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What I've been waiting for

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all!

I'm very happy to be a part of this community, after pouring through old posts before signing up I can see a great sense of camaraderie and a huge wealth of knowledge is contained in these pages.

I've found my way to DMT somewhat later in life than some, though I always had a great love of psychedelics in my heyday back in the ninety's. I had an opportunity to take some acid last year, and was reminded of the "other part/place" of my conscienceness that I had long forgotten... That sent me on a quest thay has ultimately led here.

My first extraction went beautifully! Here was a substance that was like nothing I had experienced before! A front row seat on the wildest ride imaginable... No need to wax poetic here, you all know what I mean.

Lately, things are different, I'll be posting some mixed results along with a lot of questions for those who are interested and want to help out.

I appreciate you all, I wouldn't have gotten this far without the posts in this forum for guidance.

Cheers -LH
Welcome to the Nexus!

Glad to hear you are enjoying your newest psychedelic journey!

I look forward to your contributions!
Leatherhands said:
I've found my way to DMT somewhat later in life than some, though I always had a great love of psychedelics in my heyday back in the ninety's.

I find this thing to be important really, as with such things a good dose of maturity is always needed, more so when looking into integrating the benefits that these experiences bring forth. Better late than never! :thumb_up:

Welcome on board!
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