Well, I heard about DMT and mushrooms on Joe Rogan Experience.
I haven't tried DMT successfully yet.
But thanks to mushrooms I got rid of the depression, found this place and I am changing my life.
I am better human because of my experiences.
That said,
for me to talk about mushrooms. Either other person has to start the talk or at least they have to be sometimes smoking weed which is illegal here. For me to consider coming out - as I am currently regularly doing psychedelics. Even then I test the waters before with some talk.
In some way its easier for me, I am sometimes looked badly upon for things I talk and the way I express. If there is issue with me I know I for sure have to have my mouth shut about these things. If my shenanigans are "not discouraged" I will consider easing my way into higher topics.
So I,
never admit I am doing mushrooms to people I don't know well enough. But I might admit that I have done them in some time in the past - for special cases which would be, for example someone suffering from depression. Or - if that person cannot influence my life but is scrutinizing psychedelics - I might lash out - admit to taking them in past, solving my depression, improving my life, picking up musical instrument but not being able to swallow people talking about things they know dick about...
Of course depression ones would be - look up the studies. I have done it, it worked. I know its safe-enough.
As I know myself, I have an fear that the lashing out happens somewhere in the future and I will have to not grow shrooms for some time after that.
On the other hand. Some people I did not tell them, but I guess they know. They know my interest in plants, looked up Terrence McKenna on Wikipedia (ex-colleague in charge of library - I was inquiring about a books), and they know something is up, probably they can narrow down to cubes. They haven't made inquiry into it - but lets consider we are talking about 62 year old woman here
. Or my ex-boss-woman asked me once if mushrooms are still growing - after my answer respecified that they only mean gourmet. Exact wording there was interesting when I think about it.
Feels like I should never talk to anybody to avoid problems. Guess I will think on that a bit.

if someone is depressed I will mention mushrooms in correct way, even mention my depression
Other vise I will probably mention Ayahuasca, and that its a mixture of things... yada yada, that's safe way - humans can read up on it themselves... Of course I only read about it in one of those books...