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Where to start healing open wounds

Migrated topic.


I compulsively post from time to time
Large populace live in extreme poverty, where poverty goes, corruption is.

Being alone in my home town in a dutch city. I've found out my world was too small and lost literally all will to live. Slowly I find strength in the idea of doing something for the earth, as I live essentially as a parasite and refuse to be part of the problem. I dream of starting a farm in hotter parts of the world where economic circumstances allow. I realize that part of this world is in hunger and food and shelter is necessary. I figured that growing sustainable Kratom and/or Ayahuasca on a decent scale for shipment can provide reasonable income while abstaining from unnecessary work. Partly, under the aegis that these drugs can help people in the West in some way or another. I also see that this does nothing for people in poverty, I seriously doubt that my reasons are not completely selfish. Now, I'm just wondering how others might have coordinated their part in the world's playing field to see if there are some helpful tips.
I dont have an answer (yet), but Ive been thinking similar things along the lines, of how to live a life beneficial to earth and the global society. Its all to easy to get comfortable in all the self-improvement lifestlye and the follow-up ego-strocking (mostly applies to my situation at least).

If I follow my current field of study, Ill probably end up as some kind of psychotherapist. How ever, if I look at the bigger part of the alternative-healing field, and also the licensed psychotherapy scene, I really dont like how much money most treatments cost, making it not suitable for healing of the poorer parts of the world. aling is to the world, as I imagine most low-class/third world people have bigger problems then healing their past traumas and also in the end I believe everybody has to heal/or allow healing by himself.

I am still mostly content on this path for know, as it just feels the right thing to do/and even though I am interested in farming, food supply, my path just unfolded differently.
But in my image, to really be able to help people heal, one most have a hell lot of experience.
Its more like a lifetime goal, its probably going to take some 20 more years or so till i really feel like I am in a position to actually be good in this job.
Till then, well I like a simple life I think.

Id like to maybe find a way, if I continue this way, to provide treatment for little, to no money, Maybe something along the lines of the project "Doctors
Then also I am not even sure how essential psychotherapy/he without borders"
How ever I dont feel I have the experience and knowledge yet, too say if it is possible to do this kind of things, while sustaining myself.

One other thing that comes to mind is.. I think the obvious first step if one really wants to help, is to just help in your local communites, food kitchens for homeless people, refugge camps/refugee child care, etc...

Good luck with finding your way!

Also very curious what others might say to this
Infectedstyle said:
Large populace live in extreme poverty, where poverty goes, corruption is.

Being alone in my home town in a dutch city. I've found out my world was too small and lost literally all will to live. Slowly I find strength in the idea of doing something for the earth, as I live essentially as a parasite and refuse to be part of the problem. I dream of starting a farm in hotter parts of the world where economic circumstances allow. I realize that part of this world is in hunger and food and shelter is necessary. I figured that growing sustainable Kratom and/or Ayahuasca on a decent scale for shipment can provide reasonable income while abstaining from unnecessary work. Partly, under the aegis that these drugs can help people in the West in some way or another. I also see that this does nothing for people in poverty, I seriously doubt that my reasons are not completely selfish. Now, I'm just wondering how others might have coordinated their part in the world's playing field to see if there are some helpful tips.

The symbol posted below is called "the crown and the down", it was popularized Ezra kire and "morning glory"...

Three arrows crossed over and facing down seperated from the top, a crown, by a string of barbed wire, is a symbol of the division of our classes by the uneven distribution of inherent wealth. it is a means of identifying with others who believe in the preference of people over money and the possibility of happiness during stretches of poverty. After all, when we have nothing at all, we still have each other.

If you grow a farm, feed the people, if you grow psychedelics, teach the people...

The Diggers were a radical community-action group of activists and Improvisational actors operating from 1967 to 1968, based in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. Their politics have been categorized as "left-wing"; more accurately, they were "community anarchists" who blended a desire for freedom with a consciousness of the community in which they lived.[1] They were closely associated and shared a number of members with the guerrilla theater group San Francisco Mime Troupe.

The diggers of San Francisco are a huge influence on myself and my associates, we have recreated many of their activities such as free feedings, distributing free clothing and goods, and are even working on opening a "free-store"...they would give out a wooden frame on a string of yarn to be worn around the neck, anything which fell in the focus of that frame yo were supposed to ask "what if it were free?"

Here is another group of "diggers" that your statements reminded me of:

The Diggers were a group of Protestant radicals, sometimes seen as forerunners of modern anarchism,[1] and also associated with agrarian socialism[2][3] and Georgism. Gerrard Winstanley's followers were known as True Levellers in 1649 and later became known as Diggers, because of their attempts to farm on common land.

Their original name came from their belief in economic equality based upon a specific passage in the Book of Acts.[4][5] The Diggers tried (by "leveling" land) to reform the existing social order with an agrarian lifestyle based on their ideas for the creation of small egalitarian rural communities. They were one of a number of nonconformist dissenting groups that emerged around this time.



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One other thing that comes to mind is.. I think the obvious first step if one really wants to help, is to just help in your local communites, food kitchens for homeless people, refugge camps/refugee child care, etc...

Good luck with finding your way!

Thanks, it sounds like you guys are already well on your way. :thumb_up:

It strikes me as odd, that things like people equality is considered a political standpoint and not a common truth. so great to see there have been movements like that who share my own views.
Infectedstyle, I think just being where you are on the path will lead you to helping in your own way.

Having these thoughts of community in humanity leads to smiles and being open, breaking boundaries that might otherwise be there

I feel just being an Earthman, we are limited in what we can physically do, but expressing a vibe of care, improvement, wanting to connect and share with your fellow humans and life forms- it will modify which path you walk on. This makes the difference that leads to different thoughts, that leads to different actions...

I might not have posted this, but it's what my heart said on the matter, and even this is fostering the spirit, I think :lol:
I feel that ur words are trooth. I also feel like me trying makes all the difference, while at the same time non at all.
I would get my butt over to North Dakota before that monstrous corporation drills an open wound under the Missouri River, and through Su land. Bring humans, food and water. The police are there in military force arresting protestors and the sad part is - The corporation is blatantly breaking the law set in place by the government to not drill.
I am pursuing environmental business, and in my field there is a lot of talk about purpose and making radical change.

I learned that "where can I make the most change?" is not the right question to ask; rather, you should question what you want to do with your life and your time on Earth and then how you can apply that to helping the environment. You will be truly invested if your purpose aligns with your work and you enjoy what you do on a daily basis. Some people enjoy activism, others farming, others biology, others business, and so on; it's about finding your passion and then leveraging it to help the world.

I happen to be passionate about managing teams, leading people, breaking status quos, the power of business to change the world, and systems thinking, so I really enjoy creating business strategies to help preserve the environment for future generations' and for nature's sake. You have to find what you are passionate about, and if that is sustainable farming, then wonderful! 😁 Clarifying your purpose and seeing how it can align with helping the world are both vital to making true, lasting change.
I think that just talking about these things also helps. If there's something you're not happy about, then talk to people about it, spread awareness. Start with the people close to you, and then spread it out. I really think that talking about things helps.

Also, people talk about "voting with your dollar" and I think that this also makes a difference, even if it is only a small one. Support corporations that are sustainable and ethical (of course, these are few and far between) or maybe, try and be moar self-sufficient.

Also, consider what the other people have said on this thread. They gave excellent advice.

Just my two cents.😁
Someday I took a small amount of acid and while playing video games with my friends. Realized the pointlessness of it and suddenly thought my friends where out to kill me. I moved outside and tripped there and was shocked to see an endless road with bussinesses. I saw a tower and I thought it was some kind of archon mind control thing. And to my suprise the road did end. But I saw no people and when I saw people I saw meth addicts or at the least junkie type persons speeding at 6 am. I thought I was in hell and never am able to leave it. I feel like I failed a test and the last scene I remember is I saw a sky with no clouds and a airplane fly and dump chemtrails. A massive smoke-trial. Not white watervapors but dirty sandy smoke. I saw this as a final sign of my defeat. And I lost it. Police found me sitting in a lotus position unresponsive. Which I was waiting for someone to save me. In my mind I thought my mom and dad where in a car somewhere just riding to pick me up. lol. I got fixated on the female cops pussies for some reason. And I ended up feeling convulsions/orgasms during my stay in the hospital. Somewhat of a fucking motion and I was very horny. Just not able to talk. Somewhere I think this has to do with some kind of sexual frustration :oops:

Anyways , I just want to share that. I feel like the half of the city is a zombie wasteland. While the other part is still beautiful and salvageable. Not sure whre i'm going with this but ye. I guess what I'm saying is I never was the same after that. Due to my history I can not be a normal person. I really need to be away from people who don't understand what the fuck it is I am experiencing and feeling and can not forget or run from. I don't want to share it with people either, I don't want to talk. I am seriously done with talking. I just want something to be done. Without complaining.

Btw, if any of you understand my trip and understand why I go through it and have some tips to offer some kind of insight as to where my weakness lie for example I would like to hear it, I have experience with bad trips and menacing challenges but this was the tip
Infectedstyle said:
Btw, if any of you understand my trip and understand why I go through it and have some tips to offer some kind of insight as to where my weakness lie for example I would like to hear it, I have experience with bad trips and menacing challenges but this was the tip

Maybe go out of the city for some time, get to some more unpolluted parts of this world, and also were people still have a more laid back lifestyle?

From a certain perspective our society can be pretty repelling, but we are here now, and have to deal with it wether we want or not. Our special ability as humans appears to be, that we can be very empathic and connect complex thought patterns and beliefs to what we see and feel. These constructs can be very powerful and cause a lot of pain and depression. But we have the choice if we let those things get to us in a bad way or not. In the end they are just thoughts, reality is so much bigger then this.
Its understandable to see the world the way you do, and youre not the only one that feels this way. But its a perspective, that if you identify with it, it can tear apart your good will and happiness.

I hope youll get better, and remember time heals all wounds. (as long as we dont keep scratching them constantly)
Thanks for your wise words wooogyboogy. :D I would like to make a living in Suriname. When I see people from Suriname on T.V. They feel like my family to me. These guys are like the original hawaiians, they seem very laid back. Youre right to not let things get to you in a bad way. I hallucinated the face of a friend/teacher I met on facebook. The impresion I got was this person did manage to pass this particular test or rite of passage and I learn alot from him. To be honest, I can live with this fear now. This is why I seek an inner visionaire to overwrite the darkness. And the fear doesn't seem overwhelming. TO be honest it is kind of exciting and an interesting puzzle. I guess i'll stop here.. Just wanted thank you for ur nice words. And I don't want to be zooming in on my personal problems too much. And there are more important manners to put attention to. I need to stop scratching my wounds and start to lick it. And sorry to suddenly make this thread about me, this was not my intention in the 1st place it just kind of happened to want to ventilate in an understandable community. Thank you for ur nice words.
Im glad if I could help at least a little :)

Just one more thing concerning the visions you had, about not passing a test and such.
Personally I try not to identify too much with what messages I get during trips(also something I learned at the nexus..), especially if they have this feel like they put you right as the main character into some kind of shamanic narrative (or thats what I like to call it, kind of like a rite of passage).

This experience might be there for a reason, and sure you can learn from it, but ultimately we dont truly know what its about or where they come from. But honestly I think you know much more about this then I do, judging from some of your trip reports Ive read. But maybe it can act as a reminder ;)

And just as a comparison, if theres a thought reappearing in your mind (while sober also), that says for example „I am not worth anything“, and that thought is stored in your nervous system, because your father always said that to you in your childhood, should you identify with that thought? Sure you can learn from it, about the situation you grew up in, and about some of the pain you have, but it doesnt have anything to do with the truth of who you are as a person.

And just as another reminder, in the chat theres always some people, with knowledge( much more then me) about these kind of situations. Its always good to talk there if one feels a bit off :thumb_up:
I feel like a character all the time. I promise myself not to get hooked on a messiahnic complex. Since I find that it ruins my actual tripping experience. Instead of hallucinating I spend gross amounts of time waiting for some impending ascension. There´s some interesting thoughts that go with it though. But I keep believing I am the messiah. And when I tell myself not to belief that next trip I am Mckenna.
It´s definetely something I may have to work at. So it´s good to reiterate that to me.

Hope to see you in chat sometime perhaps preferably not because of a bad trip or anything. We could have a nice chat about psychiatry perhaps

PS: Guess what i tried getting at is that I do not find these thoughts in my sober life. Of ascencion and all. But then they wreck me in trips anyway. Meh :p
Infectedstyle said:
Large populace live in extreme poverty, where poverty goes, corruption is.

Being alone in my home town in a dutch city. I've found out my world was too small and lost literally all will to live. Slowly I find strength in the idea of doing something for the earth, as I live essentially as a parasite and refuse to be part of the problem. I dream of starting a farm in hotter parts of the world where economic circumstances allow. I realize that part of this world is in hunger and food and shelter is necessary. I figured that growing sustainable Kratom and/or Ayahuasca on a decent scale for shipment can provide reasonable income while abstaining from unnecessary work. Partly, under the aegis that these drugs can help people in the West in some way or another. I also see that this does nothing for people in poverty, I seriously doubt that my reasons are not completely selfish. Now, I'm just wondering how others might have coordinated their part in the world's playing field to see if there are some helpful tips.

I can see your problem Infected, but i need to say follow what path makes "you" right. Just because everyone is doing what is considered "normal" does not mean it's normal for you. Sounds like you were thrown into a blender of harsh conformism, it's hard to deal or find truth, but i need to say, stay strong, that the worst is going to be gone, be the light, a beacon, a show of hope to others, but before that happens you must be one for yourself, find the truth in yourself, once that is set, then you can truly spread the idea of something greater than what "is".

I hope that helps friend! truly- dls
Infectedstyle said:
Large populace live in extreme poverty, where poverty goes, corruption is.

Being alone in my home town in a dutch city. I've found out my world was too small and lost literally all will to live. Slowly I find strength in the idea of doing something for the earth, as I live essentially as a parasite and refuse to be part of the problem. I dream of starting a farm in hotter parts of the world where economic circumstances allow. I realize that part of this world is in hunger and food and shelter is necessary. I figured that growing sustainable Kratom and/or Ayahuasca on a decent scale for shipment can provide reasonable income while abstaining from unnecessary work. Partly, under the aegis that these drugs can help people in the West in some way or another. I also see that this does nothing for people in poverty, I seriously doubt that my reasons are not completely selfish. Now, I'm just wondering how others might have coordinated their part in the world's playing field to see if there are some helpful tips.
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