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what REALLY happens when DMT is smoked?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
In your opinion do you think DMT really causes us to be taken to another world or is that all just in our heads? Is a breakthrough really real? Are you truly in that realm or is it all just a complicated physiological response to the molecule???
this always got me wondering....
Are you even sure that what you perceive now is real? How do you know?

Personally I think DMT is just a magic mirror into the psyche, but you will find other members on here who think it is a portal to another dimension, separate and autonomous.

You decide. Whatever you believe is real, for all intents and purposes.
Another world....in your head.. what's the difference?

I live in my own world. I live in my own head. What is real to me is real to me in any instance.

As above, so below.
When your not on dmt that is your state of mind. When your on dmt that is your state of mind. When I am sober I meet entities every day they are called the rest of existence. When I am dreaming I meet people in the dreams that I must be playing (right?). Its either one or the other. Or is it both?:?
The extent to which the mind patches together and creates what you perceive when sober is quite bizarre. I don't consider this strictly "real" either.

Can you explain to me what the colour red looks like without comparing it to something else?
How do you know what you see is what I see?

Truly this community called life is built on many unspoken assumptions of understanding.
I don't want to know. Knowledge can be so limiting. And who wants to wake up from a dream of a thousand delight and be left with a vague memory, with the need to ponder and fill administrative papers when all that is recquired is to sleep again? To slip again into her arms ...
I think at the end of the day that we're all trying our best on speaking to the same thing, just different (and sometimes vastly different) ways, terminology, etc. We're fairly limited here. We always have to be aware of these limitations.

All different ways up the mountain, though the mountain is still the mountain, with none of our words changing that fact.

Anyone that's experienced or has been in the deep end knows that words immediately fail when they're confronted with it, the immediate experience as it presents itself is what triumphs in that moment, the words do not.
Afrar said:
In your opinion do you think DMT really causes us to be taken to another world or is that all just in our heads? Is a breakthrough really real? Are you truly in that realm or is it all just a complicated physiological response to the molecule???
this always got me wondering....

I think it's a bit of both. Personally I dislike the term 'hyperspace'; from my own experiences I believe it's possible to relate it using existing concepts and terminology coined already in mystical literature/experiences of past human beings.

A lot of it seems to be visual memory being triggered, with real-time emotional feedback into the experience, with dabbles of external data perceptions coming in and potential two way projections with entities. It happens so fast and in a fashion so unlike our ordinary conscious state it feels very much like an altogether different dimension. In my opinion it is, but it's not a foreign or unique dimension each time - it is what could be called the mental realm, or the mind dimension. The visions and places may be different each time, but the underlying canvas is the same.

I get the impression that people can't see the forest from the trees, that they're too caught up in the actual content of the visions. Much like ordinary dreams (and waking life) we get swept along by the kaleidoscope of emotion and content. It's only when you have a lucid dream or sober mystical state that you get the contrast, the perspective, from which to compare and evaluate.

The mind dimension is more real than this one. Is that not the first impression you had? It was instant, shocking, unexpected - that's how you know it is true.
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