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Weed, psychedelic?

Migrated topic.
In my experience there is a ceiling of somewhere around 2 grams, beyond wich the psychedelic effects stop increasing, no matter how much more you would decide to eat. You just get drowsier.

I think you are correct dragonrider. I believe the human body and mind have a 'cut off' point where you do not get more 'high' you just get more tired and require rest.

I have exactly opposite experience. It has immense depth the more you take. Like 15-20 very potent edibles consumed at once. You will be mostly immobile and could pass out at times but there are very visual levels hidden in very high doses. Could be genetic thing that some will not experience this no matter how much they take. I believe that one could even take more than that and still have more depth, but you would need someone to assist you with basic functions like drinking water etc. because it lasts so long
I know i commented on here 4 years ago, but there's been an update. I believe that at least the paranoia and anxiety from Cannabis is related to Folate/B12 deficiency, likely moreso Folate deficiency, ime. I used to respond well to Cannabis for the first couple years, then it started getting a bit weird on me, i thought it was because of the Aya experimentation and so i kept smoking Cannabis for 10 years straight, i ultimately had to quit because it was just too much psychologically-speaking, and like a few months later i found Delta 8 and HHC and stuck with that ever since. Since then though, i have gotten back to smoking Cannabis again here and there, and when i first started back i was still getting some anxiety and paranoia, but around the same time i started reading into Folate and gave Methylfolate a try (sometimes with Folinic Acid in the mix as well) and of course added in B12, and ever since the anxiety and paranoia seems to have gone away. It seems moreso correlated to Folate, however i think B12 may contribute and B12 deficiency has been linked to paranoia and anxiety, but B12 and Folate work together and ime it's the Folate (particularly the Methylfolate) that helps with the paranoia and anxiety. I am very certain that it is related to lack of Folate/B12 (particularly Folate) and i definitely notice the differences and the impact that supplementing with proper Folate has had, not just with Cannabis but generally. Also, might want to avoid Folic Acid as much as possible, or at least try not to over-indulge as it can cross into the bloodstream unmetabolized and cause problems, including blocking the Folate Receptor Alpha and transport of Methylfolate, as well as Tetrahydrobiopterin.
Very interesting, thank you for that info. I have supplemented with both for quite some time after stopping for the same reason as you, but have no real desire to try it out if the side effects are gone. I still have some baseline anxiety while sober and some OCD so they would be probably be magnified. The non-psychedelic cannabinoids actually work very well for the anxiety and OCD so that's nice.
Very interesting, thank you for that info. I have supplemented with both for quite some time after stopping for the same reason as you, but have no real desire to try it out if the side effects are gone. I still have some baseline anxiety while sober and some OCD so they would be probably be magnified. The non-psychedelic cannabinoids actually work very well for the anxiety and OCD so that's nice.
Yeah i would just say if you do try it, keep in mind the dosages of Methylfolate and B12 and how much you've corrected the deficiency so far, because i have noticed much more benefit as things progress and the days go by, i can definitely feel a much better headspace, i feel my neurotransmitters, my baseline anxiety and such is pretty much gone, it can take some months to really replenish the Folate and B12, but you'll definitely notice the improvement as time rolls on.
I like to play with tolerance levels with cannabis, which I have a good relationship with nowadays because I keep some pot on hand without being a pot head.
Meaning I do not think about using it all the time, but use it successfully when I do.
Last night I used some for the first time in 10 days and it became quite an event and I played my guitar in a fairly psychedelic frame of mind, which is useful for me as it makes music more spatial.

No doubt that cannabis can be a full blown trip for the right person at the right dosage and tolerance level. It's not DMT but it is psychedelic... just that it can cease to be psychedelic enough when it's potential is limited due to overuse.
I think, and i believe i have experienced this as well, that the opposite is also true: that high tolerance for cannabis also blocks some of the effects of psychedelics. So when cannabis becomes less psychedelic for you, there's a good chance that classic psychedelics will also become less impactfull.
I think, and i believe i have experienced this as well, that the opposite is also true: that high tolerance for cannabis also blocks some of the effects of psychedelics. So when cannabis becomes less psychedelic for you, there's a good chance that classic psychedelics will also become less impactfull.
This I'd like to hear more about. That tolerance for cannabis effects other psychedelics. Any info, stories or experiences?
This I'd like to hear more about. That tolerance for cannabis effects other psychedelics. Any info, stories or experiences?
The most common way it can happen is one becomes too 'burnt out' to be a properly ignited spark with clarity during a psychedelic experience that has been too clouded up by the bombardments of bong hits etc. ;)
The most common way it can happen is one becomes too 'burnt out' to be a properly ignited spark with clarity during a psychedelic experience that has been too clouded up by the bombardments of bong hits etc. ;)
Yes. That's exactly what it feels like. It doesn't have to be weeks of daily use even. Taking a massive amount of cannabis is enough for me, to significantly dull the effects of a psychedelic the next day. It feels like the spark has gone. It's not necessarily a useless experience, but it becomes a more a tired, muddy, going through the motions type of ride.
It can be dialed in with experience for an improved relationship with cannabis.
Obviously if you give yourself weed-exacerbated amotivational syndrome it has it's drawbacks.
Just learn balance and moderation with it or abstain.
I was in Amsterdam high on some very potent White Widow in my hotel room with my 2 cousins at night. I've never been so high before, we were laughing and having fun. I went to the bathroom, got a moment to recollect myself, and I locked myself in. I went in the fetus position in a corner dreaming spirits and having all kinds of vivid visions. I got out in the morning.

Note that I am very very sensible to substances. Weed has always been psychedelic for me. When I used to smoke it, I always had dreams of old school cartoons that I've never seen before in my life. My mind was just creating them of thin air, and I could vividly see them. I remember those dreams to this day, and it was almost 10 years ago.

Also note that before weed, I have never tried another substance in my life. Just after weed I started trying mushrooms and I got thrown in the hearth of the universe and had a deep connection with God and Jesus Christ. My life has never been the same since.

I dunno, it's possible i've become too old but to me the "psychedelic" realm always been from LSD and that was a long while ago. Cannabis acts like a key to open the door separating me from a stairway i needed to learn how to climb, while LSD used to carry me to the next stage like an elevator, without much effort at all.

IMO cannabis compares to music, people who didn't train their musical brain when young may not enjoy it as intensely as if they started early. At least i know i never was a good skater and it's now too late to learn for me so i can't play hockey, but although the psychedelic state i get doesn't compare to that of good-old-days LSD it's something that was often acquired with help of cannabis at 1st, then these days when in the mood no buzz is felt necessary to enjoy music and become vibrant. It's all in the ears, or more precisely my auditive cortex... No hallucinations as when i "dropped an acid", the pleasure that is obtained result for active work, no magical push button. Training is only facilitated by cannabis which ain't performing the task for me, without me, independently of me. Nah! Though if not in the mood it all sounds mono, which is sometimes improved with a few puffs, sometimes still not. My guess is we can compare that to semi-conscious dreaming. I'll always miss the LSD experience very much once in a while as i never failed to embrace it, but that's another story!

In some people at certain dose ranges Cannabis is, sadly, a potent psychotomimetic.

Wow! Lets just say i had to search Google over this fancy word...

Then it instantly reminded me of those i tag as « failure experts », especially the ones turned into stars on YouTube like Andrew Huberman who finally got his personal life examined via ma$$-media too - which sheads a less glorious light on such "$¢ientifi¢" knowledge once the details are known... There's also Frank Michalski, another popular YT "coach" who even used makeup to augment his "message", especially sore eyes... But those are do¢tor$ practicing in USA, similar to Anthony Youn who popped up on CNN in December 2013 to warn against the dangers of yet another fancy name illness, alledged to be caused by cannabis: gynecomasty!! Yano.

M'well, in my country the collège des méde¢in$ used to ban diagno$ti¢$ without a real examination, then came the CoViD crisis and remote work.

Personally, one key do¢tor name which nobody thinks of would happen to refer to a career "therapist" who failed to save his own son from suicide, a really twisted story that makes me wordless, so i searched Google again and found « poorly shod shoemaker », as in "the shoemaker's children go barefoot", or "jeweller's children have no jewels", or "the baker's children don't eat cake or bread"... His story was instrumentalized on TV when Justin Trudeau came around with « légaleezation », a most sordid episode of medecine where the common denominator is some form of failure toward the hyppocrate oath vs self-serving. All about failure experts projecting their own shortcomings on others, a pity i can hardly measure through civilized language!

I used to find weed incredibly psychedelic.. in fact I only became interested in taking psychedelics because I was so fascinated by that experience. Honestly in the context of never having taken a drug before, smoking weed for the first time is easily up there with my first experiences with LSD, DMT and psilocybin. The first 20 or so times I smoked it I would have the most enchanting vivid landscapes behind my closed eyes. When I walked outside I could hear bizarre rhythmic and linguistic motifs repeating themselves which I could repeat verbally. I would retreat back into my room after a while and listen to music.. artists like Ott, hallucinogen, shpongle, the orb and pink floyd to name a few. My mind would be blown.. I grew to love music in a way I never knew possible.

I started smoking when I was 16 and still at school so for a while I kept it from my parents. Conveniently I lived in a granny flat up the back of the garden. So at night, I would wait to see all the lights turn off in the house, and I would then walk up to the very back section of the garden and smoke my pipe under the fig tree. When the moon was out, it was this bizarre backdrop behind the fig leaves. I used to gaze at my surroundings for long periods of time - going into really intense dream-like landscapes. Unfortunately, I abused the hell out of this plant.. and once I quit, I never seemed to enjoy it nearly as much when I picked it up again.. It makes me feel more paranoid now. But I must say, writing this is making me feel emotional. Maybe soon it will be time to revisit this beautiful plant.

I really mean it though when I say I found it as psychedelic as taking the classic psychedelics. It was my first psychedelic experience - followed by acid. I owe a lot to weed.
The first 20 or so times I smoked it I would have the most enchanting vivid landscapes behind my closed eyes..

Maybe you've forgotten, i dunno, the 1st few times people often report they felt nothing. I can't remember well either, but i sure picked up quick.

I grew to love music in a way I never knew possible.

That's something i can comprehend easily. I believe cannabis can work as a facilitator in acquiring "filters" allowing to appreciate it, personally i was given classical music at 1st. Then i started to make my own choices, for example David Bowie's 'Heroes' as in the film 'Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo' (1981) left a durable impression, Bryan Ferry's 'Is Your Love Strong Enough' in the film 'Legend' too, and i also liked Gary Numan but my fascination faded for a long while until i heard songs from hybrid, Exile and Pure, especially 'Absolution' and 'Ancients' - besides Pink Floyd and other better known "classics" of popular music to be honest. That wasn't special for a young man but as an elder i was most surprized these last few years to discover "growling" as an enhancer, for example in 'Cathedral Walls' by Swallow The Sun, then just a couple week ago the group King Buffalo via their 4 parts 'Quarantine Sessions' revived another dimension. Yet nothing to compare with the "psychedelics" feeling from LSD although it certainly affects mood in some mesmerizing manner, at least for me.

Anyway, none of that would have been possible if i hadn't 1st unlocked the possibilities many decades ago.

Unfortunately, I abused the hell out of this plant.. and once I quit, I never seemed to enjoy it nearly as much when I picked it up again.. It makes me feel more paranoid now. But I must say, writing this is making me feel emotional. Maybe soon it will be time to revisit this beautiful plant.

There's a difficulty with cannabis IMO and this home-made "reality filter" may help circumvent its negative aspects:
#1) Neuro-plasticity;​
#2) Contaminants;​
#3) Consumption Method & Ritual;​
#4) Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference​

Actually i keep repeating it on social media on occasions. As i've just illustrated, neuro-plasticity (#1) usually comes early but i also found it's still possible to reverse old habit models (#3 & #4) even late in life, like a tendency to fall into the dosing abuse spiral: once lit don't we smoke it to the end, worse if concerned by waste? To me that would be because even if it's possible to extinguish there's going to be too many noble molecules wasted after and before each lit... Then serious worries relative to #2 and #4 may emerge that finally promote some anxiety capable of transforming into paranoïd reflexes, especially when abuse is involved, etc.

Thanks to vaporism i discovered an alternative to #3 and yet a few more years were necessary to enjoy strategies leading to improved self-awareness, not to mention my bill$ divided by 3 after i gradually transitioned to aspects other than the buzz alone; economic stress can matter greatly after all... So, without such embelishing features i'm afraid « Resistance is Futile », which gives quite a new meaning to the title below my alias...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Wow! Lets just say i had to search Google over this fancy word...

Then it instantly reminded me of those i tag as « failure experts », especially the ones turned into stars on YouTube like Andrew Huberman who finally got his personal life examined via ma$$-media too - which sheads a less glorious light on such "$¢ientifi¢" knowledge once the details are known... There's also Frank Michalski, another popular YT "coach" who even used makeup to augment his "message", especially sore eyes... But those are do¢tor$ practicing in USA, similar to Anthony Youn who popped up on CNN in December 2013 to warn against the dangers of yet another fancy name illness, alledged to be caused by cannabis: gynecomasty!! Yano.

M'well, in my country the collège des méde¢in$ used to ban diagno$ti¢$ without a real examination, then came the CoViD crisis and remote work.

Personally, one key do¢tor name which nobody thinks of would happen to refer to a career "therapist" who failed to save his own son from suicide, a really twisted story that makes me wordless, so i searched Google again and found « poorly shod shoemaker », as in "the shoemaker's children go barefoot", or "jeweller's children have no jewels", or "the baker's children don't eat cake or bread"... His story was instrumentalized on TV when Justin Trudeau came around with « légaleezation », a most sordid episode of medecine where the common denominator is some form of failure toward the hyppocrate oath vs self-serving. All about failure experts projecting their own shortcomings on others, a pity i can hardly measure through civilized language!

I'm personally acquainted with multiple people (besides myself) who required actual psychiatric care after smoking too much overly-strong (THC-heavy) weed. So there is that.

I wouldn't be so shallow as to blame it entirely on the weed though - even if a more favourable ratio of CBD may well have taken the edge off things, not that we really even knew about that in the mid-late '90s.
Just get off my back, this is starting to sound much like Andrew Huberman projecting his reproductive difficulties on others to who he recommends not to masturbate, using such an opportunity to make juxtapositions with cannabis, of course.
After Aya cannabis changed for me. Far more psychedelic. I have boatloads of respect for this plant after spending many years in over consumption of it.

Additionally, once someone who is probably me was preparing 1oz of kind in a cup or two of coconut oil. Someone got excited to taste some. Someone realized someone had never tried to trip heavy on ganja so someone ate it all.

Someone is definitely me and what ensued was as follows: when the visuals came, they came nearly identical to strong LSD hallucinations. At first, it was pleasant. However it was a very short period of pleasantry as it became extremely unpleasant very rapidly. I then went to sleep for 72 hours awakening once to hydrate. Not recommended but I did learn it is extremely psychedelic.

I bet there is a way to mitigate the major hit we take (melatonin wise?) so it could be ridden like a tiger through the night (or multiple nights lol).
Maybe you've forgotten, i dunno, the 1st few times people often report they felt nothing. I can't remember well either, but i sure picked up quick.

That's something i can comprehend easily. I believe cannabis can work as a facilitator in acquiring "filters" allowing to appreciate it, personally i was given classical music at 1st. Then i started to make my own choices, for example David Bowie's 'Heroes' as in the film 'Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo' (1981) left a durable impression, Bryan Ferry's 'Is Your Love Strong Enough' in the film 'Legend' too, and i also liked Gary Numan but my fascination faded for a long while until i heard songs from hybrid, Exile and Pure, especially 'Absolution' and 'Ancients' - besides Pink Floyd and other better known "classics" of popular music to be honest. That wasn't special for a young man but as an elder i was most surprized these last few years to discover "growling" as an enhancer, for example in 'Cathedral Walls' by Swallow The Sun, then just a couple week ago the group King Buffalo via their 4 parts 'Quarantine Sessions' revived another dimension. Yet nothing to compare with the "psychedelics" feeling from LSD although it certainly affects mood in some mesmerizing manner, at least for me.

Anyway, none of that would have been possible if i hadn't 1st unlocked the possibilities many decades ago.

There's a difficulty with cannabis IMO and this home-made "reality filter" may help circumvent its negative aspects:
#1) Neuro-plasticity;​
#2) Contaminants;​
#3) Consumption Method & Ritual;​
#4) Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference​

Actually i keep repeating it on social media on occasions. As i've just illustrated, neuro-plasticity (#1) usually comes early but i also found it's still possible to reverse old habit models (#3 & #4) even late in life, like a tendency to fall into the dosing abuse spiral: once lit don't we smoke it to the end, worse if concerned by waste? To me that would be because even if it's possible to extinguish there's going to be too many noble molecules wasted after and before each lit... Then serious worries relative to #2 and #4 may emerge that finally promote some anxiety capable of transforming into paranoïd reflexes, especially when abuse is involved, etc.

Thanks to vaporism i discovered an alternative to #3 and yet a few more years were necessary to enjoy strategies leading to improved self-awareness, not to mention my bill$ divided by 3 after i gradually transitioned to aspects other than the buzz alone; economic stress can matter greatly after all... So, without such embelishing features i'm afraid « Resistance is Futile », which gives quite a new meaning to the title below my alias...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
Just to assure you, I find this to be a great and thoughtful post (particularly those 4 points), so much so that I'm going to give it a bit longer in mulling it over in the hope that I can make a more relevant response that does it adequate justice. Cannabis played a huge role in my life for several decades and I feel like the ideas you've laid out here will help to bring some much-needed insight.
Just to assure you, I find this to be a great and thoughtful post (particularly those 4 points), so much so that I'm going to give it a bit longer in mulling it over in the hope that I can make a more relevant response that does it adequate justice. Cannabis played a huge role in my life for several decades and I feel like the ideas you've laid out here will help to bring some much-needed insight.

Mister moderator, you should have noticed by now that flattery ain't causing me to melt down and neither am i seeking friendship on social media, but if any of this is sincere then please consider there's only one proof i really value under the circumstances and that would be a fair sample of review made possible by some independent duplication, as i'm most convinced the consumption method & ritual (#3) actually allow the shaping of a user's profile eventually. Yet, being opposed to 3rd-party predatory attitudes as prohibitionism, i've always promoted honesty and respect in paving the way to health-wise conversion and that's why i often refer to a « weapon of massive seduction »: e.g. the tool must not impose a choice, only multiply opportunities to experience an alternative model other than the typical spiral of dosing abuse so characteristic of the cigarette/joint format.

Back in 2014 or so i noticed the Syqe dry herb vaporizer because it fractions 1 gram into 70 doses of ~14.3 gram, which is a little extreme to me to be honest. In any case i've modified my VaporGenie pipe until each puff would "cost" about 25 ~ 35 mg of shredded material, etc. The implication of it has been to multiply chances to gain better self-awareness and even deconstruct old inherited reflexes acquired in a prohibitionist environment decades ago (that has to do with item #1).

It turns out just yesterday a technological evolution was officially announced as 1 teaser picture on Instagram including the manufacturer's web site. *THAT* is what Egzoset returns here for once in a while exactly, it's always been my motivation engine and now a new hope is born again because i already experienced my #3 reality-filter affecting the legacy of all others, not to mention #2 and #4.

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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