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What do you hope to get out of Psychedelics?

Migrated topic.
In the beginning it was only curiosity, the most powerful force in my life to do something.

But after some experiences I begin to realize that they are trying to tell me something. I take my trips serious but most important, it is all pure fun. The most sensational thing I have ever encountered.
PH0Man said:
Fellow Nexians,

I'm curious as to what a few of your goals are for psychedelic use? Self-improvement/psychoanalysis, understanding of the universe, seeking an answer to that Question, just plain fun, what? Have any of you achieved your goals, and how do these goals relate to your worldview/ the meaning your attribute to life?

Have psychedelics been able to turn your pessimism into enthusiasm,your atheism into deism, your depression into a realization of repression and a will to break free...

Has anyone been left vaguely bemused by psychedelics, unable to find a greater meaning for which they yearned, or just generally unable to feel like they change anything? Is it because you consider yourself too skeptical or a realist?

What would you say to convince a someone who doubts the utility of psychedelics? Which psychedelics are particularly useful for you, or not so much?

Looking forward to your answers, hopefully this turns into a long thread :)

My goals: Try and dissolve my ego. I believe I have found my own answer to the meaning of life, there is none, true acceptance of this will lead to freedom.

I think as a result of psychedelics I am happier.

Change comes for the self, I no longer eat meat, I cut out all fast food, buy organic whenever possible, pick up rubbish, go barefoot more, aren't our feet make to walk on?

I find that a hard answer, people are brought up to believe illegal drugs bad, a life time of feed false information is hard to break. For me LSD and DMT. I would like to become more familiar with psilocybin.

[*] High Doses

To know My/Thyself and put my nondual wonderings to rest

[*] Medium Doses

To escape my conditioned mind (for fun, insight, healing, wonder, joy etc.)

[*] Micro Doses

Supplemental aid for specific activities (focus, exercise, problem solving etc.)
I never wanted anything concrete from psychedelics. They don't owe me anything. I just wanted these plant compounds to do their thing, be themselves around me. I was always just curious, very curious. The curiosity payed off.
I hope to find healing for the negative energies and trauma I have accumulated throughout life, to discover more about myself and my purpose for being here in this life, to discover more about the nature of the physical, mental and spiritual realms, whatever they might be, and to just have a great time learning whatever psychedelics and the mysterious beings who inhabit the psychedelic realms wish to teach me. :)
Re-connection to my inner-child, the pure energy, the infinite being within, re-connection to source consciousness and destruction of illusion and separation.

Too me its the quickest, most powerful reminder of remembering who we are and why we are here and whats important in life ect.. Unconditional love & Eternal Bliss <3

We are here to play, we are creators!
What do I hope to get out of psychedelics? Nothing!

Sure I enjoy some of the temporary effects, altho my favorite part of it is a way to transcend the fleeting, leaving what is always here as it is. That may seem like I do want something out of it, the thing is what remains is already here, it's not some thing I can 'get' or extract out of an experience, it's that in which all experience itself arises, awareness... present prior to come-up, throughout peak, and here long after the comedown.

There's no object that psychedelics have ever shown me, no matter how cosmic, pretty or insightful, that can eclipse the extraordinary presence of the subject. IME, the essential nature (although it may be revealed during a process) isn't gained at the end of a process.

Some people would say that it's superficial if all you're looking for is entertainment or pleasure. But then...what if you would say that pleasure could not ever realy be true pleasure if it would be void of meaning? To me, psychedelics remind me of the beauty of life. The psychedelic experience is an experience of grattitude.
WisdomTooth said:
Re-connection to my inner-child, the pure energy, the infinite being within, re-connection to source consciousness and destruction of illusion and separation.

Too me its the quickest, most powerful reminder of remembering who we are and why we are here and whats important in life ect.. Unconditional love & Eternal Bliss <3

We are here to play, we are creators!

I really love this response, thanks for sharing :)
What do you hope to get out of Psychedelics?

Nothing, really.

What do I get out of of Psychedelics?

Ohh, that's another question all together, but off topic in a 'hope' thread.

:p 😁
I'm with Strassman on this one. It doesn't really matter what you're looking to achieve or uncover because in the end of the day, you'll get the trip you need and not the one you're consciously looking for.
When i started doing psychedelics(early 90s) i was hoping to get some awesome visuals and a good high.
But that changed when i started upping the doses, and changing my set, from partys to at home or in nature.

Nowadays i trip at home (LSD and/orDMT) maybe 3 times a year at most .
What i get out of it now ?

self research:?
universal adventures:surprised

and awesome visuals and a good high:thumb_up:
Brining consciousness to the unconscious, or maybe its vice versa.
Help breaking down internal barriers.
Help facilitating change with in.
Growth through novel experience.
Knowledge and understanding of self, and through that the universe.

Once in a while, purely for recreation. Way better than watching the crappy movies they put out there these days.
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