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I'm very grateful for the people who subtly introduced me to psychedelics, and also those that helped facilitate beautiful experiences or otherwise teach me. I'm very grateful for people posting information and finding online such as has gathered here in the nexus, or scientific, or underground communities. I'm very grateful for those people that also encourage me with genuine heartfelt love to attend some psychedelic prayer ceremonies.

Since psychedelics are both extremely powerful and stigmatized (to various degrees depending on where you Are in every sense of the word), the topic can require caution. That is not to say that we censor ourselves, or push, but that we reflect the truth with awareness. Psychedelics are part of my story, and I will not hide that. Nor if I feel inspired to recommend someone to a mescaline medicine ceremony, or a buddhist to psychedelic meditation, etc would I not express that genuine sentiment. When questions arise, I answer truthfully and honestly based off my own life experience.

I am proud to be me, and I am proud to exist as I am. Part of me is trippy and that part of me is proud to exist among my peers. I don't stop myself from expressing myself. I just learn how to be evermore graceful and responsive with the people and culture I'm with.

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