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Whoa! Volcano Vaporizer

Migrated topic.
slidewinder said:
Who wants to hear "the crumpling of a plastic vap bag," anyway?😉

I do...I do!!! (hand shoots up in the air)

Don't know about you, but by the time it would start being irritating, I would think you could set it down.
Hell, my bed squeaks more when I lay back on it, than these bags make noise.
So does my bubbler when I'm inhaling through it!


Trips said:
or directly from the company, arizer.
or KJ-rocksteady.

Thanks for the link. I could not find there main site. You did say you worked with the limonene tek, that gives the goo. Freebase is different, but I don't see how it would not work with changa. Or even just putting the spice on top of some herb, so it soaks in the herb when it melts. And can use the bag, or use the whip, more pluses. And its price is right.

Not going against the Volcano in how well it works. But like many others, the price is just a bit to much, even for me.

I think I might go with KJ-rocksteady on Ebay though, $50 cheaper. Not sure how that's possible?
This is and has been my preferred method. It sure does get the job done. I usually have it set @ 7.5 on the knob.. Not sure what temp that is. One Thing I've noticed is that after several uses, there can be some buildup of residue. I once turned it on with nothing in it and it spewed out vapour.. I put the bag in and collected it, and to my surprise, it gave me a wonderful sub breakthrough.. I've also revaped 5 or 6 sessions worth of the left over plant material I used as a bed and have had sub breakthrough experiences with that also.. That being said, I think it is possible for some spice to escape vaporization, but only very minimal amounts. - I have not used the liquid pad though.. It could make a difference.
Once I let it clear out, there was no smell left over when using it for MJ. I reccomend changing the bag or having a dedicated bag though, as it will hold the smell.

- haha.. As far as the crinkling noise of the bag.. I have associated it very much with entry to hyperspace.. oh that noise!!!.. if someone touches the bag while I'm off guard, I get ready.. lol.. The sound is not bothersome at all though..
I agree with the above as far as easiness goes.. Also 3 big hits is what I get out of it.
I have also had Long experiences with this technique.. a hour with afterglow is fairly normal for me. I sometimes feel like I can sustain the vision and keep going a bit longer than with other methods; so I do not call BS on that.

I did the same thing, when I first tried this technique, with the dose guesstimating. Just tapped some in... i ended up doing about 200mg!!! oops.. I was IN hyperspace for about 40 mins.. nearly 2 hours all together with the most serious afterglow I've ever experienced.. But that was way more life shattering than I had bargained for and would not reccomend it!!! Since getting familiar with the technique, I can get wonderful breakthrough experiences off as little as 20 mg.
now that I smoked through the vaporizer.. any other way seems to harsh. but alas, the volcano is only a loan and my friend will take it back soon enough. I think if you are a serious psychonaut, then its worth the investment.

thanks, hope this info helps someone else in the future :)

The Mimosa Project The Mimosa Project[/quote]

I agree..i noticed a huge increase in effect ..[on less spice].. vaping my acacia spice when I vaped it through an eletric whip pot vaporizor!!
I didnt think a ..[150 dollar whip vaporizer]..made for pot .. would work.. but was I surprized!

true clean vaporization gives most bang for the buck..
For those who cant aford a 600 dollar volcano vape....

Ive found..Cheaper .pot whip vapes will work ...for true effective vaporization ..[for spice]..if set between 160..180 F using the sandwich method preventing it from flaaing through screen.

Ive found that heat up takes between 4 to 6 minutes...

But now with the cereamic flavor disc the sanwish method may not be nessasery..
I have yet to try it with the disc...in the whip style pipe..but it should work...
hope this helps...
i know i am digging up old topics,
but did any of you test this further?

i've got a vulcano here, but i so far only tried it for weed so far
blackcatvagabond said:
Just wanna chime in with my opinion that the volcano is the best method of smoking DMT I've found

do you just use it for spice, or do you also smoke weed in it?`
do you have any leftover effect from the dmt when you smoke weed afterwards?
jiva said:
blackcatvagabond said:
Just wanna chime in with my opinion that the volcano is the best method of smoking DMT I've found

do you just use it for spice, or do you also smoke weed in it?`
do you have any leftover effect from the dmt when you smoke weed afterwards?

It's my housemate's, the digital one with a bag. We fill the trench about 1/3 of the way with weed that's already been vaped at 230 degrees (highest burn) and then sprinkle the spice ontop. I've tried a few temperatures but i think 222 is my favourite.

Usually after pushing the "air" button we wait like 5 seconds before attaching the bag. With DMT the time is much less, like maybe 2 or 3 seconds. Once the bag is filled with vapor we attach the mouthpiece. . it's so easy to use and it doesn't matter if you drop the bag as you enter hyperspace (but i like to get a friend to take it from me quietly).

It's possible to fill the bag with like 80mg of spice vapour, and then pass it round the room (a bag is like 4 lungfuls so four people can trip at the same time). In the past we've left half a bag of vapour just sitting there for like five minutes and it still seemed to work fine when inhaled later.

My housemate reports that yeah it tastes a little like spice for a couple of bags afterwards (but no dmt effect). But he has like a big roll of the bags and so we just replace it after a DMT session.
My first attempt with some acrb enhanced leaf was very nice. Approx 80mg spice between a couple of us with a small dose of harmala beforehand. Just puffing to gauge intensity. Nice extended sub breakthrough. Love the fact you don't have to muck about with glass and fire when entering orbit. Can see this becoming a favourite :thumb_up: certainly is for herb. A damn fine piece of kit.
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