Fantastic grows tseuq, permatrip and benzyme! That's the first time benz I've seen someone directly culturing Claviceps spp. for the alkaloids, very interesting stuff!! I'll be intrigued to know how things pan out with that!
I've had a very busy year with work commitments but I've been doing some mushroom growing on the side...I'm focussing on the species that are particularly highly shamanically particular P. mexicana, P. hoogshagenii 'Semperviva', and P caerulescens. I've got lots of fully colonised P. hoogshagenii jars now ready for fruiting, I have some jars of P. caerulescens liquid culture ready to do (constructing an air tight glove box for performing inoculations and mastering liquid culture tek have both really kicked up my grow game a few notches, I highly recommend interested peeps look into these).
I also have a fair few jars of colonised P. galindoi grain, and I laid some out to fruit a few weeks back...interestingly, P. galindoi (along with P. tampanensis) were recently found through genetic analyses to be sub-strain variants of P. mexicana. This is my first ever flush of my own P. galindoi...not the best flush in the world (got about 1g dry in the end)...but I cased this tray the eve before I left my home, and I've been away for almost a month now because of work obligations, and these mushrooms fruited themselves without supervision with an automated fruiting chamber set up (the guy who gifted me with a print got six flushes). My girlfriend has been keeping an eye on them but even she was away with me for a week. So I'm pretty chuffed they fruited without any supervision, but I'm hoping when I'm back home to look after them I'll get better yields. A blue LED light has been placed above the fruiting chamber to come on for a few hours a day, this being recommended for healthy fruiting of the Mexicanae by some experienced growers, hopefully that will help things along. It also shows pretty clearly that if one's setup is optimal this really isn't a hard species to grow or fruit.
Fingers crossed I can produce a flush like yours permatrip when I'm back to take care of them!! :thumb_up: