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Virola Surinamese

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Irie brothers and sisters
Nearly ten years since posting:surprised I'm back for some more discussions!
My Virola trees are now ten years old ,45ft tall, and fruiting
So curiosity takes hold
Opinions 8)
Respectful discussion
Welcome back.

My opinion? We'd all love to see some photos of your plants!

Presumably the bark resin has similar properties to other Virola spp. ..?
Seems I was quick to post and should have posted in the garden section
Photos will appear over there,when I get a chance
So let's steer this topic more towards chemical compounds and where and how to retrieve them
The fruits are very similar to nutmegs, just a lot smaller
Makes swim think about some old urban legends :?
Any thoughts
You mention urban legend, one that springs to mind is the claim that fresh mace arils contain 5-MeO-DMT and sun-drying them destroys this compound. Virola is indeed a myristicaceous species too.

Nutmeg fruits resemble peaches - are V. surinamensis fruits fleshy as well? Or is the similarity more with the nutmeg kernels?
downwardsfromzero said:
You mention urban legend, one that springs to mind is the claim that fresh mace arils contain 5-MeO-DMT and sun-drying them destroys this compound. Virola is indeed a myristicaceous species too.

Nutmeg fruits resemble peaches - are V. surinamensis fruits fleshy as well? Or is the similarity more with the nutmeg kernels?

So check it out
Trying to attach photos but a bit rusty
When do figure it out its of both Virola and nutmeg side by side
Both from the garden
Parrots love them
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