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what is your fave dose and setting for a pharma journey

Migrated topic.
Endlessness, the effectiveness of DMT freebase orally with an MAOI is very possibly related to each person's metabolism. The fact that it works great for you and very poorly for SWIM and some other people, points in this direction. Each person's digestive system is different. Some people secret stomach acid faster than others, some less than others, some for a shorter period of time, etc. This varies a lot from person to parson and can be affected by the thoughts a person has. Just thinking about food can cause an increase in stomach acid. Smelling delicious food causes in increase in stomach acid.

Many have noticed that smelling food or eating delicious food right after taking the oral DMT will increase the effectiveness of the DMT. The reason being that such actions stimulate digestion. The mere thought of food stimulates digestion.
Excellent point, Ron. Mind over matter. Pavlov agrees and will keep this in mind during the next foray and report!


lonewolf123 said:
So are you guys saying freebase in OJ isnt doing its job?

As soon as you put freebase DMT in OJ it becomes DMT citrate. So, no, we're not saying that at all. That's a great way to use it.

We're talking about DMT freebase in capsules.
69ron said:
Endlessness, the effectiveness of DMT freebase orally with an MAOI is very possibly related to each person's metabolism. The fact that it works great for you and very poorly for SWIM and some other people, points in this direction. Each person's digestive system is different. Some people secret stomach acid faster than others, some less than others, some for a shorter period of time, etc. This varies a lot from person to parson and can be affected by the thoughts a person has. Just thinking about food can cause an increase in stomach acid. Smelling delicious food causes in increase in stomach acid.

Many have noticed that smelling food or eating delicious food right after taking the oral DMT will increase the effectiveness of the DMT. The reason being that such actions stimulate digestion. The mere thought of food stimulates digestion.

its possible ron, yeah, that its due to individual metabolic differences.. or maybe its something to do with using caps? When I did take freebase, first time I tried straight putting in the mouth and swallowing with water (yuck the taste), once stuck inside a little piece of bread and swallow, and once inside a little bit of mashed banana (is banana acidic?)... They all worked perfect.. After those 3 times I've been always drinking it dissolved in some orange juice
I always used to take ayahuasca by myself, but recently i did it with a very good friend and it was an absolutely fantastic experience.
It seemed as if we telepatically communicated and it felt realy good to give love and to receive it without needing words and such.

For social settings, 50 grams of chacruna or anything equivalent to that works best.

I very much like to go deeper with something in between 75 to 100 grams of chacruna, but that's something i still prefer to do alone.

A dark environment is ofcourse best. In the summer, being in the middle of a forest is perfect, but during winters i prefer to stay inside. When inside, i clean up everything before the journey begins.

I always enjoy to have fresh fruit and fruitjuices around. Green tea is also very nice.

No music or other stimuli.

I always meditate before and during the event. Taking a long walk outside is also a good physical preparation.

It's a good thing to take a shower afterwards, because of increased sweating.
A few hours ago SWIM took 200 mg of harmalas + 30 mg of freebase spice sublingually at +25 min. It was her first pharma experience. She was tripping for an hour. Very mild euphoric experience with a sharp peak (15 min or so) at +45 min. Slight nausea at the peak. It was a letdown in general.

SWIM plans to up the harmalas to 250 mg and the spice to 60 mg.
I've been having a bit of trouble getting off the ground with pharma. I've got plenty of experience with smoking, and normal dosing works fine. Pharma is a different story.
I've had three attempts, the first was 200mg Caapi Copy and 80mg freebase in OJ. A couple of hours in only threshold effects were felt, so I re-dosed with 150mg of each.
This was a light experience, no breakthrough, just euphoria, light visuals and some profound thinking.

Next time was 200mg THH and 180mg freebase, to less effect than the first trip after re-dosing.

Yesterday I had 220mg THH and 260mg jimjam fumrate (thanks Jorkest and friends, love the BLAB). This was also a very mild experience. No visuals, just felt like the comedown of a smoked DMT with sub lingual THH.

Do I need to go silly and have 300mg of harmala's and 400mg of fumrate?

All of this was on an empty stomach, I had one piece of toast after to get digestion started.
Fakkz said:
I've been having a bit of trouble getting off the ground with pharma. I've got plenty of experience with smoking, and normal dosing works fine. Pharma is a different story.
I've had three attempts, the first was 200mg Caapi Copy and 80mg freebase in OJ. A couple of hours in only threshold effects were felt, so I re-dosed with 150mg of each.
This was a light experience, no breakthrough, just euphoria, light visuals and some profound thinking.

Next time was 200mg THH and 180mg freebase, to less effect than the first trip after re-dosing.

Yesterday I had 220mg THH and 260mg jimjam fumrate (thanks Jorkest and friends, love the BLAB). This was also a very mild experience. No visuals, just felt like the comedown of a smoked DMT with sub lingual THH.

Do I need to go silly and have 300mg of harmala's and 400mg of fumrate?

All of this was on an empty stomach, I had one piece of toast after to get digestion started.

Wow. You seem to have a really high tolerance to it. Your doses should send almost anyone flying into the upper limits of hyperspace. How long after taking the harmalas do you take the DMT? If you take them together then change it up. Try taking the harmalas and then wait 30 minutes before the DMT.
SWIMs favorite new combo would have to be (100mg THH/50mg Harmaline/50mg Harmine) along with 80mg FASI fumarate from jorkests tek. SWIM usually just does (50mg THH/75mg Harmaline/75 Harmine) and it starts at around an hour whereas bumping up the THH to 100mg and using less of the harmine/harmaline resulted in a longer launch...right around the 1 1/2 hour - 1 hour n' 40 minute mark.

And once it comes, it STAYYYYS for quiiitee a bit..a good 4 hours strong SWIM would say. The visions that seem to overlay this reality are slowed a bit to comprehend a little more, but the intensity is still very much there. The THH definitely extends it a biiitt more than the others it seems..such a different experience altogether.

80mg FASI fumarate is quite intense though. (potent stuff!) SWIM can see why some decide to purge.. The feeling coming from the heart region is soooo strong along with the abdominal region. It's like everything eminates from your center.

WOW..all that can be said...such an intertwined, divine architecture that surrounds us in our day to day. Constantly changing in its boundless potentiality. Flowing through every single thing and giving life....its the essence of existense.. It's what is and always will be.

This experience was so profound...changed SWIMS views 210% on "us" and life itself. An infinite fluxing supermainframe of the organic quantum. Defied SWIMs expectations to the fullest.

SWIMs got some CC on order from FV. :)

DMTtripn2Space said:
An infinite fluxing supermainframe of the organic quantum.

Nice!! 8)

I have a gram of CC and sooo want to get underway with pharma...so many good reports lately!

Just need the time :roll:

Great stuff everyone :)
thepureskunk said:
DMTtripn2Space said:
An infinite fluxing supermainframe of the organic quantum.

Nice!! 8)

I have a gram of CC and sooo want to get underway with pharma...so many good reports lately!

Just need the time :roll:

Great stuff everyone :)

Yeah SWIM figures just using each individual 200mg CC with each of the journeys..should turn out nicely.

And with the fasi furm..you won't be dissapointed..but its a must to re-xtal...beautfiul crystals form and its slightly more pure.

an organic quantum mainframe is the best way to describe it imho. It's so extraordinary, but at the same time it looks and feels soo natural.. and has this essence to it..this...organic intelligence...waiting for our command :)
Beyond 150 mg DMT SWIM recognized strange anormalies.
SWIM started screaming on over 200 mg DMT and the trip was not very pleasurable. I also had strange convulsions of my arms and body!
Very very odd. It was pure madness.
Don't do it!

Take 70 mg until a very maximum of 130
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