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What happened?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I'd like to start off first by saying I'm an experienced psychonaut. My most pleasurable experience to date was the time I ate 7g of mushrooms followed by two ecstasy tablets. Up until last night I thought that was the best experience I've ever had. Fast forward to last night which was probably my 3rd successful experience.

I have a small corkscrew like glass pipe that maybe holds a tenth of a gram of cannabis. I packed it a 1/3rd of the way with cannabis, a 50mg measured dose of DMT freebase, and then a small top layer to act as a flame barrier. I have found this to be the most consistent way of ingesting the DMT. I bought a GVG and that failed and I tried dabbing on my rig which failed as well.

Anyways last night I decided I'm going for it again. I started off by holding the flame directly over the pipe and keeping it lit while I inhaled until my lungs started to hurt. I let out that hit after about 10 seconds. I then took a second one, this time I just lit the lighter long enough to reignite the cherry. At this point reality started breaking down and this is when I remembered take that third hit! I did and completely forgot to exhale. While this was happening my pipe flipped over on itself, and then again and again and again until my entire field of vision was filled up with my pipe. I'm still holding the third hit in at this point and feel like I'm suffocating. That's when I realized I never let my last hit out. Well when I did that all hell broke loose.

I can only describe the feeling as being sucked down into my bed like it was a never ending hole. While this was happening my entire body was heating up to the point where I honestly thought I dropped my pipe on my bed, it caught fire and I'm now burning to death. I had the common sense to remind myself, just breathe, let go and enjoy the ride.

At this point the experience turned into one of the most blissful, euphoric experiences I've ever had. I didn't see any figures but I felt like a higher power was giving me the decision to close my eyes and join the collective hive mind or wake up and go back to normal like I was given the choice of the blue or red pill in the Matrix. I literally felt like Neo in the first Matrix movie being "unplugged".

Did I breakthrough? What did I just experience? I feel extremely humbled now like I was shown an existence full of peace and love and understanding.
Thanks for sharing and welcome to the Nexus!

In my opinion higher dosages (depending merrely on smoking technique than weight) brings you to a state where there isn't any choice. But you will discover little by little the possibilities with this extraordinary surprisimg substance.
Do you FEEL as though you broke through? Lol, and I'm not being condescending, but even a "sub-breakthrough" dose, if profound enough to leave an impression, is a breakthrough experience in it's own right... I enjoy breaking through (unfortunately difficult for me) but I also highly value the experiences that don't carry me away completely. pre-dosing harmala is very helpful for breakthrough experiences, but it's important to remember gradual dose increments... I like to work with harmala-heavy changa, and freebase DMT; I can control the intensity of both aspects of the experience... Harmala having a body load (in my limited experience, though have enjoyed the harmala solo, so confident I know it's the origin) is best at as low a dose as needed for optimal MAO-Inhibition, and will vary among individuals depending on many factors... Thus using the changa to initialize the headspace slowly (relatively speaking) I can typically ease preflight anxiety, and when I'm ready, Genie is there to take me home! As far as "breakingthrough", I feel the light gives us what they feel we can "handle"; integration(for me) being the MOST important part of each experience... I feel as though proper analysis and integration (and any application suitable to life... Grow from your experiences in a real-world constructive manner) will in fact allow you further access, faster... Cheers to you, and be safe!
I said:
Do you FEEL as though you broke through? Lol, and I'm not being condescending, but even a "sub-breakthrough" dose, if profound enough to leave an impression, is a breakthrough experience in it's own right... I enjoy breaking through (unfortunately difficult for me) but I also highly value the experiences that don't carry me away completely. pre-dosing harmala is very helpful for breakthrough experiences, but it's important to remember gradual dose increments... I like to work with harmala-heavy changa, and freebase DMT; I can control the intensity of both aspects of the experience... Harmala having a body load (in my limited experience, though have enjoyed the harmala solo, so confident I know it's the origin) is best at as low a dose as needed for optimal MAO-Inhibition, and will vary among individuals depending on many factors... Thus using the changa to initialize the headspace slowly (relatively speaking) I can typically ease preflight anxiety, and when I'm ready, Genie is there to take me home! As far as "breakingthrough", I feel the light gives us what they feel we can "handle"; integration(for me) being the MOST important part of each experience... I feel as though proper analysis and integration (and any application suitable to life... Grow from your experiences in a real-world constructive manner) will in fact allow you further access, faster... Cheers to you, and be safe!

One thing I'm kind of recalling now is I had this thought going through my head when I felt like I was on fire (I had this super hot flash of heat radiate all over my body from my toes to the top of my head and it just kept getting hotter and hotter), "Did I just overdose on some unknown substance? Well if this is death and this is the "other side" I'm totally okay with it." I felt right at home so to speak after the freaky first seconds where I thought I was on fire. I really do feel as if I crossed over and something of a higher power was giving me a choice. I'm not exactly sure what that choice was but I had a very strong feeling of dejavu like this had all happened before. I also felt as if my body had now broken down into energized particles and I was floating among the cosmos.

All in all when my experience was over and I was back to baseline it seemed like what I just experienced was so unbelievably surreal and impossibly beautiful that I must have dreamed it all. No way did that just happen.

I'm hoping as time moves forward and my techniques improve I can see just how deep the rabbit hole goes!
Lol, I think lots of us have and will spend lifetimes trying to get to the bottom... I'd say you broke through: I feel like my body dissipates into gas when I'm on the other side... Almost felt like ... Hell,idk... like I was everywhere, everything! The boundaries of my physical body completely dissolved; come to think of it, I don't think I was burning quite like you describe, but I was VERY warm during the beginning of my first breakthrough ... also recall feelings as if I were dead, and being ok with it... Like life had just been a dream and now I was awake, I was home...
I said:
Lol, I think lots of us have and will spend lifetimes trying to get to the bottom... I'd say you broke through: I feel like my body dissipates into gas when I'm on the other side... Almost felt like ... Hell,idk... like I was everywhere, everything! The boundaries of my physical body completely dissolved; come to think of it, I don't think I was burning quite like you describe, but I was VERY warm during the beginning of my first breakthrough ... also recall feelings as if I were dead, and being ok with it... Like life had just been a dream and now I was awake, I was home...

You hit the nail right on the head! I definitely felt like my body was very warm and just kept getting hotter and hotter. But in no way did I take it as a bad thing. And once my body hit that peak degree of hotness it was like my body just dissipated into the void like I was some form of energy and no longer a physical being. Your last sentence describes my experience to a T!
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