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When's the next SHE?


Rising Star
I'd love to see this be more of a monthly, or bi-monthly event. Is there another SHE happening soon, or is it how it seems, that the idea is dead for now?
I would also love to take part in something like this. The whole concept of a SHE seems like it should be explored on a regular basis. Hyperspace is vast, but maybe.. just maybe, we might be able to find one another in our travels.
I thought it was interesting that so many Nexians had very powerful experiences around the Christmas holidays, it was almost synchronized...
ms_manic_minxx said:
I thought it was interesting that so many Nexians had very powerful experiences around the Christmas holidays, it was almost synchronized...

The 26th of December 2009
I will remember the date of this awakening for the rest of my life. My whole life was synchronized up to this paticular point in time. I look forward to sharing the experience with you all sometime soon :)
fractal enchantment said:
Maybe this weekend would be a good time..friday or saturday night sometime?

I would love to. Seen as Im a bit of a logistical nightmare, could you do us the honour of chosing a time to depart? x
I'm glad to see there's some interest! But could we uh, delay it a bit. I'm a new member and I'm currently ordering supplies for the synthesis. I should be good to trip in two weeks. Then again, you could do it this weekend AND we could set another date in a couple weeks. But I can't this weekend. I have no spice.
Can we all get the word out to do a she on the next full moon, which is two weeks from this friday the 16th of jan(2010). who is in? It takes place on a sat.

how do we go about letting others know?
i'm in but this is 2010 and Thursday is the 14th haha.

The next full moon is the 30th. Anyone else in?
Thanks for the correction, I will edit my post. Sorry I am way behind in time. haha, lost track there for a second, 2010 already. :d

I'm in for the full moon for sure. Let us see if anyone else joins us. :)

A time will have to be arrived at by everyone.
I am always down for something like this. I need to do another extraction as well, but patience will allow me to join y'all soon :)
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