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What do I look like on the other side?

Migrated topic.


I rather root my values in my own hallucinations t
Have you ever wondered how the entities are viewing you in hyperspace?

What seems to be many time a face to face confrontation with different beings of different kinds, and where these are as clear as any creatures walking this earth, from our perspective.. Now..

How do we appear to them? Human shape? Or? I would just love to see some creative answers here!:))
Ok... nothing wrong with that haha... and we all look like that or do we look different? I mean the ego is left on earth yes? and due to replacement of seratonoin by dmt our sort of ohysical appearance has already collapsed.. but apparently they are looking at someone.. or something haha
Turned inside out? :p

Let's suppose that we do have a form in hyperspace, the way we would see ourselves(as if we are looking into a mirror) will probably be different form the way other entities see us, same thing how animals have different vision than we do.. both of these perceptions would be hard to imagine.

I think an answer based on intuition would be good
How do you feel about it?
Jees said:
The strange entities you meet happen to be other nexians that took a rip :lol:


In that case I need to have some serious talk with some of the members here! haha

Sakkadelic, I have no idea at all.. They seem to be looking at someone/something at least.. But the answer to this question is probably harder to answer than most of our existential questions.. but I like this one.. it should be next to: where do we come from and similar.. How do we look at the other side? the new fundamentally scientifical mission!:)

I think it is like "tatt" writes.. same same but different... same with the ego.. Who are we after we left the ego burning on the 50mg pile? I at least feel highly personified.. as an unique being..
But when you do the same journey do you feel exactly the same or?

I like to see our soul like the energy in electricity with different watts, volt ohm etc.. we are all energy but maybe the watts and volt definies us... That´s why we can have a sort of personified/identity without the ego..
And as most monkeys I have no idea what I am talking about!:)
Astonish said:
I always figured we are a anthropomorphous entity, or just some sort of pure energy.

Yes but it would be interesting to know how we appear outside this body... maybe we have many morpheusis shapes.. reminds me of the Blob figure in that Disney movie The Treasure planet :)
I like to imagine we look like to the elves like what humans look like on mushrooms, my theory is that mushrooms is basically just turning you into a DMT entity.
tex12347 said:
I like to imagine we look like to the elves like what humans look like on mushrooms, my theory is that mushrooms is basically just turning you into a DMT entity.

I like this!:)
tryptographer said:
A few times I got the impression they regarded me as some kind of primitive, naughty and clumsy pet ;)

I can recognize this!:) good that they seem very humble and patient with us monkeys as well:)
Well ... :) i think we get viewed all the time, how would they see us ? If i reverse what i see we should appear as an energy floating around in some sort of under water like web.
When launching these always become quit clear to my field of vision. At times the fields of molecular energy (always red somehow) surounding objects become visible and thats what i think we appear like to them, little molecular balls of energy :D

stay blessed

I appear something like this it seems8)


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I was having a hard time on a pharma trip, just focusing on some breathwork. I tried to visualise my hands with some energy flowing back and forth. I was tapping my fingers to my thumbs in time with an Icaro I was listening to. I couldn't see myself, but I noticed an entity paying interest. I invited him closer to have a look, he showed me a game where he was putting coins on my fingers, as I was closing them, it messed up the timing and feel of the tapping. It was almost as if he was showing me how easy it can be to manipulate information. It was a fun game and had me laughing aloud.

DmnStr8 said:
I would imagine much like my avatar! :surprised 😁
I also think we would look similar. If the effect of the molecule plugging into the synapse ramps up the neural frequency or even allowing transmission of data generated by this biochemical matrix through orthogonal dimensions, we may look humanoid in shape. With fractal jewels glistening at the connection points. These points glowing and flitting in and out of the dimensions as the molecule interacts with our nervous system.

I think it would be quite beautiful by our standards. That being said, do you know why Angels always proclaim "DO NOT FEAR" upon their arrival. Following Ezekiel's description, they look like this and that's enough to make any human jump out of their skin :D
Is it possible that anything we meet is already given the form we want to see to make it graspable for our brains? The more of less human or animal structure we apply to an entity could be only a facet of our need to see something that makes sense to us.

In that way, the answer could be that whatever is the normal appearance for that entity, where ever it comes from, is what they also project onto us to help them understand what they have met.

We see them as what we are and they see us as what they are
I'd like to say that these entities see past our flesh. Or at least have the ability to see more than our physical features. Maybe they see our true astral self. Would they see my purest form of how I originated? Maybe they have options to see our past, present, and future selves. They can sense energy so I assume they at least can feel or see a person's essence.
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