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What are some good detox kits/tips?

Migrated topic.
haxxorz said:
When grown organic you are eating fruit without traces of the many chemicals, which in my believe, are slowly poisoning your body. And I am not even touching the gen modification subject.

Same goes for meat... it's filled with anti-biotics, hormones and whatnot, but guess what those animals even eat the same polluted shit we eat. Any stuff that is not fit to be consumed any more by humans goes directly to the animal food factory's. Chips, toothpaste, snickers, meat anything goes in the same pot.

Well, just to be clear, "organic" (check the definition of that in your own country) doesn't mean "no chemicals" and you can find good meat on farmers market (by asking them how they feed/treat their animals) or by studying different labels. Demeter for the newly rich.
universecannon said:
no..how could you get the bad out when you are continuing to just put it back in?

it actually makes no sense to think one needs to sufficiently detox before you can start eating healthy. eating healthy is detoxing..you cant detox well when your still consuming garbage. the other detox methods (like those mentioned in this thread) + a healthy diet is the way to go..

Well, like I said, I've cut back on the processed junk but I do see what you are saying. I guess we just see it a little differently. Thanks for your advice, universecannon, I will seriously consider it.
shaolin organic food is chem free period. if not, its not organic period. That it might be labeled as organic while it isnt, is a different story.

let me quote wiki for you since it is pretty clearly formulated:

Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.

i guess you are aiming at the fact that the legal definition of "organic" might vary per country?
I see no benefit to consuming organic food, and I've consumed it before.
it seems to be nothing more than clever advertising.
maybe it's just preference of people who have their beliefs rather than a rationale backed
by strong evidence.

I'm more concerned about drinking tap water, because of where it originates.
chelating agents in the form of supplements eliminate ingested heavy metals, and a
filter at the tap or pitcher is always good to have. the end product is basically deionized water.
Remember that the only way to move beyond your depression, anxiety, etc is to think differently. You can pick a big long treatment method that may eventually cause you to behave in a productive manner if you follow it... but that's just punishing yourself by putting off your relief. Your depression is merely a habit, and if you don't like it, it's a bad habit. You break a bad habit by simply not doing it, and doing something positive instead.

Regardless of why it happens, what you allow yourself to become absorbed in is your own choice. I've met people with severe depression who are not depressed; Severe anxiety who are not anxious... Negative thoughts and feelings occur to them (often all the time), but they simply choose not to become rapt in these thoughts and feelings, and go about their business as they choose. Hell, I've met a paranoid schizophrenic who handled it the same way and exhibited no symptoms other than to herself... she is still a healthy, happy and stable woman last I heard, and doing quite well.

You don't become your urge to urinate, do you? You don't lose all control when you see a sexually attractive woman, do you? Well there's no reason you should become anxious or depressed just because you feel these things. This is just a weakness of will, you are much stronger than to allow this to happen (I assume you can use a toilet properly as well).

These feelings are not you, they are happening as/to a part of you. Just keep in mind that you are not these feelings and are perfectly well able to separate yourself and go on about your business as you wish. If you wind this hard to do, I would suggest some awareness meditation. Alan Watts is the man if you need some insight.
For detox, etc... the game is pretty simple. Eat properly, getting enough fuel and nutrients to allow your body to do its job. Keep it as natural as possible, and avoid foods and drugs that alter your body's normal function, such as sugar, drugs, omega-6 fats (feedlot meats, etc), and anything else that doesn't seem purely beneficial and wholesome.. (la dietta-esque, if you want to get all newage with it). Comfortably stretch enough to relax your muscles, exercise enough to allow them to reshape into a healthy system, make an effort to clear your mind of the thought structures you live within (live free of your or any others' rules), make sure you are in a comfortable, healthy environment, and drink around a gallon of water throughout the day... While doing all of that, learn about yourself, your condition, and most importantly... take the time and effort to get a good handle on who you are (DMT ego-death helps if it doesn't rattle your brain too much) and how you must change your behavior in order to live your life the way you want to. Chances are, it won't be too drastic. And then... Change your behavior in order to live your life the way you want to. Godspeed.
Simon Jester said:
Remember that the only way to move beyond your depression, anxiety, etc is to think differently. You can pick a big long treatment method that may eventually cause you to behave in a productive manner if you follow it... but that's just punishing yourself by putting off your relief. Your depression is merely a habit, and if you don't like it, it's a bad habit. You break a bad habit by simply not doing it, and doing something positive instead.

Regardless of why it happens, what you allow yourself to become absorbed in is your own choice. I've met people with severe depression who are not depressed; Severe anxiety who are not anxious... Negative thoughts and feelings occur to them (often all the time), but they simply choose not to become rapt in these thoughts and feelings, and go about their business as they choose. Hell, I've met a paranoid schizophrenic who handled it the same way and exhibited no symptoms other than to herself... she is still a healthy, happy and stable woman last I heard, and doing quite well.

You don't become your urge to urinate, do you? You don't lose all control when you see a sexually attractive woman, do you? Well there's no reason you should become anxious or depressed just because you feel these things. This is just a weakness of will, you are much stronger than to allow this to happen (I assume you can use a toilet properly as well).

These feelings are not you, they are happening as/to a part of you. Just keep in mind that you are not these feelings and are perfectly well able to separate yourself and go on about your business as you wish. If you wind this hard to do, I would suggest some awareness meditation. Alan Watts is the man if you need some insight.
For detox, etc... the game is pretty simple. Eat properly, getting enough fuel and nutrients to allow your body to do its job. Keep it as natural as possible, and avoid foods and drugs that alter your body's normal function, such as sugar, drugs, omega-6 fats (feedlot meats, etc), and anything else that doesn't seem purely beneficial and wholesome.. (la dietta-esque, if you want to get all newage with it). Comfortably stretch enough to relax your muscles, exercise enough to allow them to reshape into a healthy system, make an effort to clear your mind of the thought structures you live within (live free of your or any others' rules), make sure you are in a comfortable, healthy environment, and drink around a gallon of water throughout the day... While doing all of that, learn about yourself, your condition, and most importantly... take the time and effort to get a good handle on who you are (DMT ego-death helps if it doesn't rattle your brain too much) and how you must change your behavior in order to live your life the way you want to. Chances are, it won't be too drastic. And then... Change your behavior in order to live your life the way you want to. Godspeed.

I dont agree with a large portion of this post to be perfectly honest..depression a habit?..maybe in some cases. To deny the physical makeup of the human body is a fools errand. If you are putting thing in that are not congruent or not putting in the things that are necessary and congruent there are going to be problems at some point. Yes, eating an diet that is not sufficient is going to be habitual at some point..and a habit so ingrained as a dietary one is going to be a hard cycle to break..but is an issue more complicated than saying "anxiety/depression etc is just a habit". It sounds like something a high school councellor would say and does not hold a whole lot of weight behind it. The brain is a chemical computer and obviousily if you dont put in what was meant to be put in than it is going to go out of whack. Why do people suffering from depression benifit from higher levels of seratonin if it rally is all just a habit? I would agree that in part it is certain habits that people have, and that what can start out as a stressful exterior situation can have serious effects on the chemisty that is going on in the brain/body. It is far more complex than you have made it out to be in your post. If someone is lacking in certain enzymes/vitamines/minerals/neurotransmitter or a mix of these things at once just changing the way you think is not going to fix the problem IMO unless that new way of thinking is going to take all of this into concideration and serious changes are made on a very physical/tangible level as well. That is real hostistil thinking. This wishy washy bs about just thinking differently without adressing the rest of the picture is not a holistic view of the thing at all..it is missing half of what is relevant.
fractal enchantment said:
This wishy washy bs about just thinking differently without adressing the rest of the picture is not a holistic view of the thing at all..it is missing half of what is relevant.

I was thinking the same thing.

Simon Jester- I do appreciate your advice, and you have some good points, but I agree with Fractal that it's not as simple as breaking a habit. My intuition tells me that a holistic change must take place on many levels- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, with consideration to Intention and available energy from those levels.
I see no benefit to consuming organic food, and I've consumed it before.

so you see no benefit in avoiding pesticides/chemicals?

or are you truly believing that the western safety standards also account for your food coming from utterly corrupt country's?

p.s. getting organic food from a local farm is often cheaper then normal food at the supermarket (transport, personnel, etc = extra costs).
The habit I am speaking of is the habit of just following along with what your brain says, being depressed on chemical cue... there really aren't many sober experiences that rate a 3 on the shulgin scale. You really can just keep living your life, it's a matter of willpower and knowing how to navigate your mental states, not just wallowing in a state, grasping for change.

The brain is a chemical computer, and many of its dysfunctions have chemical roots (anxiety and depression largely among those)... Chemicals create states. States create chemicals (Or have you never felt the exhilarating chemical rush as you plummet on a coaster, listen to a beautiful song, or join with your lover?). I never said that changing ones' diet isn't important, in fact it is very important. However, you can have the best diet in the world, and if you are following your brain's instructions to be depressed, you will continue to be the epitome of healthy depression.

The point is that if you don't happen to like the state of your biochemical computer, change your state of mind and have the willpower to just continue on with your day. Your brain will follow suit and re-address the chemicals it's pumping.

I'm not trying to argue, just pointing out that the cognitive/chemical relationship in the brain is everything, and it's entirely synergistic. If you want to be a victim of your current state, then do feel free to wallow in depression... if you want to work with your brain to feel better, then you must have control of the cognitive side of the cognitive/chemical synergy. It's silly to just randomly poke the chemical side and wait for a cognitive response, when the cognitive side is under the control of your will and has just as profound an effect on the chemical state of your brain as the chemical state of your brain has on the cognitive state.

Sorry if I seem like an inexperienced councilor... I must be having a particularly dry day. I'm relaying what I learned while sitting, in gear, in my truck on the edge of a 500' ravine. I'm not copypasting out of "child phychology and you". I would take the fact that I'm typing this message as a clue that I'm not entirely full of crap.
I agree with you that it is essentially all in how a person thinks..What I meant was that it is just so complicated. People who buy kraft dinner and mcdonalds for their kids have a serious lack of clarity IMO..people who drink pepsi or coke instead of real juice or water are somewhat temporarily insane..and I am serious. I judge people like this every single day, for sure. Call me egotistical if you want. If you think that it is good for you or that by giving your kids junk you are doing them a favor you need to seriousily get a reality check it is child abuse. I see fat kids with fat moms giving their kids fast food all the time not really caring at all about what they are doing to these kids. I know I sound radical here but the reality of the situation is that these people are setting up the situation for their kids to be overweight, with diabetes and all kinds of other disorders. They are willing to feed kids corn pops and msg/pesticide laden toxic crap yet if you refuse a flu shot for your kid they want to yell child abuse. Fast food and poor dietary habits are so common these days that people dont think twice about it. It is insanity. People will live on TV dinners, beer, pizza, soda and candy and not think twice about it..those people are freaking insane. Maybe(most likely) they were brought up that way and so are not too inclined to think otherwise, but that does not make it a form of self destructive insantiy. It is just like having a destructive drug habit. I dont really see the difference other than society totally supports destructive eating habits. It is all about how people are taught to think.

It has everything to do with how you think. If you continue on eating a junk diet you obviousily think something is fine about that. Fine, if you want to have your body break down. Usually people start to get the message sooner or later and think a bit more clearly about the situation and that leads to different actions. When someone thinks clearly they might realize that maybe some steamed veggies, fruit and other whole foods and juice or water might be a better choice than fast food, tv dinners and beer.

The reason people make many of the choices they make is because they are not thinking clearly enough. We all do it in some aspect of our lives, I dont think anyone is really excused here. The way we think leads to the actions we take. Just thinking differently is not going to be enough if it does not inspire a change in how we act.
Oh yea fractal. I agree. It is only extreme from their "insane" point of view. Someone who at least knows that fast food is not doing you any good, must not feed their kids this stuff, simple. At least not as a regular, main piece of their diets. I mean, if a kiod gets invited to a birthday party at McDonalds, I would propably argue, that conscessions needs to be made in order to maintain at least some of the childs social functioning. But daily burgers at home ? I wouldn't do that, no way.
obliguhl said:
I mean, if a kiod gets invited to a birthday party at McDonalds, I would propably argue, that conscessions needs to be made in order to maintain at least some of the childs social functioning.

Giving cash to a multinational that is raping our planet is an okay price for a childs social functioning?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I would honestly not want my kid to go to a birthday party at mcdonalds..I dont think I would want my kids eating that crap at all..but I will homeschool my kids and they will socialize with other kids who's parents would most likely not be sending them off to mcdonalds either. I wont make my kids eat a 100% raw diet, but I will raise them as vegans. If they really really wanted to try eating meat I would let them try it and most likely they will get sick and not want it again. I know someone else who did this and her kid got sick from it and doesnt want it.

In the case of them invited to a party at mcdonalds..I would rather make better food that I can give to the kids parents to give to all the kids there than have my kid(and all the other kids) eat that crap.
Another effective way of body detoxification is colon hydrotherapy (enema). This method instantly cleanses the body from toxins, and the result is feeling light and released. There are kits available online, also medical centers that provide this type of therapy. I have a kit of my own and use it twice a month. It's also a great cancer prevention method. Enemas can also help rid the organism of toxins while fasting, to maximize the results.
^ That makes a lot of sense, but seems highly unpleasant.:shock: This is where teleportation technology would come in handy. Beam it out, Scotty! :d
drishti said:
Another effective way of body detoxification is colon hydrotherapy (enema). This method instantly cleanses the body from toxins, and the result is feeling light and released. There are kits available online, also medical centers that provide this type of therapy. I have a kit of my own and use it twice a month. It's also a great cancer prevention method. Enemas can also help rid the organism of toxins while fasting, to maximize the results.

Source ? Let's not make unsupportable health claims.
Shaolin said:
Source ? Let's not make unsupportable health claims.

All evidence regarding colonic hydrotherapy is merely anecdotal. There is no scientific proof of it being 100% effective in cancer treatment, but let's not forget it's an alternative prevention method. Using enemas you clean your large intestine from toxins (this is especially indicated if one is suffering from chronic constipation) and cancer, that is a degenerative disease has less chance to develop in a clean organism. There are loads of information on its effectiveness, despite it being considered controversial by many medical professionals.
A few links that provide more info on this topic:

Cancer's Enema No. 1? Make That 2

Elimination - The Enema By William Howard Hay, M.D. - Rethinking Cancer



This makes me think of another detox method, colloidal silver, used as antiviral and antibacterial treatment, with no scientific proof at all, only anecdotal. However, this was the only way my mum could get rid of her invasive herpes, an infection that couldn't be cured by 3 different doctors, for 5 months. With colloidal silver, the herpes was gone in 3 days and never returned. These alternative methods can indeed be effective for many people, despite the controverses / lack of scientific support surrounding them.

Thank you, Shaolin for your request for more information, I'm sorry for not being accurate in the first place. Enemas are not scientifically proven to be an effective cancer prevention method. Anyone who wishes to try it, is advised to consult a specialist and / or to do a thorough research on the topic.
Great reply, drishti, and thank you for the links. I'll check them out. I think most people, especially in Fast Food America could benefit from colon hydrotherapy, it makes a lot of sense, with or without scientific proof.
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