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What is ok to talk about with the public?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all, I was wondering exactly what is morally ok to talk about with the public/normies because I think saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can cause harm. From an ethical standpoint, where would you guys draw the line? Right now, I think talking about how it's made is COMPLETELY off-limits, but talking about the more trippy stuff like entities is ok. What do you think?
I think it depends on the person you're talking to. Everyone is different.

Just make sure that you are not putting yourself or anyone else in harms way. In some places, you could risk going to jail by being to candid about taking psychedelics.
In the US you won't get arrested for talking about it, but what if you have A LOT of people that can hear you talk about it? Does that change the morality of what is said?
CrypticChronicles said:
In the US you won't get arrested for talking about it, but what if you have A LOT of people that can hear you talk about it? Does that change the morality of what is said?

What is the moral issue you're actually concerned about? It's not like we're talking about developing nuclear weapons or biological ones.

One love
What if talking about DMT leads to someone who shouldn't take it, take it, and have a bad trip or worse? Is it better to just not talk about it even if you really want to at a surface "entertainment" kind of level?
CrypticChronicles said:
What if talking about DMT leads to someone who shouldn't take it, take it, and have a bad trip or worse? Is it better to just not talk about it even if you really want to at a surface "entertainment" kind of level?

I understand and respect your concern. But that's putting too much responsibility on yourself. We can't know what combinations of factors make a person how and who they are that dictates whether they should or should not try DMT.

Be mindful and know your audience would be my advice at mitigating potential negative outcomes for others.

One love
I think the danger lies more firmly in how it will harm your own day to day life. Mushroom use can easily make you an outcast and they look like food. Good luck convincing any average community that smoking crystals in a crack pipe and talking to aliens is acceptable.
fink said:
I think the danger lies more firmly in how it will harm your own day to day life. Mushroom use can easily make you an outcast and they look like food. Good luck convincing any average community that smoking crystals in a crack pipe and talking to aliens is acceptable.

I haven't been on the forum for a while and this was the first thread I read.....

Fink your post absolutely creased me, epic mate! So dry, hahaha I needed a good laugh 😁 :thumb_up:
PsychedelicReality said:
fink said:
I think the danger lies more firmly in how it will harm your own day to day life. Mushroom use can easily make you an outcast and they look like food. Good luck convincing any average community that smoking crystals in a crack pipe and talking to aliens is acceptable.

I haven't been on the forum for a while and this was the first thread I read.....

Fink your post absolutely creased me, epic mate! So dry, hahaha I needed a good laugh 😁 :thumb_up:

Cheers man! Any day where someone laughs is not a waste.
Fink's post is worthy of this thread's dubious placement in the 'High Quality Topics' subform. :lol:

I'll still have to move this thread to somewhere more suitable though.
CrypticChronicles said:
What if talking about DMT leads to someone who shouldn't take it, take it, and have a bad trip or worse? Is it better to just not talk about it even if you really want to at a surface "entertainment" kind of level?

Yeah, i kinda get what you mean. I have had thoughts in the past about where sharing dmt with people went in the end (mental health ward stint's and other things) (if you get my drift- as vauge as that comment is)

Nowdays, i tend to not comment and have donned the term ''equality'' and just smile at what they say about it and agree. Religion is a tough topic anywhere - especially from within religon sometimes....

Even then, i reccomend not really talking about ''drugs'' that are thought of to be ''real'' with anyone. No one ever gets it and more often than not if you dont know the person too well (sometimes even if you do know them well), people think weird stuff about you and say things about you to others (ie. around the workplace). Touchy topic DMT is..
I am usually open to other people when I talk about psychedelics and even my former use. Of course this is limited to people I know well.
Unexpectedly, I found that the vast majority of people is very interested in this topic (psychedelics). They are curious, ask a lot of questions and don't judge me. This is true also for people who have never taken illegal drugs.

But nowadays I'm much more careful when I talk about these substances. A friend of mine got interested in psychedelics beacause I had encouraged him to try them. Then after his first trip ever (on mushrooms) he had a manic-like episode. Luckily he recovered. I don't know if mushrooms were to blame since he was using other drugs as well, but I didn't know about that at the time. So for the whole period he was manic I was convinced it was all my fault. It was very though psychologically (had frequent panic attacks and so on).

This being said, if you talk about your experience with DMT in a realistic way and don't directly encourage people to take it, it wouldn't be your fault if they decide to try it. People are in charge of their own actions.
On top of this, every time I talked to friends about my experiences with DMT, they told me they would never take it. Since none of my experiences has been scary, I think the effects of DMT are just too "exotic" for many people to want to try it.
I tend to be pretty open as well and kind of have to (wisely of course) because in my guidework practice I rely on word of mouth.

It seems to come down to what you talk about with regard to psychedelics and how you talk about it. There are a lot of poorly informed people that act as though they are well informed that tend to lead people down the wrong path, influencing them through power of suggestion, false and/or erroneous information, and low safety concerns. It's up to thoughtful individuals like us to help keep this kind of thing to a minimum and to help override poor information. And I don't mean this in a dogmatic way or as if we are the royal guard of psychedelics.

One love
After my first baby steps in hyperspace, I was probably just like everyone who thought they found the door to secret magic land: wide-open-eyed, willing and ready to preach to everybody who would listen :)
Many people are interested, many people listen and do not judge you, but at the end of the day - it's one's own experience and their own interpretation of it. What has been magical Eden garden for you, can be hellish nightmare for others. You can only point to the door for the aspiring psychonaut. Opening it, walking throught it and walking out has to be done by themselves.

Now, as my starting reference point in any of such considerations I have two golden rules for myself:
- do give only to the ones who asked for it themselves (both in terms of knowledge and sacraments) and even there I try to be as neutral as possible, so that person doesn't get "nudged" by me in their decisions
- do not think of entheogens as a magic cure-it-all ailment, consider harm prevention first. there are many benefits in enlightement for some, but for many others it might feel like a curse and a burden

There are some close people around me who are suffering needlessly because of many things (egos, upbringing), I truely think they could change their life for better with just a single mushroom trip But I wouldn't push or even nudge them in that direction, unless they appear there by themselves.
Solving your problems has to come with readiness to work on them, to change yourself and I believe it has come from within first.
CrypticChronicles said:
In the US you won't get arrested for talking about it,
It depends on the audience.
If a federal informant overhears certain things you can be arrested and Hearsay is allowed as evidence in US federal court when it comes from a federal informant. Just saying "yes" to a question posed to you by an informant, a question you didn't even hear well, can be a felony.

I've even had people who didn't like me (in the online psychedelic community) give my information to the Department of Justice and send police to my house repeatedly with false testimony that I was endangering children by growing cacti, which they claimed filled my house with spines. In truth I had a small porch greenhouse and all my cacti were in it but that didn't matter at the time. The police ended up interviewing my children without me present because the person got Child Protective Services involved. They did this on December 24 mind you, trying to get my kids taken away for Christmas. For all I know this person and the friends that supported them are all still active online at forums and many of them are moderators and administrators at specific sites or were at the time. The main person was and is a narcissistic sociopath with a history of violence, and like most sociopaths they pass themselves off as a good person and have many friends who have no idea what the person is actually like.

A lot of things are not OK to talk about in Private.
I don't talk about psychedelics in public at all and am wary of discussing them in private with people I do not know very well.
i generally keep my mouth shut, not through fear of harming others but fear of being harmed in some way. i too enjoyed fink's comment, and i think it sums up my opinion of the matter.
i do speak about it to close friends but that is it other than online forums :)
even people who talk to me about it and say they do either DMT or other entheogens still have no idea i partake regularly by the end of the conversation.
i wish we could share our experiences more openly and help others find their own benefits, but the war on "drugs" made sure that would not be possible in my society. another reason why places like this are such a powerful tool.
I understand the desire for safety from an oppresing society.

However, What would have happened to the gay rights movement if everyone had stayed "in the closet"? It could still be repressed with archaic indecency laws. Inhumane chemichal castration for being gay could still be a thing today.

It's a personal choice. Nothing wrong if you want to keep information and your life experiences to yourself because of outside concerns. At the same time, sharing our human authentic lived experiences may be useful information that could enrich the world and help it evolve. One grain of sand at a time builds a beach.

Science and research may only go so far, seeing and hearing personal stories from loved ones could change minds and free them from the drug progaganda.

And yes, there are real risks + psychedelics are not for everyone at all moments in their lives. But isn't that more reason to share information? A healthy informed and open debate could minimize damage and maximize benefits.

Some scientists' analyses indicate that psychedelics connect us to nature which could be important for our health and survival as a species on this planet.

Again, sharing the spiritual/psychedelic is an intimately personal choice that should be respected. If sharing, I think that it is important to refer to the personal experience and published science and not extrapolate too far from that. Avoid preaching and strong opinions, which could be mind traps and misunderstood data. Most of us are just trying to figure out how to be (more) happy and healthy and no one has all the right answers.
In my experience its better not to share or go into detail. One's drug use is just usually not super relevant to other people in social situations.
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