Yeah, I agree with benzyme there. You need a professional still setup that's all glass or all metal.
If using glass, it needs to be put together with good sealing joints using PTFE joint sleeves or PTFE pipe tape. You should not use joint grease because it’s soluble in DCM. Many things are soluble in DCM, that’s why it’s such a great solvent for extracting pretty much every plant on earth.
If you use metal, it needs to be very well put together so that there are no leaks. All joints should be sealed with PTFE pip tape or welded together. A good plumper should be able to put one together. Actually this is much better than using glass in terms of safety. You can make a huge one out of steel and not worry about it ever cracking. Most large scale stills are all metal. The problem with metal is that you can’t see your solvent, so you can’t tell if the metal boiling flask is empty or not.
If you make a homemade still and it leaks, your whole room will get DCM vapor all over it. I would never enter a room with DCM vapor in it without lots of protection (goggles, gas mask, suit, etc.).
DCM is not flammable so in that way it’s one of the safer solvents to distill.