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when will be the next SHE?

^Well we can all talk about you behind your astral back then :d

Come on guys! I've been wanting to try this for some time now. We can change times, make it a wave, whatever makes it more convenient for everyone who wants to join in. But in order to do so we have to talk it out so we all know whats going on. If the time doesn't work then lets discuss a different time. I'm actually okay with any time so 8pm would be fine. Is there any objections to taking off at 8pm? And Trav, what timezone are you in? We need to decide from there if everyone can jump at the same time or if there should be a wave.
fraterS.O.L. said:
^Well we can all talk about you behind your astral back then :d

Come on guys! I've been wanting to try this for some time now. We can change times, make it a wave, whatever makes it more convenient for everyone who wants to join in. But in order to do so we have to talk it out so we all know whats going on. If the time doesn't work then lets discuss a different time. I'm actually okay with any time so 8pm would be fine. Is there any objections to taking off at 8pm? And Trav, what timezone are you in? We need to decide from there if everyone can jump at the same time or if there should be a wave.

I'm in CET.

But many people are all over the world, from Australia to Europe and then to the USA. So no timezone will ever fit in all. Thats the reason why the wave was invented, to give everybody a good timing to join.

You can however join in multiple timezones though and in the chat an extra room will be made for the SHE so people can sync their lift offs if needed. We did that for previous SHEs and it worked quite well.

So how about that?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
^ That sounds good. I've actually never used the chat feature so I guess there's no time like the present. Well there's no time like tomorrow as soon the misses will hijack the internet from me.:roll: Go ahead and set that room up if you haven't already.
yeay wave SHE.. I think I will take the day and the rest of the week off... opens some interesting possibilities
didnt see the room in chat. 21st at 8pm, wave? I'm good with that

Any peoples wantin to synch up with other time zones feel free to PM me too. I'm game
in general each time-zone has their blast off at 8 p.m. local time. But there's no rule against joining up with other time zones, doing multiple blast offs or tripping the entire time. Be creative :) just send some positive energy into the collective field.
I'll be on chat for 8pm. Will be drinking Ayahuasca at 9pm though, my recent journeys and general thought have given me this idea. That is, if the postal service serves me well.
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