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What is going on neurologicaly in people who are immune to DMT? My friend doesnt feel DMT/Psilocybin

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I know how to vape properly and use both vapor genie/dab rig. It was pure spice and had frequently been used and tested. My friend was not on any medications whatsoever. I started him with:

20mg, no effect,
30mg, no effect,
50mg, no effect,
70mg, no effect,
100mg, no effect,
150mg, no effect.

As I kept loading it in I was trembling because I knew at that dose any ordinary person would lose there freakin' marbles if not pass out completely and felt totally irresponsible but he kept asking for more and yet still did not feel an absolute thing.

The next day I gave him some powdered harmalas along with many mushroom capsules. He took them and still did not feel anything. He also said he needs a lot of weed to get him high usually. He also has not recently taken any other psychedelics at all (or ever for that matter).

According to the Strassman study, 3 out of 60 people did not respond to IV DMT, that is 5%.

From this thread endlessness says:

I mean, maybe they have some weird genetics that means a lot more of some CYP or MAO enzymes that diminishes effects but , zero, at any dosage?? How is that physically possible?

Say if this was the case, would this mean that full MAOI inhibition might be reached not at 300mg but with something like 1g?

I feel this is an important issue, the 5% undermines all of our understanding of how this molecule acts upon our nervous systems.
Do you know what antidepressants block the effects? I just had a weird experience where I vaporized 30mg in my dab rig and I started to take off and then it just fizzled out and I was back to baseline in 5-6 min.
A small percentage of people are immune to psychedelics for some reason. This has been noted in the past with research using LSD, and Dr "Gerry" Gerardo Sandoval Isaac conducted a ten year retrospective study with 5-MeO-DMT (using high doses) with 1,200 people and found that five people (curiously all of them Austrian) were completely immune to any effect.
Loveall said:
You probably already know this, but just in case, make sure you are familiar with this info.

Ananda7519 said:
Do you know what antidepressants block the effects? I just had a weird experience where I vaporized 30mg in my dab rig and I started to take off and then it just fizzled out and I was back to baseline in 5-6 min.

BecometheOther said:
Is he on perscription anti depressants they are known to block dmt

What is wrong with you guys? I said in the first paragraph of my post:

n0thing said:
My friend was not on any medications whatsoever.

Yes I know very much about the existing interactions, this thread is about the people who are unaffected by DMT period. Hence the citing of the study who found that 3 out of 60 people were not affected. Or did you just brush over that as well?
Bancopuma said:
A small percentage of people are immune to psychedelics for some reason. This has been noted in the past with research using LSD, and Dr "Gerry" Gerardo Sandoval Isaac conducted a ten year retrospective study with 5-MeO-DMT (using high doses) with 1,200 people and found that five people (curiously all of them Austrian) were completely immune to any effect.

Interesting Bancopuma, but what could be responsible. As the title of this thread says "What is going on neurologicaly in people who are immune to DMT?" or other psychedelics for that matter?

Potential hypothetical scenarios that may be responsible?
BecometheOther said:
What's wrong with you man?

I am not obligated to answer your question to your liking, if I want to skim I can skim.

:| So in other words, when you have a conversation with someone you like to not listen to what the other person says but say whatever you feel anyway? The whole concept of a forum is that one person posts a thread and another READS it and replies with the understanding that they took from reading the persons post. If you don't do that then it totally defeats the purpose of being on a forum. Come on man, this is elementary principles of conduct in human behavior. No one converses and not listens, it is considered rude. That is why when someone does it the appropriate response is "sorry, can you please repeat that, i zoned out" or "I am sorry, I had mental blank" or "I am sorry, I was staring at my phone and not listening to you" etc.
BecometheOther said:
Yeah I suppose your right but you didn't go about your retort the right way either. What's wrong with you guys is a little combative and insulting so what did you expect

I suppose if you hear it in "that" tone of voice, but 3 in a row one after the other? That's pretty crazy.

I think I might need to remake this thread now... There is a whole lot of threads about it but no one ever tried to speculate on what it might be.Perhaps it is just arrogant of me to assume people might have some sort of clue about what may be causing this. I feel like it should warrant peoples attention though.
I can suggest giving your friend a tiny tiny dose. Part of my reason for being interested in psychedelic science, is because I think some folks need less rather than more.

I am similar, but never had enough DMT to be sure at what larger dose I might see. Although going by what else I had, I think no effect is likely with DMT in me. Unless a tiny tiny dose.

From a good 30-40-50g blue meanie mushrooms in youth, nothing, so seemingly.
From blue meanies in large dose recently, nothing, but while walking in the field they grow, is a blast of new knowledge from.
From Hicuri in a ceremony with Shaman, nothing, only my blood pressure dropped and I can't hold myself upright, but keep listening to the songs.
From Ayahuasca, again in a ceremony, almost the whole night I can't hold myself up, then one time I am called by a Shaman back into my body, and I begin seeing I am in the sky having a talk with the Virgin Mary, who is escorting me back into my body, because the Shaman is asking me to sit up. Which is not nothing.

Within two traditions I know, SantoDiame/UDV, and also indigenous australian, it is regarded as normal for certain persons to have no visionary experiences direct while the substance is being metabolized. I read that Santo Diame and UDV apply a special status to such persons.

Within indigenous australian tradition, Duboisia hopwoodii, can have two markedly distinct effects, and is known for this. It can cause anybody to feel incapable of staying upright, and lying down apparently unconscious for three days and nights, with three thousand lives of dreaming within the forms Mother Nature awards. Sinking into the soil below, becoming worms, grass, animals eating the grass, and so on and so forth, and everybody who had the experience is happy enough with. Or, it can cause anybody to feel capable of walking through a desert without water for three days and nights. It is planted at either end of every major desert walking route in outback australia. That is unless the cattle ate it all by now. But indigenous cowboys all know and use it still. With me, when I chewed Pituri (D.hopwoodii), it is just like I start thinking, "hell, no way am I going to just lie down in this, anything could happen, I have to stay awake", and then the only way to stay awake is to engage in physical exertion. The indigenous Ngungkari who gave me permission to use Pituri, knew that I won't be looking, and will be working.

So here is a bit of a big clue. There is not no psycho-active impact. And in fact, for folks who don't get the visionary aspect, what happens is that their/our behaviour and attitude and questioning and everything about set and setting, but most of all behaviour and surrounding sounds, will unfold out into nightly dreams over a number of years to come.

I know I am going to use a psychedelic, because I begin having dreams in the patterns of a new experience I didn't already live at the ground in my body. Normally I experience knew knowledge before dreaming of, but others are the other way around, however this difference is like half and half of the population have it each way, and is unrelated to the psychedelic experience. Yet if my body starts to go like the other half the population, learning in dreams before by experience, then I start to suspect a psychedelic, and begin observing my environment in dreams in case I find somebody wants me to have some, and then if I find anybody giving it to me in a dream, I go ahead and use. This is the traditional way to know it is safe. Sometimes if I am not feeling ready, but dreaming with a Ngungkari who thinks I should, it can be like being pestered into it in dreams.

I think also, it is significant, that there are a few times when I see visions, apart from in dreaming asleep at night. And each of those times, is close in time, with very very low doses of psychedelics. For example, the strongest vision I ever had came out of one joint of cannabis. Also I have had a vision from just Calea zakatechichi. Other men I know who are similar to myself, (in the indigenous community here are many more than among non-indigenous), suggest that why we don't see, is only because the dose is too large.

Remember it is not that there is actually no effect, but that the immediate effect is more a clairsentience (feelings based), rather than clairvoyance (vision based), and the visions will come along in time in dreams. I expect many traditional Curandero in Amazonia are similarly different, but no point telling those who don't want to believe. It can be very convenient, to get all one needs know, from just a whiff/sip of Ayahuasca, and then also be able drink as much as anybody else, but stay more sober. I remember also a talk by Dennis McKenna, where he said that at a science conference in Brazil, everybody got given a small cup of Ayahuasca, but only the gringos needed a second cup.
n0thing said:
...There is a whole lot of threads about it but no one ever tried to speculate on what it might be.Perhaps it is just arrogant of me to assume people might have some sort of clue about what may be causing this. I feel like it should warrant peoples attention though.

Can you ask your friend if he was born through elective cesarian section? In natural birth it is said according to the last part of the video in this post that DMT is released to reduce anoxic stress. Not so in elective cesarian births. It may be important to naturally stimulate our receptors during birth so they remain receptive after the fetal stage (a stretch but we can easily check by asking the question).
maybe he has higher levels of MAO enzymes? Its possible, and the dose response is very sharp when it comes to enzyme inhibition, you need to reach a certain saturation point where the enzyme can't break it down any faster. Say 100mg no effect, 150mg no effect, but 200mg way too much.

Also I highly doubt the doses you listed were actuality especially in the higher range. It doesn't matter how good your technique is, the vapor genie has a maximum capacity, and its effectiveness in vaporization drops off quickly.. 20-30mg range may be near 100%, 40-50mg maybe 80-90%, but over 80-100mg its probably no greater than 60%. I am making up these numbers but it follows this sort of trend. For example, the difference between a 30mg IV dose and a 40mg IV dose is similar between a 40-50mg vaped dose and a 100mg vaped dose.

So my suggestions would be, try dosing by IV (not recommended obviously)

Or, eat 400mg of highly purified harmala, don't bother dosing low with this stuff. I've had lack luster experiences with standard doses but 400mg will have anyone begging for mercy. That with vaped or oral DMT, or better yet eat 4-5 grams of cubensis. Nothing will save you then. Everyone has serotonin receptors.

Another possibility might be psychological/physiological (the two are interdependent, obviously..) maybe hes not on anti-depressants but has unusually low receptor density. This can be a result of mood disorder or other kind of mental illness. Or maybe its a combination of both of these things, maybe his MAO is overactive as a result, god knows..

Maybe he is really good bottling up stress. Could be well possible as a result of such a traumatic experience as a C-section, but really I can't imagine, even the strongest of human willpower is obsolete against THAT. It's comical really, trying to put the finite toe to toe with the infinite and expecting it to work.. Yet, we all do it.
My friend has a similar situation. When he takes DMT he says yeah its cool he "sees things" and stuff and its fun trip out a bit and that's about it. The rest of us just sit there with our minds boggled how he is not experiencing anything while taking 2-3x larger amounts.

I think he either blocks most of it off that's why i stopped with changa and believe pure-DMT might be more for him. Other says maybe he is not ready to experience those realms or maybe some physical damage to his pineal gland/brain could be the cause of these very mild trips that doses he takes would blow everyone else into another dimension.
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