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I get your point acacian, but some ways of being introduced to it feel more organic than others, I myself learned about it while researching about related subjects that I felt an innate interest in, nobody directly pointed it to me, undeniably nobody put it on my path. Surely someone put that information out there, but not intentionally on my path, I had to look for it to find it. I believe this to at least be in part to thank for giving me the determination to stick around through the thick and thin this path has put me through so far, because it truly feels mine. I got there on my own without needing help, and I trust that anyone who truly needs to get there also has the ability to do so on their own, we should just have faith in our fellow human beings, trust the process, and not be too eager to see it unfold.

Nowadays everybody and their grandmother are discussing DMT around the dinner or the podcast table anyways, so I guess we can agree that the information already is out there for those who must to stumble upon, and even for those who mustn’t. We should in my opinion focus our discussion on practical aspects for there to be as much useful resource as possible for them to find once they do come to it at their own pace, and to focus on developing the practice before introducing too many people. It is still illegal in most places, we still are to some capacity scouts mapping the terrain.

We may be convinced, but if we want to convince the rest of the world, not even to partake, but even just to not condemn us for doing it in private, we will need solid arguments. I myself am also here to share on the matter, which I think makes sense being that we are on a website dedicated to this sole purpose, however OP asked the question with the purpose of broadcasting to a wide audience through social media, on a page that is clearly not dedicated to the subject, for pure entertainment purposes, I think we can agree this definitely is not the way to share on the matter. I think it is appropriate to share with close and trusted friends who also partake, in a non-advertised book, or on dedicated websites like here, erowid, etc, in my opinion even on a dedicated reddit thread it already is off limits, because reddit has a feed and shows users things they didn’t research, and I am strongly against sharing anything on the matter on social media such as youtube, tiktok, instagram etc.

I understand your point on the impossibility of drawing the line, and I agree with you, because it really only depends on how the person feels about it. Always being mindful and letting them first mention aspects of it before discussing them seems to be a reasonable approach to me. Maybe I just feel this way because that is how I got introduced to it, but maybe it doesn’t matter how I got to the experience, maybe it would have worked just as well if I had been peer pressured into it, who knows. In my experience, most people think an idea is a better idea if it was their own than someone else’s. All I know is that I have a lot of work to do on myself already, so for now that is what I choose to focus on.

I am sure anyone with an affinity for such experiences researching related subjects would eventually stumble upon psychedelics, and find out about DMT in the first paragraph of the wikipedia page on psychedelics, it really isn’t a secret to anyone anymore anyways, it has been advertised so much that it even became part of the mainstream meme culture. Leaving this little bit of filter of people needing to make their own research and preparation instead of mouth feeding them everything cannot be such a bad thing. I myself have introduced some people a bit indelicately before with varying degrees of success. No dramatic consequences, even had some positive outcomes, but I just wouldn’t do it again now that I know what I know. I am against prohibition, but I am also against commercialisation, and most of all advertisement. I think that we will get there when we get there, and in my experience, unnaturally trying to force things to happen on an industrial scale would really be missing the point of psychedelics.

I myself also was at least in part drawn to psychedelics by trip reports on erowid or other similar forum, so I understand the value of sharing the contents of experiences, and am not entirely against it, however I think it is counterproductive for us to do so before having fully integrated them, because the other person’s interpretation may cloud your own, even a simple thing as them showing interest for a detail that wasn’t as relevant to you may distract you from what was more relevant. We forget the contents of these experiences very quickly, so we cannot afford unnecessary distraction. If you just tell the experience with nothing drawn from it, it can also give the other person the impression that it is just a bunch of hallucinations with no substance to it, reinforcing the idea that it is a drug, and that you are a drug addict living in a fantasy world. If however you tell your experience in retrospective after having fully embodied it, explain what and how you learned from it and how you made it an integral part of your life, what obstacles you had to overcome in the process, you are also making a much better case for it, and giving them much more concrete data to build their judgement around, you become living proof of it.

I entirely agree with you that DMT could play an important role in helping the planet, which indeed is in need of it, but maybe that isn’t meant to happen overnight. If and when it has to happen, I trust that it will, and I am looking forward to that day. One thing that is for sure is that it is beyond our control and comprehension, so we cannot be the judges of it. What we can however do is use the volunteers we already have to develop the process for ourselves to already maximise the use, and hopefully make it predictable and replicable, for it to be more clear to those who will come after us.

Reading your last comment, I think we are on the same page.

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