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What're your most valuable lessons/realizations from psychedelic induced states?

Migrated topic.


Hey fellow nexians! I'm curious to hear all the lessons you have learned from psychedelics and how they might have helped pave way for your growth as human beings.

I guess it doesn't have to strictly include lessons from psychedelics either, they could be from dissociatives, meditation, yoga, magick, holotropic breathwork and any other forms of psychedelic-like induced states.

Personally, psychedelics have changed me in a lot of ways. On my very first trip, it helped me to not "fear" death as much. I have also made realizations about the world that everything is so 'made up', think about governments, language, law, and how we decide to label things. There is no physical laws or government as such, it's just a world you're brought into which you mutually agree to follow when you're born. Many things around us are human counstructs, when those ideas are taken away from psychedelicsit can be an amazing experience to see the world in a different perspective, other than what we've grown up to know. (I'm not an anarchist btw, it's simply an observation I've made)

Lessons aside, psychedelics have also made me a much more empathetic and open minded person. I'm more enviromentally friendly, nice to animals and other people as a whole. It's also a lot easier for me to understand things from other people's perspectives, which can be suprisingly helpful in a lot if situations. :d
For me its been as much emotional as conceptual.
I was born with mild aspergers syndrome. Emotions were always mild and not easy to express in myself or understand in others. Appreciation of beauty was similarly underdeveloped. I was just an emotionally flat bookworm that couldnt relate to people and what emotion and feeling I did have was mostly depression and pain.
At the age of 13, starting with LSD, I began diving into my own psyche with the specific intent of exploring emotion, beauty, and cognition. Doing so may very easily have saved my life [or at least kept me away from heroin] by counterbalancing ongoing depression I had as a result of physical disability.
In the many years that followed that beginning LSD taught me about beauty, mushrooms allowed me to feel love for the first time in my life, oral DMT showed me rapturous joy, and I'm now giving mescaline a good solid chance to teach me something.
On the more conceptual side, as a teenager LSD allowed me to step outside of my box and see the underlying racism passed down from generation to generation in my family and understand that my father had consciously been trying to reduce that tendency in himself for decades. To his credit he made good progress over 40 years. I'm not so patient with such things, so I blasted the hell out of my brain with acid until I expunged the last of that foolishness from the bloodline. Thank you, LSD.
My family also has quite the propensity toward self destructive escapism. Combine that with chronic pain from birth and you have a dangerous and volatile mixture. LSD helped me see those trends and mushrooms helped me work past them.
My health was trash from my earliest memory, all doctors and authorities told me my case was hopeless. I was raised to accept that as absolute fact. Blasting the hell out of my brain with mushrooms as I watched my father die very prematurely gave me the insight to accept that these highly educated 'authorities' may simply not know what theyre talking about. I subsequently cured most of my 'incurable' medical conditions I had since birth. Theres still some pain but I'm strong and vigorous, more so than I was ever 'supposed to be'.

Its a shame psychedelics are illegal, but even if I were sitting in prison right now I'd still be much better off than if I had never discovered these medicines.
My few experiences.. with mescaline, dmt and then lsd respectively.. all relatively small dosages, all brought me to the same unshakeable sense that I must be mentally ill, although ill in what way precisely I could never guess. Only that my world has grown so so incredibly small that I have become, in effect, in effect, mentally handicapped and unmatured. All experiences were quite unpleasant and plagued with paranoia and strong feelings of insecurity / self-consciousness.

And that about sums it up. All of my “spritual” and more meaningful experiences have been without the aid of drugs of anykind, beyond caffiene and alcohol.. which would coincide with my realizations that I am somehow mentally ill.

Initially it was enormously depressing to learn that I am not together enough to handle psychedelics, to experience the wonder and the variety that countless others have related about their own experiments. But Ive slowly come to accept it, as I have slowly come to accept most everything else.. as one must.
Where does one even begin?

Entheogens can induce and leave one in complete awe, and subject you to deconstructing said experiences for possibly your whole life to come. At one point you may think you know the experience in its totality, but in 5 years time, one comes to the realization that you don't know jack s***! This can also occur within minutes or hours after one exposure to such great teachers.

So, if there's anything I've learned from psychedelics is to not take anything for granted and to seriously consider and appreciate my temporary purpose on this incredible, finite planet. Whether subtly or moar actively. Balancing both ways can be beneficial and nourishing. And I think many folks can agree to this notion that the psychedelic state isn't kidding around, and requires your full attention by enabling you to re-consider your current paradigm. A lot of it is about feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable, so that you're then able to critically transform and shift that darkness and fear into light and radiance. Thereby immediately impacting not just your subjective reality, but also inspiring to others around you. Sometimes without you even truly knowing it.

Just as the serpent sheds its skin - can then see with new eyes and a sense of rejuvenation.
For me it's always very set and setting dependent on how deep I go into the experience.
Here are some in my experience:

1) Love permeates the universe. It is all and everything.
2) There is no such thing as pure evil. Instead, there are issues that need to be worked out.
3) I am flawed. Yet I am nature. I accept my flaws with no guilt or remorse, they are part of me and I am part of the all. All I can do is do my best.
4) We are all incredibly lucky beyond words to be a part of life. An amazing mystery and opportunity that when contemplated brings deep thankful awe and humbleness.
5) The beauty of the here and now is beyond limits. It is the filters and limitations of the observer that keeps him from being in a perpetual state of awe.
6) The universe is geometry (-> this was taught to me by a hefty amount of mushrooms after time stopped, difficult to put in words - I saw the energy of our sun as a geometrical shape that had to be the way it was).

Peace and love~
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