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Welcome to the 5-Hive forum

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi DMT Nexus members,

The moderators of 5-Hive invite you to 5meodmt.org, a forum dedicated to the discussion of all topics related to 5-MeO-DMT in all its forms. We focus on spreading accurate, unbiased harm-reduction information and aim to create a safe online environment for those seeking knowledge, integration assistance and supportive community.

We encourage Nexus members interested in learning more about this particular molecule and those who have knowledge and experience to offer to check out the site and join the growing conversation.


I haven't listened to it yet, but there's an interview with Rafael Lancelotta,😉 the creator of the site on this week's Psychedelics Today podcast , which is one of the better ones out there.

But again, yes the site does have its issues having to do with the hosting platform that maybe it a little less than optimal, BUT that will only change if more people visit and help it grow...

The folks there now refect the same attitude towards a powerful substance that most people here assume towards n,n DMT, that is why nexus members in particular will appreciate it.

I owe so much to so little in regards to a few incredible interactions with 5meo-Dmt. More needs to learned about it and i feel it in particular is the 'panacea' above all others.

EDIT :listened to the podcast last night and really liked what I heard. Rafael expressed a viewpoint that maintained respect for the value of the substance without veering into the outlandish and mystical. His attitude towards harm reduction in particular relation to this drug is commendable. One thing that I worry about with promoting 5meo DMT is the very real possibility of it causing more problems than it helps, and people using it without taking the very necessary precautions. DMT nexus was brought up, and there was a certain amount of disdain expressed regarding the typical 'just do it' attitude here, and that that isn't necessarily a good approach with 5.

Be also talks about the use of toad venom and how synthetic is far more ethical
Hi null24,

Yes, a lot of work has gone into it this year and with just 5 of us moderating, we are seeking to get the word out and encourage the dialogue. There are many issues around this medicine that are coming to light as it seemingly grows in popularity and hopefully we can learn from the issues faced in the past by the ayahuasca boom and n-n-DMT awareness. We hope to cover as much as we can and structural issue like platform layout will only evolve for the better.

haven't listened to Raf's interview yet, but keep an eye out for more podcasts and social media announcing our presence. Thanks for your interest and look forward to your contributions there.
JefFlux said:
Hi null24,

Yes, a lot of work has gone into it this year and with just 5 of us moderating, we are seeking to get the word out and encourage the dialogue. There are many issues around this medicine that are coming to light as it seemingly grows in popularity and hopefully we can learn from the issues faced in the past by the ayahuasca boom and n-n-DMT awareness. We hope to cover as much as we can and structural issue like platform layout will only evolve for the better.

haven't listened to Raf's interview yet, but keep an eye out for more podcasts and social media announcing our presence. Thanks for your interest and look forward to your contributions there.
Yeah, I'm all complains and no solution.:? I need to make it a point to visit more often, I've put a few things there, but not much in the way of dialogue.

I don't have a ton of tech at my disposal, but I do have time and if there's anything I can do to take help make the work load a little lighter, feel free to PM me and go from there, anytime. I like what's going on there and want to see it succeed.
Thanks null24 - We have an security certificate that encrypts all transactions. We use SSL encryption
Just had a quick look at the site, very nice from what I've seen!

Never tried 5-MeO, and in my current home I never will because of the risk of loud noises - that nasty hag next door will call the police as soon as I start screaming on top of my lungs ;)
Let's definitely join as well. It's one fascinating molécule, and animal Venom. I was blown away from the Venom. Maybe its the synergy, but I'm up to discuss it in 5 hive forum.
I heard about this forum on the Psychedelics Today podcast. I am considering joining, but the first couple of threads I read were people singing the praises of "Dr" Martin Ball. Someone who I find to be a negative presence in the psychedelic community. My interactions with him showed me that he was an ego driven charlatan who has seemingly been taught nothing by extensive experience with ego death. Is he still selling 20mgs of Salvia Divinorum for $300 or whatever and then interpreting your experience for you?

Is he a major presence on the board?
Are his disciples a major presence on the board?
Has he changed?

I'm interested to learn about this molecule and may even like to try it some day, but if this is an outlet for the snake oil philosophy of Martin Ball, I'll steer clear.

Sorry to bring up a possibly sore subject, but I'm sure I'm not alone in these concerns. As a long time Nexus member, I remember the time when he spread his vile interpretation of enlightenment here, and I don't want to experience it again.
Mister_Niles said:
I heard about this forum on the Psychedelics Today podcast. I am considering joining, but the first couple of threads I read were people singing the praises of "Dr" Martin Ball. Someone who I find to be a negative presence in the psychedelic community. My interactions with him showed me that he was an ego driven charlatan who has seemingly been taught nothing by extensive experience with ego death. Is he still selling 20mgs of Salvia Divinorum for $300 or whatever and then interpreting your experience for you?

Is he a major presence on the board?
Are his disciples a major presence on the board?
Has he changed?

I'm interested to learn about this molecule and may even like to try it some day, but if this is an outlet for the snake oil philosophy of Martin Ball, I'll steer clear.

Sorry to bring up a possibly sore subject, but I'm sure I'm not alone in these concerns. As a long time Nexus member, I remember the time when he spread his vile interpretation of enlightenment here, and I don't want to experience it again.

I just joined. All very good points - I will keep my eyes open for that.


Mister_Niles said:
I heard about this forum on the Psychedelics Today podcast. I am considering joining, but the first couple of threads I read were people singing the praises of "Dr" Martin Ball. Someone who I find to be a negative presence in the psychedelic community. My interactions with him showed me that he was an ego driven charlatan who has seemingly been taught nothing by extensive experience with ego death. Is he still selling 20mgs of Salvia Divinorum for $300 or whatever and then interpreting your experience for you?

Is he a major presence on the board?
Are his disciples a major presence on the board?
Has he changed?

I'm interested to learn about this molecule and may even like to try it some day, but if this is an outlet for the snake oil philosophy of Martin Ball, I'll steer clear.

Sorry to bring up a possibly sore subject, but I'm sure I'm not alone in these concerns. As a long time Nexus member, I remember the time when he spread his vile interpretation of enlightenment here, and I don't want to experience it again.

Hey Mister_Niles,

There is bound to be a little occasional discussion on there about Martin Ball given his involvement with 5-MeO, but I know for a fact that one of my friends and founders of the 5 Hive forum doesn't think much at all to his conduct or approach (or his ego). Also one of the aims of the forum is to provide accurate and unbiased information, and call out 5-MeO/Bufo practitioners who may be putting people at risk. Also I hear you regarding your views of Ball, for someone who has annihilated their ego as much as he has he still seems to have one hell of an ego! And his views I find to be pretty dogmatic (even though he claims the opposite). James Oroc is much more my cup of tea as 5-MeO peeps go. I'm not sure Ball is a member of the forum and until you pointed it out, I've not really noticed any pro-Ball sentiment, or anything Ball related on there at all actually, so I don't think many of his followers are on there, but then I don't go on there that often.

One thing I've noticed with 5-MeO/Bufo is that, given the extraordinary power of the substance and the experiences it produces, there is a tendency for people to develop guru/messiah complexes and project this onto treatment providers, which of course isn't healthy. People seem to a get a bit too hung up on the messenger when it's the message that's important.
For the record, I have been in the presense of one of his disciples(well..someone introduced to meo through Ball), and found her to be of good charater, honest and extremely grounded..a licenced and practicing psychedelic psychotherapist..with synthetic 5-MeO-DMT. This is a person who has raised kids,.out theres in the world with some life experience...has a PhD... with real connections to people like MAPS who you would want a way to connect with..

Just pointing out that just because someone learns from someone else, does not mean they ARE that person. This person I am speaking about would be a valuable addition to any psychedelic forum.

Im a bit put off by the fad surrounding the molecule and characters involved atm. It's a wonderful psychedelic.
Hi Mister_Niles

As global moderator at the 5-Hive, thanks for your interest and for expressing your concerns. To answer your questions concerning Martin Ball right of the bat;

Is he a major presence on the board? NO
Are his disciples a major presence on the board? NO
Has he changed? (I do not know the man personally, so cannot say)

As a site dedicated to accurate, quality information with the aim of assisting in beneficial development and harm reduction related to individual and community use of, and interest in 5-MeO-DMT, we do not have any particular affiliations with any individual or group practitioners, retreat site or authors nor do we seek to advocates for or promoters any. This we feel allows us to achieve our stated aims and best provide the most effective service we can for those interested in this molecule.

As Bancopuma has rightly pointed out
There is bound to be a little occasional discussion on there about Martin Ball given his involvement with 5-MeO
, as there will undoubtedly be with other high profile figures in the 5-MeO and entheogenic world. Also the observation that
given the extraordinary power of the substance and the experiences it produces, there is a tendency for people to develop guru/messiah complexes and project this onto treatment providers
, this is a pertinent point at the moment in light of Hamilton Morris' recent episode of Pharmacopia 'The Psychedelic Toad'. While a most fascinating, thoroughly researched and well presented show, like a lot of media covering The Toad (and 5-MeO), one or more of a small set of individual figures (three to be precise) tend to be featured and consequently, in the public eye, stand out as 'spokespeople' for this medicine. The 5-Hive seeks to address this by creating a place where a community of seekers, experimenters, seasoned travellers and servers can participate in a free exchange of knowledge to support each other in the process of discovering more about this amazing molecule from each other - much as people have done here at the DMT Nexus since its inception.

thanks in advance for reading this response and I hope it helps others to get a feel for where we are at over at The 5-Hive (I may suggest to other mods that we make this non-affiliation status more explicitly outlined in the 'Manifesto' and the 'Terms of Use and Registration Agreement' sections).

JefFlux said:
Hi Mister_Niles

As global moderator at the 5-Hive, thanks for your interest and for expressing your concerns. To answer your questions concerning Martin Ball right of the bat;

Is he a major presence on the board? NO
Are his disciples a major presence on the board? NO
Has he changed? (I do not know the man personally, so cannot say)

As a site dedicated to accurate, quality information with the aim of assisting in beneficial development and harm reduction related to individual and community use of, and interest in 5-MeO-DMT, we do not have any particular affiliations with any individual or group practitioners, retreat site or authors nor do we seek to advocates for or promoters any. This we feel allows us to achieve our stated aims and best provide the most effective service we can for those interested in this molecule.

As Bancopuma has rightly pointed out
There is bound to be a little occasional discussion on there about Martin Ball given his involvement with 5-MeO
, as there will undoubtedly be with other high profile figures in the 5-MeO and entheogenic world. Also the observation that
given the extraordinary power of the substance and the experiences it produces, there is a tendency for people to develop guru/messiah complexes and project this onto treatment providers
, this is a pertinent point at the moment in light of Hamilton Morris' recent episode of Pharmacopia 'The Psychedelic Toad'. While a most fascinating, thoroughly researched and well presented show, like a lot of media covering The Toad (and 5-MeO), one or more of a small set of individual figures (three to be precise) tend to be featured and consequently, in the public eye, stand out as 'spokespeople' for this medicine. The 5-Hive seeks to address this by creating a place where a community of seekers, experimenters, seasoned travellers and servers can participate in a free exchange of knowledge to support each other in the process of discovering more about this amazing molecule from each other - much as people have done here at the DMT Nexus since its inception.

thanks in advance for reading this response and I hope it helps others to get a feel for where we are at over at The 5-Hive (I may suggest to other mods that we make this non-affiliation status more explicitly outlined in the 'Manifesto' and the 'Terms of Use and Registration Agreement' sections).


I am reassured. Thanks JetFlux, :)

I am also reassured. Thank all of you for your input. I'm signing up. I don't know if I'll ever run across the molecule as I am older and don't get out much, but I should know as much as I can about it, just in case.
Okay,okay,I'm lame. I finally made it over there (and bookmarked etc) and see that it's been improved and there is more traffic starting.

I like the new subforums, like 'Plant-Based 5-MeO-DMT Experiences and Testimonials".
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