pilotsimone said:
Man, it feels good to read this. I have been so incredibly lonely with these thoughts. Thank you!
On the surface, it sure seems like we are alone and isolated in our time here on earth. Thankfully, our Creator gave us Sacred plants that are powerful allies in our understanding of the truth behind the facade. So too, our fellow seekers and psychonautical compatriots help to hold our spirits high. Sages and mystics have gifted us with sound methods to pierce through the mirage of ego-identification and awaken into a brighter balance of being. Meditation, reflection and contemplation are stars by which we can guild our soul homewards. :idea:
When I feel alone, I focus on remembering who and what I am... a construct of body, heart, thought and circumstance. The deeper I look, the more I feel a profound peace. Ironically, without any substance to call my own, I find joy in the freedom from caring about how much control I actually have over my existence and how much I need to be certain about everything around me and it's absolute solidity of being. In abandonment is the birth of genuine faith. This alone can free us from fear and uncertainty. We are one.
I'm not suggesting apathy or denial of living in the material plane, rather, I encourage you to find the answer within yourself and acquire knowledge of your original face, your true self. Beyond the boundaries of the known, what we are conditioned to see as
reality, is an abundance of potentiality in every passing moment.
You are not alone, you are forever interwoven into the tapestry which is Divine Mind, what psychonauts call
The Grid. All minds united by the waves and particles of the unbound current of Universal Spirit, the insubstantial expansion of the Godhead. I would even go as far as suggesting that in our unity, are actually the same being experiencing innumerable vantage-points at once, the Omniself.
Fearlessly grab a hold of the chance to choose rebirth over the abyss. I've been there and when one takes one step towards the Light, the next steps are easier and easier to take. We all find comfort in community. Yes, it's nice to know other souls have been in your shoes and have gone through the flames of purification, the purging of our past illusions... and come out more whole and inspired to reach further and discover even brighter visions and greater truths.
When we see the interconnectedness and oneness, we are one moment closer to realizing that we are the composer of our own song, the mind which dreams our own unique dream. We all are the same in this way. It's good to support each other in this journey of awakening, for in this light, we are pretty cool bunch of oddball terrestrials. I have found much support from our Nexian family members and I hope to share in this atmosphere of kindness.
Peace, balance and understanding to you and your family.