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Who's going to Burning Man

Migrated topic.
I probably won't make Burning Man this year... I think I'm heading out to Peyote Way in September. Anybody wanna join me? Just PM me.
i went to burning man in 2007..it was awesome..takes a lot to get out there though..but so worth it...i decided to go one month before it started..and i was able to get out there in time..it was great...
Looks like I'm not going. The Oakland Raiders are playing the San Diego Chargers at Oakland Coliseum for the opening week of Monday Night Football.
i really wish i could :( my jobs a bitch though i work 6 days a week
i cant imagine what they would say if i asked to have off to road trip to the desert so i can trip haha
VisualDistortion said:
Looks like I'm not going. The Oakland Raiders are playing the San Diego Chargers at Oakland Coliseum for the opening week of Monday Night Football.

You'd give up going to Burning Man for one football game, and for the Raiders no less, one of the worst teams in football over the last 10 years? I guess we all have our priorities :lol:
Honestly, football is my greatest love in life behind friends and family. Plus it is opening week, MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL, versus one of our oldest rivals. Our offensive line is revamped and hopefully we'll have Michael Crabtree and reciever. Plus, burning man would be a much more expensive trip, and I would have to get a week off work, instead of one day.

Oh, and FYI, we've been the worst team in football for the last 6 years, not 10.:oops: We went to the superbowl 7 years ago.
Burnin Man ist propably the only thing I'd risk a journey to the states for. I just fear to be kidnaped by the cia or to be involved in an accident and sentenced to death because some judge who is a total fraud loves to punish me...well :roll:
I'm not really a fan. I have burned the man though. It's a worth while, and more impacting than expected, experience so I won't bash it (it's too easy of a target anyway).

But, as far as festivals and gatherings go, there are many other much more interesting and obscure things going on around the world that I would rather contribute personal energy and resources to. I have yet to, and likely will not, return. For me, it is not home.
if you can get enough money together...rent a camp with a shower and toilet...then you will be going in style..and wont be covered in an inch of dirt and sunscreen by the end of it...
Hey all,

I'm coming to burning man this year again from europe, 5th time and still loving it, so anyone wanting to say hi then drop me a message as it would be good hook up... cheers...
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