As a humorous spinoff of a more seriously intended thread, here are attempts of some chat chatters to expand Watts' metaphor into funny, lolWhut containing, situations.
When you get the message,
‹Shaolin› hang up the phone and start making telephones.
‹Snozz› hang up and plug in the autodialer
‹Shaolin› Put it on speaker.
‹Ringworm› when you get the message, blow up the phone company
‹wage.› Leave a voicemail.
When you get the message,
‹Shaolin› hang up the phone and start making telephones.
‹Snozz› hang up and plug in the autodialer
‹Shaolin› Put it on speaker.
‹Ringworm› when you get the message, blow up the phone company
‹wage.› Leave a voicemail.