation but i really don't think i can handle any more for now. I'm just so shook even days after my acid trip - i can tell it is going to be a long and slow re-entry into familiar reality. Does anyone have any advice for integrating my experience which was otherworldly and indescribable? I can't comprehend it at all - it was far beyond human language

Sounds like we found your issue right here! If you feel you can't handle anymore, then take a long break. Smoke some weed if you wanna get high. Ground yourself.

Integrate means to combine. Bring together all of your experiences and learn something. Take a step back from it all when you are grounded and it will make much more sense. You may even laugh about it. Give your brain some time to adjust if need be. As I said, go back and try again once you are feeling strong. It's always other worldly and indescribable.. get used to it if you want to continue down the road you are on. Try and relax, and like I said ground yourself.
I have had the experience of my teeth falling into little pieces and/or melting out of my mouth quite a few times on DMT. From reading a lot of experience reports and threads here on the Nexus, I have found that it is a not uncommon experience when traversing the hyperspatial realms.

That said, I simply observe every sensation on my trips without judging, without being enamored or attracted, without being repulsed nor afraid.

This is what real meditation is all about. Thousands of hours of meditation practice can allow one to be calm in the face of whatever is thrown at them, be it heaven, hell or beyond.

Even with a few weeks of regular meditation practice under your belt, you can feel the difference it makes in your consciousness, thus your life.

Granted, I was lucky enough that 37 years ago when I began my research into psychedelics, I also dove heavily into various kinds of meditation practices (and found the two go together in the most uncanny way). I also had the privilege to practice meditation with Buddhist monks who used high doses of LSD as a spiritual sacrament and Cannabis as a meditation tool.

That aside, it is never too early or late to find a form of meditation that fits in well with who you are and begin to practice it fervently on a daily basis in order to further integrate your soul into the shining diamond-like phenomenon that it has the potential to become.

Psychedelics are like chainsaws or cars. They are powerful tools that can make your life quite a bit better, but on the other hand, in the hands of someone with no knowledge about how to use them properly, they become very dangerous tools that can hurt, maim and destroy.

May you find your peace.
WoWoX said:
How can i go forward? I don't want to give up on DMT, but im just terrified to smoke any more.

...Everyone has a bad psychedelic experience at some point. Mine was with Salvia 20X to which I will never attempt this again. I have also had unfavorable LSD experiences which caused me to consider never revisiting this realm ever again. My suggestion for you is to re-attempt at a later date, but have some some soft, "friendly" music available that always manages to lift your spirit. NOTE: This is not a good time to break out your favorite Trent Reznor or Black Sabbath tunes!

I will sometimes play a song titled "Awakening" (Liquid Mind) to add some "peaceful sanity" into the mix. It's the perfect length for a DMT trip and the "feel" of the song is ethereal and what I call, "euphorically-forgiving."

Now for me, "silence" is where the spirit discovers Truth. Anytime you add in music, you are allowing other people's version of "truth" into your journey (which isn't necessarily bad) and the depth of your journey is compromised in the process (imho). If your goal is to find out "who, what and why" you are, ...then you seek this in silence.

However, if you've had a bad experience and want to find a safe way back into the realm, then for your next trip, trade your "depth of experience" for an "enjoyable experience" with music and you should be good to go.

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