it would be interesting if i could find a way to meet them using dmt
Are you familiar with ritual magick? There's all sorts of ways to summon/invoke entities... combining ceremonial methods with tryptamines can yield some interesting results.
It's funny you mention sleep paralysis... just yesterday a friend of mine told me how he got sleep paralysis constantly at a house he lived at that was haunted (he hardly ever got it elsewhere, and then too it was in the presence of a haunted tibetan bowl). He said there were always entites standing over him when he woke up unable to move.
It's my understanding that sleep paralysis, physiologically, is the result of the inhibiting mechanisms in place during sleep to keep you from sleepwalking somehow remaining active when you wake up. This most likely involves acetylcholine (ACh) antagonism. Acetylcholine antagonists are known hallucinogens/deleriants (the medical term for things that provide access to spirit realms). The drug BZ that was tested by the US govt on US soldiers was an ACh antagonist, the movie Jakob's Ladder was loosely based on this. Cf. also Zoe7's experiments with sleep dep and benadryl, which is another ACh antagonist. Apparently it's quite a trip, perhaps something like this could be used as a focus, aka a mnemonic device you could consciously use to activate the frame of mind you were in when you contacted those entities, but this time while conscious and with use of the d? Who knows, it's so crazy it might work... but I'd recommend a plant source for the ACh antag, even though that means going with one of the tropane bearing species probly. Actually, I wouldn't -recommend- that to anybody, but it seems like it'd be the way to do it, if you really wanted to meet hunchback man-wolf, angry old lady, big dark evil fucker in hyperspace that badly. But I see you know Brugmansia so perhaps this is an option for you?
Do you think ingesting Rue w/ white DMT provides guidance from the spirit of the Syrian Rue?
What are your experiential differences between a "pure" and "guided" DMT trip in terms of journey + entity contact?
IME with DMT I see MY spirits... my spirit guides, consistently seeing the ones who have always been there with me.
It seems like pure DMT might help connect me to Them and to my higher true self more directly and lucidly while colored DMT might provide a more "other worldy" journey? What are your thoughts on this?
Ok, to answer both these questions: hell yeah, and HELL YEAH! Rue definately has its own spirit to lend, and Swim's noticed that impurer rue extracts (more oils), while giving a "harsher" purge, definately lends more of its spirit as well. This seems true with all plants. Eating cactus or rue or morning glory straight up, while harsh, gives direct face to face contact with the plant spirit full on. Something you only wanna do once, with plants you really wanna get to know. Don't even try it with mimosa, one of Ott's group got sick from this. As for entity contact, yeah, the white gives the same hyperdimensional omnipresent higher-order ally-type entities, whereas the red is most definately corporeal entity contact, to the point of allowing them to manifest in this reality.
Red "jungle spice," meaning orange spice that which has been pulled from mimosa base soup with toluene or xylene after it has been exhausted with heptane or pet ether, and then further washed with heptane to pull more white out, leaving only a dark red or brown... is likely degredation products of yuremamine, the other alkaloid isolated by Callaway. Plus some plant oils, which surely lend their own essence. (there's a number of reasons to get orange spice, it can be degredation of white apparently though this must take quite a while indeed... or it can be plant oils... or it can be other alkaloids... or all of the above. But only toluene/xylene pulled orange can be refined to red, which is sometimes brown or something) It has a "lower frequency" infrared spectrum vibe copmpared to the "ultraviolet" high frequency vibe of white. If, as Bill Hicks observed, matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration, then something like that is at work here as well. This molecule is larger, vibrates slower, and lets the energy solidify somewhat, producing more corporeal, manifest entities.
Looking at Callaway's proposed structure of yuremamine, it's basically a tannin bonded to a dmt molecule. The addition of a tannin (which mimosa is rich in) could make the molecule vibrate at a lower frequency, giving it a more "globular" feel when it's wobbling around in your receptors, compared to the ringing buzz of a free dmt molecule. Even though they're both binding at the same point in the molecule, the additional weight of a YDP (yuremamine degredation product) molecule compared to a free n-n molecule could accound for a trip closer on the tree to malkuth, compared to the ride striaght to kether that white n-n provides.