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What do you use to mask bad tasting entheogens? (aya, mushrooms)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
ProTip: Peanut butter M and M's make mushrooms taste great..
I hate the taste of dry mushrooms, I don't gag, but its really unpleasant. A random burner brought the m and m's and swore by it..

I give it 5/5 stars, normally I have to boil it cause I'm a wuss on bad tasting stuff, but it was amazing. Made it completely tolerable and delicious.

Oh "real aya" I am not sure there is a fix, other than extractions and a tea.

What are your "go to's"?
Not to be contradictory here, but I was able to enjoy the flavor of ayahuasca. I'm honestly just one of those weirdos that subconsciously strive to appreciate the raw flavor of things. Whether it's coffee (black, thanks), beer or liquor (dry and stout and straight, please), cigarettes (gimme the pipe tabacco)... salad (no dressing, thanks)...

I remember Aya having this deep, rich blood-like mate flavor to it. The only hard part, after a full pint and more was the tannins. You can only handle so much bitterness before your throat begins to constrict and your stomache lurch. Less a flavor than the subtle texture of a mild poison your body starts to react to in spells.

There are tannin removal teks.. but at the cost of reducing your brew's potency.

I think I read somewhere that people like to use lemon in their washes partially because it helps with the flavor for them. You might consider that.

For injesting solids there is always the old mouthbreather trick: close your nose until it's all down.
With mushrooms I make a lemon tek. Powder the mushrooms, add lemon juice, wait 20 mins, add cranberry juice and slam it down. :thumb_up:
Mushrooms(dried): I blend them in a coffee grinder until powderized. I then mix it with a minimal amount of orange juice needed and chug it. Basically, the lemon tek with OJ.

Mescaline Acetate(gooey): This gooey goop stuff can be hard to handle and it really sticks to the inside of your mouth if you try to "just eat it." It is gross. So, I weigh the desired amount and then mix it it into a very small amount of baking flour until it becomes a little "non-sticky" ball that can be swallowed like a pill with your favorite chaser (water, juice, etc etc.).

Mescaline Tea: Anyone who has had a concentrated mescaline tea knows it is funk town in flavor city. There aren't a lot of ways around this, but I found that if you leave your tea unconcentrated, it is much easier to drink. Of course, there is more to drink and finding exactly how unconcentrated you want it is an art, in and of itself, imo. I aim for about 8-12 fl oz per dose as opposed to a sick, thick shot of snot. These days, I tend to stick with mescaline extracts.

Ayahuasca and Various Analogues: All I can recommend here is to find a suitable chaser that won't potentially interact with harmalas. Ayahuasca has been one of the drinks that are harder for me to ingest for whatever reason. This seems like something I might try out someday:

olympus mon said:
Ice coffee, decaf preferably hides the taste perfectly. Im guessing its a similar ph or acidity as the ayahuasca. I take a breath, take a shot of aya and before exhaling take a sip of ice coffee then exhale and take one more sip of coffee and breathe normally. This works great for me. For my pallet black ice coffee taste so similar to ayahuasca I cant tell the difference when using this trick.

If you have loads of tannins then they stick to your mouth and throat so try not to hold the Aya in your mouth. Toss it back into your throat and swallow. I can drink aya with it only touching the back of the tongue where there aren't many taste buds.

As mentioned above, the "mouth-breather" technique is always useful for any ingestion situation. You might look goofy and resemble a dog for a few minutes, but in the end, it is all good.

"Breathe with your nose, the flavor shows
Breathe with your mouth, no flavor shouts"

thymamai said:
Not to be contradictory here, but I was able to enjoy the flavor of ayahuasca. I'm honestly just one of those weirdos that subconsciously strive to appreciate the raw flavor of things. Whether it's coffee (black, thanks), beer or liquor (dry and stout and straight, please), cigarettes (gimme the pipe tabacco)... salad (no dressing, thanks)...

I salute you..

I am that jackhat who excuses himself and brushes right after drinking. I've gone under 14-15 times now with an old peruvian "shaman", I can't taste dark/bakers chocolate anymore without gagging, there is a stage in the flavor that is soo similar :(

I'm with Graham Hancock on this one..

tgo said:
If you have loads of tannins then they stick to your mouth and throat so try not to hold the Aya in your mouth. Toss it back into your throat and swallow. I can drink aya with it only touching the back of the tongue where there aren't many taste buds.

As mentioned above, the "mouth-breather" technique is always useful for any ingestion situation. You might look goofy and resemble a dog for a few minutes, but in the end, it is all good.

"Breathe with your nose, the flavor shows
Breathe with your mouth, no flavor shouts"

That is really good advice I have to chew mine it's so thick sometimes..

On a side note I've had really bad high blood pressure drinking coffee even in the morning so decaf I would suggest is mandatory.

Had to force myself from crossing and check my pulse every 5 mins and stay in meditation as to not panic and make it worse.. it's doable, but it's torturous in a lot of ways.. saw a door with eyes and an eye got larger and I started to fall into the pupil and all of a sudden

I hear in my voice from the "greater self place" you go before you cross..
-"No, we have to pass this time, thank you mother"..
-"Don't panic but your blood pressure is really high, you will be fine, but you can't cross as it may get worse, stay here and enjoy the music".

I got a lot of great insight from the atman that night, but it ruined the experience and made me take a 8 month break because I didn't respect the dieta I felt like I wasn't ready to go again until I knew I was giving it the respect it deserves and waited until I had real intentions again.
I personal make tea, honestly I've taken shrooms/truffles a fair few times now & having it as tea was honestly the best thing I've ever done it's so easy to take them & it tastes soooo much better than chomping down on the shrooms alone another benefit is you can add ginger to the tea to prevent earlier nausea, the anti nausea part I can't stress enough I've had them in the past where the early onset of nausea for me has been so bad it put a real damper on the trip as it failed to subside for such a large period of time.

# 1 - Boil the water then bring it down to a simmer now you want a little more than a mug full of water to help counteract the evaporation & make sure you cover the pot or you will loose potency.

#2 - Chop the shrooms as finely as you can to increase the surface area & leave them to sit there for 10-30 minutes ideally longer is better.

#3 - You can choose to strain the shroom bits out or leave them in some believe that you'll loose some potency by not having them in the tea but from personal experience I don't believe there to be any great loss of potency if the shrooms where chopped well enough & left to seep long enough You'd loose a marginally small amount this can be further reduced by pressing the shrooms in the sieve to fully drain them of any liquid content left in them + I don't like bits on my drinks haha.

#4 - Add a tea bag I choose green tea personally although I don't believe there to be much debate on what you can & can't have, add some lemon juice for extra taste & then if you have it garlic press a large chunk of ginger into the tea, I'm not sure how else you would juice a chunk of ginger you could try squeezing it with your hands but that might prove troublesome.

If your nausea is really bad like mine the best approach is to have a ginger tea roughly 30 minutes before your shroom tea to really let the ginger set in & work it's magic :)

Happy tripping :)
I used to make Kool-Aid shrooms.

Powder the shrooms, boil, (you can also run the same water through coffee maker several times), filter out shrooms, take mushroom water and make Kool-Aid with it.

This provides for a light-medium experience that comes on quickly, lasts about two hours and then ends as quickly as it started. Good for social occasions. Just make sure the kiddos don't get into it for dang sure, as it looks like kool-aid and tastes like kool-aid.
For Mimosa or Acacia teas, try brewing up a dose of tea, or make a bulk multi-dose tea, and add a bit more of a dosage of root than you usually would, then when the tea is brewed and reduced down (though still maybe a bit diluted), freeze/thaw the tea a time or two or three, you can filter the tea to get some of the gunk out and then re-freeze/thaw to re-precipitate the tannins, and then carefully either decant or siphon off the portion of good clean tea and leave some actives behind in the sediment. No egg whites needed, just freeze/thaw and find a way to get the clean tea away from the sediment/tannins.

As for Rue, i personally haven't yet tried a tea but i hear that roasting the Rue seeds and then making a tea with it will change the flavor of the tea, and the smell changes to a more nutty/chocolatey/coffee-like smell. I've roasted some Rue seed before but i used it for encapsulation, haven't tried the tea yet, so i can't say if it tastes any better or not.

Also adding some sweetness to the teas, and drinking them while warm/hot (rather than cold or room temp) helps as well.
I don't really mind the taste of these botanical preparations, except for rue.

Recently I went for a hike with a friend and dried cactus. I ate the cactus first, and then he did, and it was his first time.

He was surprised at how bitter and difficult to eat it was for him, having seen me eat it without showing signs of discomfort, gagging etc.

Then he got very nauseous for a couple of hours. I didn't.

Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it. I've had Ayahuasca maybe 300-400 times, so maybe that's that.

With rue, I like to extract it.
For mushrooms: Finely chop up mushrooms and soak in just enough lemon juice to completely submerge mushrooms. Let sit in fridge for 20-30 minutes. Add to a cup of near boiling water, and stir. Let sit for a few minutes. Filter and drink.
I always make a tea with mushrooms to help with the taste... even made a mescaline tea once.
I always add loads of lemon and ginger, sometimes if I'm feeling holistic add some siberian ginseng or some other herbs that have a good synergy with the mushrooms, the lemon obviously also potentates the effects of the mushrooms so thats a bonus. Tastes so nice. Other thing you can do with the mushrooms is either add them to honey or make a smoothie, or another one of my personal favourites, just cook with them ;) add them to a stew, i mean apparently on an empty stomach is best but i have not ever regretted putting mushrooms in my food :)
Nothing. I don't really find the taste of most entheogens that bad... I generally will leave mushrooms in my mouth until they have taken effect. They seem to kick in faster sublingually.

Aya tastes , well, it's not something I would drink for the taste, particularly the harmala component of it, but it's still doable.

I figure that compared to what I am about to experience the taste of whatever it is won't hold a flame to that experience.. If I am in a mindset where I am willing to roll the cosmic dice then the taste of a tea is the least of my concerns..
Only thing I've ever had trouble with is cactus soup. Aya, mushrooms, I can deal with those easy, but there's just something about 1 foot of peruvianus skin condensed to 30ml that just gets me every time.

Only thing I've found to work is skittles. Chug back your soup and just start chewing handfuls of the little sugar tablets. Works surprisingly well, completely kills the palate within 1-2 mins :D

Anyone ever tried miracle berry or miraculin with cactus?
Only thing I've ever had trouble with is cactus soup. Aya, mushrooms, I can deal with those easy, but there's just something about 1 foot of peruvianus skin condensed to 30ml that just gets me every time.

Only thing I've found to work is skittles. Chug back your soup and just start chewing handfuls of the little sugar tablets. Works surprisingly well, completely kills the palate within 1-2 mins :D

Anyone ever tried miracle berry or miraculin with cactus?

Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it

Haha I'm not so sure about that. For me at least, it gets worse every time I have it :p ! I used to be able to drink litres of cactus no worries, now just the thought of it makes me shiver sometimes
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