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White Light, Dying and Rebirth - How far can one go?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I have explored hyperspace only 5 - 10 times, with the one soon described being the most intense. My journeys are always solitary with a roommate available in the other room for me to stagger out in an psychedelic stupor if I feel like, "OH, I really Did it this time", and once I am finished with my experiences to report to. I've generally lived by the quote, You die alone, you're born alone, and you trip alone. Something such as DMT is especially one of these experiences. With this said, I prefer to dive into hyperspace alone.

After consistent experiences feeling that I just "hadn't gone far enough into the beyond", along with "is all there is?" KNOWING there MUST be more, I decided it was time to take another step or two. Feeling confident, at the time without a mg scale, (have purchased one since) load a decent quantity to amply cover the bottom of the pipe along with residuals that were kindly treated and not roasted. I set the lights down and set a dim light over my head for moderate lighting throughout the room and surrounding me. I use an oil slick container as a bubble pipe cap, with a torch lighter, vaporizing and watching the smooth vapor fill the glass. With perfect timing, I place my lips to the pipe and the makeshift "siiicon carb cap" shot off the pipe and allowed for me to have a toke so enormous that it surprised me. I felt my ears ring as per usual, my body anestise as the room began to breathe and morphe, and inhaled a second hit, and for what I remember, clearing as much as I could with a third before I had to give up. I set down the pipe, watching it repeat a hundred times. I turned over and looked up towards the light, waiting for geometric patterns to begin.

No. I dissolved. All I experienced next, was Infinite White Light. I was Nothing, I was Everything. This lasted an eternity. One can only compare this to the conception of being shot in the head and seeing the white light of dying. This was my peak experience. Absolute unity, harmony, bliss and oneness. No entities, except the sense of the "Godhead" that I have naturally worshiped my whole life, and which had been prayed to beforehand. Nothing new. The sense of unity was as if the molecule guided me by the reigns of my spirit, to absolute union. All there was, was light, and I was the Light.

Suddenly, I experienced the Abrupt experience of awakening. Almost like awakening from a dream, stricken with the remembrance of my human identity, my home, social and cultural connotations, etc. It was as if a bucket of spiritual water had been splashed on my head. As I floated in an indescribable stupor, I walked across the hall to my roommate's room which was pitch black, and lay next to her, asking if it was okay that I lay next to her, as I just had what I could only consider a breakthrough. She expressed that it was fine, talked to me and comforted me assuredly, and then let me be. Then, I experienced the sensation of being wrapped in an etheric caccoon of white silken light, like the ootheca of a praying mantis swirling in an infinite void of darkness. After I felt that I had a better grasp on reality, my roommate and I went into our living room to discuss the experience. My roommate was vibrating and I could see every vein in her face, all the atoms of the room shaking. Everything was vibrating incredibly fast, to the point of hyperspeed. Motions took on extreme proportions, with arm movements leaving inexplicable amounts of tracers, textures popping out of all the furniture and walls, and faces more recognizable than ever. It felt like time was sped up, like I was watching everything in fast-forward.

This was the most intense psychedelic experience of my life as to show, and incredibly positive and transformative.

Since this, I have not even used my scale to try more than 15mg mixed with parsley in a tobacco pipe, which only yielded light physical psychedelic effects, an enhancement of textures and a slow-down in time.


HOW much farther can you really go? Past ALL Existence, past entities, domes, sound-currents, etc. To simply to re-born and experience being pure light? Or, is the light merely the thresh-hold to the wonders of the spice?

And with this said, I have cleaned my bubble pipe to brand-spankin' new, and wish to begin my entheogenic explorations with the spice, in a way that is actually SMART in consideration with dosage levels. Now that I have a scale, I am looking to begin with gentle, light experiences as before, and build up from there.

Should I start with 5 - 10mg and increase my dosage with preference, experience, etc.? A proper hit can whip one quite hard, and I would rather err on the side on caution. Thank you to all and hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. :)

Love and Light to All,
The furthest I've ever gone is to where there's only one thing, everything else sort of merged into it as I did. I'm not sure you can go further than oneness with no duality at all left.
BundleflowerPower said:
The furthest I've ever gone is to where there's only one thing, everything else sort of merged into it as I did. I'm not sure you can go further than oneness with no duality at all left.
Yeah I'm pretty sure dead is dead.
Fabulous report EarthDweller! Expressive, humourous and well-crafted writing too :thumb_up:
With respect to null24's answer, perhaps mere belief such a state exists is the point...
May your journeyings be filled with blessings - Namaste :)
Thank you all for the kind replies and opinions. All are greatly welcomed and appreciated.

With all this said, who else here has had an experience (at least, this is how I would put it), of "" level on the Shulgin scale? Something so striking, that it left one questioning the very nature of the ontological nature of being itself?
Hi EarthDweller

Yes, lovely report!
Your experience sounds very much like a release dose of 5-MeO-DMT which I've had a few times. White light is very much the aspect of 5. Complete unity consciousness within the brilliance of source.

I can only say I've had something a bit similar once with DMT. The experience came on almost instantly without the usual passage through the tunnel of fractals and increasing whhhhhhheeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE. Even then it was like entering a pink nebulous rather than white followed by complete unity with all that is.
If you are curious how far you can go, you must strive diligently in cultivation of your three bodies: dharmakaya, sambhoyakaya and the nirmanakaya. If you do not cultivate your physical body to be able to handle that amount of light, you will never be able to ground the enlightenment into a waking experience. Therefore, strive well to reach the Deathless.

If you are curious look into Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Sherlockian_Holmes said:
If you are curious how far you can go, you must strive diligently in cultivation of your three bodies: dharmakaya, sambhoyakaya and the nirmanakaya. If you do not cultivate your physical body to be able to handle that amount of light, you will never be able to ground the enlightenment into a waking experience. Therefore, strive well to reach the Deathless.

If you are curious look into Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Thank you very much to everyone so far, but thank you especially Sherlockian_Holmes, for your very enlightening recommendations. I have been working on the Cultivation of the Three Bodies, Gross and Subtle. You have provided the most valuable post so far and the more I recognize my Three Bodies in a different form, (Physical, Astral, Mental/Spiritual/Causal Bodies) and find it allows for greater capability for me to be able to "diagnose" and resolve energetic blockages and "swells" within my body, psyche, etc. as they come.

I have studied Gnosticism, Occultism, Comparative Religious Studies, etc. for half a decade. I completely agree with you, one must strive to ground oneself to be able to bring the light and the "enlightenment" into waking life, into everyday "reality".

Can you summarize the three bodies of dharmakaya, sambhoyakaya and the nirmanakaya, through your own experiences? I am going to perform my own independent research but would greatly LOVE to hear your opinion.

Absolute Love and Peace,
EarthDweller :)
NotTwo said:
Hi EarthDweller

Yes, lovely report!
Your experience sounds very much like a release dose of 5-MeO-DMT which I've had a few times. White light is very much the aspect of 5. Complete unity consciousness within the brilliance of source.

I can only say I've had something a bit similar once with DMT. The experience came on almost instantly without the usual passage through the tunnel of fractals and increasing whhhhhhheeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE. Even then it was like entering a pink nebulous rather than white followed by complete unity with all that is.

Beautiful experience summary, just stunning sounding. Evokes images of the Horsehead Nebula to mind
The body that i reside in just went to one side while i, about two weeks ago went to my death and entered into the all that is and ever was.. That light was bright and 360 degree all around me. I was guided to stay on my feet. The surrendering was deep.. How much more can one surrender. Then the stillness of all it is and all that we are. the light. the source and everything that ever has been and always wil be.
We are the sun, the stars, the moon, the wind, the ocean, the fire, the animals and all the plants...
we are the light

A great thread to jump on quite literally after registering and making my name as kedthelight....

DMT is everything
I have waited my whole life for this!
muchas gracias for reading
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