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what is your fave dose and setting for a pharma journey

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Rising Star
thought this might be an interesting question that should bring out some nice informative and helpful answers from the experienced members here.

at the moment i cant answer the question as my 1st pharma journey is in planning:)

yeah so what is your prefered dose of maoi and dmt?

setting? where, when? alone? with others included in the ceremony? or with others sitting? indoors/ outside? that kind of thing.

and if u will, of course, summarise what kind of experience you would come to expect within your prefered optimum conditions

finest regards:d
alone in bed either first thing in the morning of after sunset.

50-80mg DMT 200mg harmala.

One thing I've learned with this substances is that I never get what I expect :)
I don't have a favorite dose yet, but I can report that my first ever pharma experience with 150mg cappi copy and about 30mg spice was light but enjoyable. Next time I will up the spice content.
SWIM likes 200 mg THH and 20 mg DMT orally in a small glass of orange juice taken at night about 1 hour before bed time. The darkness of the night is nice for inducing visions, plus all the kids are asleep by that time:)
hey guys...be sure to clarify if you're using fumarate or freebase for your oral DMT....

i'm assuming ron's using freebase if he's putting it in orange juice...and i'm assuming soulfood is chompin' on some fumarate as 80mg of freebase would have me orbiting the far moon of endor for quite a while...

i myself am pulling some fumarate for my first legit pharma journey. i had a "near pharma" journey recently with a week's worth of caapi loading (drinking tea 3-4 times a day and .03 harmaline sublingual every night) and smoking around .06 freebase.... long gone for a long time..... i've had a handful of aya experiences but something tells me that pharma is going to be a very unique (yet familiar) journey....

thanks for all the info you guys....this is helping me as well! i think i'm kinda like ron when it comes to spice...a little goes a LONG way with me...

So far swim at 300 mg CC and 150 spice freebase and it was a mild trip... is it supposed to be anything like vaped spice? cause swim feels like hes not getting to where everyone else gets with pharma but isnt sure. This weekend hes gonna try 400 mg CC and 100 spice FB, see how that goes...
lonewolf123, I think you should up the DMT, not the MAOI. 300 mg of harmala alkaloids is on the verge of being too much. Most people can use 200 mg of harmala alkaloids just fine, while the DMT required differs greatly from person to person.

Are you taking them at the same time or spread apart? The spread apart method doesn’t work well at all for SWIM. He has to take them at the same time or it barely does anything at all. Also, he takes it in juice. Capsules don’t work well for him either.
69ron said:
The spread apart method doesn’t work well at all for SWIM. He has to take them at the same time or it barely does anything at all.
I've found this to be very good advice, taking the MAOI <5min before the fumarate gives a significant boost in effects. I like to drink a small glass of milk after all this to make sure the spice doesn't get caught up in the gut.

As for the OP's question, I find 100mg fumarate (toss and wash) is excellent without being too overwhelming. I don't really work with pure harmalas yet so I can't say much on those - I go for a blend of caapi and rue as tea or espresso. As for favorite setting: alone, mostly dark, laying down with blankets and a cup of water within reach, classical music radio station.
SWIM doesn't like music while on DMT or bufotenine (especially bufotenine). He likes to listen to the sounds within his mind. He can hear music (especially with bufotenine) and other sounds that go along with the visions this way. If there's music playing, it ruins the auditory part of the visions.
antrocles said:
i'm assuming ron's using freebase if he's putting it in orange juice...and i'm assuming soulfood is chompin' on some fumarate as 80mg of freebase would have me orbiting the far moon of endor for quite a while...

Yeah that's right. Mostly I use 50mg fumerate with a mix of manske extracted harmine/harmaline. Really looking forward to some THH in the post for the first time :)
I am looking to try this soon .. I have some fumerate I have saved I could use.. my only concern, is how to work out how much dmt is in the fumerate? surely it is quite variable no?
69ron said:
lonewolf123, I think you should up the DMT, not the MAOI. 300 mg of harmala alkaloids is on the verge of being too much. Most people can use 200 mg of harmala alkaloids just fine, while the DMT required differs greatly from person to person.

Are you taking them at the same time or spread apart? The spread apart method doesn’t work well at all for SWIM. He has to take them at the same time or it barely does anything at all. Also, he takes it in juice. Capsules don’t work well for him either.

Swim takes them at the same time in a small cup of OJ, followed by a big cup of OJ just to make sure :? So swim will instead try 180 mg FB spice and 300 mg CC. What would happen if someone was to take too much harmala? How many grams of vine would it take to match 300 mg - 400 mg CC extract?
balaganist said:
I am looking to try this soon .. I have some fumerate I have saved I could use.. my only concern, is how to work out how much dmt is in the fumerate? surely it is quite variable no?

If you do a water purifacation you should easily be able to make sure it's 95+%
lonewolf123 said:
What would happen if someone was to take too much harmala?
swiy would become very sick like unless he has high tolerancy to harmalas. It's sort of looping in his sight dizziness vertigo. It makes him vomit even thought he hasn't feel any stomach discomfort. This looping causing mostly harmaline. Does more than 150 mg oraly makes ilpt sick . For harmine it's dose greater then 250 mg. ILPT hasn't been sick from thh.hcl yet. Once he was dosing 50 mg sublingualy all day long and towards the end when significant headache developed he realised that 300 mg from vial was missing. Never tried deliberately high dose of thh as the stuff is damn expensive and 200 mg works just fine. Seems like swiy has high tolerance to harmalas and should tried them on it's own . Just rise the does accordingly until he gonna feel cybersicknes and next time take lil bit less with enough dmt. Sorted. That's exactly how ilpt determined his dose. Trust me swiy doesn't wanna be sick while tripping his balls hard on dmt. Eek :(
250mg rue alkaloids gave me multiscreen vision and made me feel really stoned in a weird kind of way that makes walking seem highly undesirable.

I don't recommend it :)
With THH, for SWIM, 300 mg or under is fine, but 350 mg or more causes bad cybersickness-like effects. You get dizzy, nauseated, and it's hard to walk. Not pleasant. But the psychedelics effects are nice at 350 mg. The side effects make it not worth the bother, so I do NOT recommend taking that much.
Also remember MAO's play a significant role in your body so inhibiting so be sure not to inhibit too much

also try and use a salt for pharmahuasca opposed to freebase, you'll end up using a lot less product: this is why lots use OJ, or lemon juice, it converts freebase spice into dmt-citrate.
Yeah, freebase DMT does not work well at all. It should be a salt. You would think that the stomach acid would make DMT HCl, but for some reason it doesn’t quite work like that. I have no clue why.

DMT HCl works better than DMT freebase does for oral use. If the stomach acids made DMT HCl from all the DMT you ingested then this should not be the case, but it is.
I dont agree that freebase doesnt work well.. it worked perfectly the couple of times I tried it, didnt notice any difference in terms of strenght than, for example, dissolved in orange juice.. though I preffer anyways dissolve in a bit of juice because its easier to swallow without feeling so much the taste of dmt which is quite bad
Well, several times SWIM had NO EFFECTS AT ALL from freebase DMT placed in a capsule. That's never happened with DMT citrate or DMT fumarate placed in a capsule. They might be weak from being in a capsule, but they always worked. So for SWIM it makes a huge difference. Others have noticed this as well, not just SWIM.
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