More to do with age and cultivation than strain.
I could not disagree more!
There are strains that contain almost nothing but THH and other which contain no THH and all harmine!
"Cielo" is the best strain if you ask me! I also think it's much better to grow Caapi then buy it! It's really easy to grow! We just need to propagate the best strains![/quote]
Well I have tried many "cielo" aka sky Caapi aka Ourinhos from different vendor's and all of them are different...some more than others. From completely inactive, to quite potent, with many different subtleties with each batch!
The same goes for white caapi. I've had many different white caapi strains from many different vendors and they are all slightly different.
When the caapi vine is picked, where it grows, how old it is, how much sun it gets, the altitude it is grown in all directly effect the % of alkaloids is has in it.
I find more difference in batches than in varieties.
IMHO White and Yello (Sky/Ceilo) have more in common than Black or Red varieties which range from inactive to highly purgative and very physical.
And please note that these different varieties are just one way that Caapi is differentiated by currandero’s. There are some that break them down into many different strains based on nodules, leaf shape, vine shape, etc.
Here is one listing, but this is not at all exhaustive. Each tribe/village/currandero has their own method.