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What went wrong to SWIM's extraction? (PICS)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello! SWIM decided to extract dmt for the first time. He failed.
Here's a process of what he did.

1. He pulverized 50g of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark
2. Mixed 50g bark, 50g caustic soda, 750ml deionized water. Shaked it and left it for one hour
3. Added 50 ml naptha (a lighter fluid called RONSONOL that he read is good for this operation) at 50 degrees celcius. Rolled the mix around with a glass.
4. Separeted naptha and repeated steps 3-4, for four more times.

A) After SWIM figured out that the naptha stays on top and rolling the mix wont mix the naptha, he used a metal spoon to really mix the balck mix on top of the naptha on top. Maybe the metal reacts?
B) Always tried to have 50 degrees celcius, but at one time, he forgot and the temperature of the heater reached 80 degrees celcius. As to what temperature the mix gotten, he is not sure, as he was measuring the temperature of the metal plate. Perhaps this high temperature destroyed the dmt?

5. Collected all the naptha together and left it in the freezer for 24 hours. Unfortunately, there was a lot of black dirt from the mix in the naptha as it was impossible to separate completely with the pippette, as the jar was too wide.

When he removed the jar from the freezer all the black dirt had frozen. Unfortunately, there was no dmt to be seen. Here is a picture of the jar when removed from the freezer. The black thing is all the dirt that had frozen.


In fact if you look the following two picture, you will see some white residue on the naptha. Though it was so miniscule, it is worthless. And SWIM wasted 50g of mhrb for this.... Is this white stuff dmt? There weren't even crystals. Just tiny white 'blankets' floating there.

The reside is to the upper part of the two last pictures.


Here is another picture of the white residue. If this was DMT, why it was so little?



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Please don't swim here, it's just not fashionable anymore.

Mix the lye and the water and let it cool down. Only then add the bark.

Five times 50 ml makes 250 ml of naphtha. That is far more than necessary to dissolve all of the dmt tha could possibly be present in 50 grams of bark. Chances are that not all the dmt will crystallize out when freezing that amount of naphtha. Use smaller amounts per pull or do a mini a/b (do some searching on the forum before asking about it) on the largeish amount of naphtha. Apart from reducing the amount of naphtha that needs to be frozen, it will also help to get rid of the black plant sludge that you pulled along with the naphtha.

Never heat the container directly on a hot plate. Always use a warm water bath. Temperatures over 40 degrees celcius are not necessary and even add impurities.

Use a container tha can be closed and shaken vigorously. rolling and stirring doesn't mix the layers adequately enough.

Lastly, keep trying. It is not unusual for new extractors to get it right only after a few (partially) unsuccesful tries. Extracting dmt is a bity of an art. Practice makes perfect.

Reading and searching the forum helps. Be sure to read the FAQ and a whole bunch of the sticky threads (at the top of the subforum's pages).
Definitely excessive solvent volume and maybe bunk bark. Also, make sure your freezer is cold enough.

Transferring the solvent via an intermediate container, such as a Pyrex jug, is a good way of preventing the basic soup from entering the freeze precipitation vessel.

Bear in mind that when doing multiple pulls it's not necessary for all the solvent to be removed each time. This will help to prevent you from sucking up the plainly excessive amounts of base soup that you ended up putting in your precipitation dish.
The amount of naptha was too much? It was what Noman suggested in his tek (dmt fot he masses).
Here's a link:

As you can see in step 4: Now add 1mL naptha per gram of bark in the mixing jar. (That was 50 ml for 50g bark)

But then he says in step 7: Repeat steps 4 to 6 three more times.
That is (1+3)*50ml = 200 ml

So how much should one use per gram of root bark?
30mL naphtha dissolve 1g DMT, so theoretically 15mL should be able to pull all the goods from 50g of MHRB with 1% DMT content.

Rather than simply following a recipe, it is more rewarding to fully understand the principles behind the various extraction processes.
psychotropia1 said:
5. Collected all the naptha together and left it in the freezer for 24 hours. Unfortunately, there was a lot of black dirt from the mix in the naptha as it was impossible to separate completely with the pippette, as the jar was too wide.
Put naptha in a tall glass to make it easier to seperate.

I think you can still save it by puttin all the liquids (Naptha and base water soup) back into one jar again.
Mix it up and if the naptha goes clear pull it of watching out to pull no base liquid.
Or as I said go two steps. Naptha into tall container and then into freeze dish.
The massive overshoot of naptha might not break the extraction but if you dont get any dmt after freeze make sure to evap it down to 50ml/ till it clouds up and then freeze again.

Naptha should always be colorless or slightly tanned. Make sure to NEVER pull the base soup.

Also you dont really need much heat. Dont heat directly.
psychotropia1 said:
But you mean 15ml in sumation? Or 15 ml per pull? (so 5 pulls = 15*5 = 75ml in sum?)
Please take the trouble to do the mathematics yourself 😉

You may find some of the naphtha gets bound up in the basic soup (15mL in 750... needle in a haystack, almost!) So more than one pull would still make sense.
How about reading the actual tek that you reference a bit more closely??

From the FAQ section of Noman's tek:
2] Naptha recommended amount per gram of MHRB (from Entropymancer above)

A - Try 0.4ml per gram MHRB compared to 1ml and do a few more pulls. This will make the freeze precipitation better. The vast majority (rawmo personal experience) of DMT (expectedly perhaps) comes from the first pull, so if you have 2 containers for precipitation and are in a rush do the first pull in one and the rest in the other.
The wiki page also references the nexus forum thread where the updates to Noman's tek are discussed. You should read that too. In fact, at the top of the page, before the actual tek description, Noman states (emphasis mine):
The intent of this tek is to simplify the extraction procedure as much as possible and make it doable for the average person in the average kitchen in an evening. While I think that I have accomplished this, it does not mean that one does not have to do their homework. You should read a few teks before deciding on one and research the chemicals and procedures that you will be using. I don’t give instructions for decanting, siphoning, and filtering, for example, because I assume that you have educated yourself on these simple procedures and that I don’t have to clutter up my tek with them. You should treat this procedure as a starting point from which it is up to you to discover the best way to proceed based upon the materials and equipment available to you.
Don't worry about the temperature until you get this down. After you mix everything up the naphtha might separate quickly and that's normal. Why even use RONSONOL? Why not pick up a can of vm&p naphtha? Make sure you go to the Ronsonol website and see if it's pure naphtha. obviously you didn't take your time with this. I can tell your more of a visual learner so why not watch a few extraction videos and get a idea of the process. I'm going to email you something that should help.
psychotropia1 said:
So in his tek, at one time he says 1ml naphta per gram of root bark and then 0.4ml per gram MHRB. How was i supposed to know which one to use?
By actually studying the tek desciption and reading the forum discussion referenced in the tek?

Look I don't want to put you down or bully you, but this place is not meant to babysit people through procedures that they don't want to understand. All over the site you'll find the recommendations to study the materials and do your own homework.

If you want to come and help us out in making the descriptions easier to understand and follow through, you are more than welcome. This is not the same as asking questions that have been discussed before and could have been answered by proper use of the information already provided.
Godsmacker said:
May we please make it a requirement that all new members must watch a video such as this, and then take a quiz on it in order to pass and get membership?

Because they wouldn't do it and then would have no resources when they try and do it like op.

Hopefully the OP will take away from these responses the idea that DMT extraction is, while at the same time very accessible, it and the result are something to take seriously.

I don't think any other place would be helpful and forgiving as these folks are, this is a community of decent folks and they wish you success in your endeavor.

Holding your hand while you want to take shortcuts would not be doing you a service, learning how to work with the plant is a step in learning how to work with dmt. It is a tool not a toy.
null24 said:
Godsmacker said:
May we please make it a requirement that all new members must watch a video such as this, and then take a quiz on it in order to pass and get membership?

Because they wouldn't do it and then would have no resources when they try and do it like op.

Hopefully the OP will take away from these responses the idea that DMT extraction is, while at the same time very accessible, it and the result are something to take seriously.

I don't think any other place would be helpful and forgiving as these folks are, this is a community of decent folks and they wish you success in your endeavor.

Holding your hand while you want to take shortcuts would not be doing you a service, learning how to work with the plant is a step in learning how to work with dmt. It is a tool not a toy.

Most people who join the nexus seem to have the intention of learning how to extract DMT, and oftentimes do poorly, making simply stupid mistakes, oftentimes because they don't understand simple chemistry they're applying in such a procedure, and as thus pose a harm to themselves via playing with caustic/dangerous/toxic reagents. The DMT Nexus is an Entheogenic University, with the majority of new members trying to learn how to properly and safely extract DMT from plants. It's easy to screw-up an extraction if you don't understand the chemical concepts being applied. As thus, I propose that we direct them to resources, such as This Webpage, in order to promote safety and harm reduction via educating Nexians on just what is going on during a typical extraction.

As an aside, if one wishes to extract Elf Spice, they should be using proper apparti in their extractions. The equipment is affordable via ebay and other sites, and, IMO, it may reduce the incidences of accidents (e.g. spills of concentrated NaOH solutions, etc.) which may occur when extracting. If one is willing to take the risk of the legal repercussions of manufacturing a controlled substance, they should be willing to do it correctly and safely.
Godsmacker said:
May we please make it a requirement that all new members must watch a video such as this, and then take a quiz on it in order to pass and get membership?


You're not the first person to recommend something like this. If I had it my way I would send every new member a link to Willy Myco videos. If I could do that no one would struggle with dmt extracting lol. The nexus isn't the only good source for extracting. The problem is that a lot of new members are to lazy to do a simple google/YouTube search lol.
1. You HAVE to seperate the liquids. Using the wrong container to do your work is no excuse.
2. Container used for recrystalization is way way to big. It should be as small as possible, using fully saturated solvent.
3. As pitubo said, read up on the teks or do not perform them at all. They do carry risks and are not as easy as baking a cake.
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