necromanteum said:[I think you converted me. I'm not 100% sure on that at the moment but the guy in that video laid it out much more comprehensively than i had anticipated. This is a much more complex topic than first seemed at surface value. There's a lot I'd have to independently verify before I could give any last word on where I stand.
But For what's it worth, you definitely picked the correct video. Well done
I will say that I appreciate your watching and thinking the issue through. My intention is not to attack end users who are just responding to shiny new objects dangled by bad faith corporations.
The truth is that I think that most people don't understand the ramifications of all of this. My hope is that once they do they will choose not to engage with the software, until such a time as it's overhauled entirely (most likely by force of legislation) and artists are fairly compensated.
I think the technology is incredible as well. I just don't want human beings getting run over by it en masse, and if left unchecked with their current model, that's exactly what will happen.