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Why can't I post in other sections but this!?

Migrated topic.
maranello551 said:
I've been on this forum a few years....why can I not manage to post in the other sections?

What gives?? :( :?:
Because people didnt vote for you and you are still a new member. Also do you really need to make 4 threads on pharmuasca. Make 1 with all your questions in it to keep the spam to a minimum.
Ulim said:
maranello551 said:
I've been on this forum a few years....why can I not manage to post in the other sections?

What gives?? :( :?:
Because people didnt vote for you and you are still a new member. Also do you really need to make 4 threads on pharmuasca. Make 1 with all your questions in it to keep the spam to a minimum.

They're only loosely related....Everytime I make a thread with multiple questions, only one is answered....

Could y'all vote me up, please?
You need to be voted in by several people, there's some complex system in place, I don't understand it all that well, however, if you want to be voted up to a member, it helps if you interact as much as you can in the areas where you are allowed, try to display your knowledge and your abilities to seek and understand valuable information related to your topics, try to show that you can make valuable contributions to the site, and have a good attitude...If you are passionate about these topics, your passion will show in your posting and you will get promoted.

Keep posting, and good luck.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
You need to be voted in by several people, there's some complex system in place, I don't understand it all that well, however, if you want to be voted up to a member, it helps if you interact as much as you can in the areas where you are allowed, try to display your knowledge and your abilities to seek and understand valuable information related to your topics, try to show that you can make valuable contributions to the site, and have a good attitude...If you are passionate about these topics, your passion will show in your posting and you will get promoted.

Keep posting, and good luck.


Thank you, Sir.
Dear maranello551, I faintly remember telling you this before, already 2 and a half years ago.

It would help a lot if you gave people a better impression of having done your own homework and less of an imression of having others do your homework for you.

You seem to have a rather unbreakable habit of starting threads off an oftentimes quite subjective conviction of yours and you appear to be specifically fond of introducing your assumptions as "some say" "I have heard" "many people refer to". From there you ask people for factual confirmation of your convictions and assumptions, but when the answers you were looking for are not forthcoming, you sometimes become argumentative.

You would IMHO make a better contribution to the forum if you not only referenced who is "saying" the things you want confirmed or answered, but more so, why they are saying so. Provide references, backgrounds. Don't let other people research your question where you could have provided the basics yourself.

Judging from this thread, I am not the only one giving you suggestions for improvement.

Anyway, here's how the voting system works; Read this thread rom start to finish: [Reminder] Help the mods - Your vote counts!

You have had my thumbs up for a long time already, but then I give my thumbs up to almost everyone (when I am in a "thumbing" mood though - not always), even when I have a bad argumant with them. Only the most persistently nasty or idiotic ones get a thumb down. That happened less than 10 times since I have been a member.

BTW, on your member info page I noticed that in one of your first 10 posts, you already managed to make some moderator edit your post and point out the dmt-nexus attitude rules to you. Chances are that this moderator gave you a thumbs down for that.

You would also do well to fill in the questionnaire. This appeared new after you first became a new member, but it is relevant to your membership status nevertheless. Read the [QUESTIONNAIRE] for new members to get a faster promotion to full membership thread to learn about it.

I am somewhat hesitant to suggest this, but it may help to hang out in the chat room and talk to members. IMHO forum contributions are a better indicator than chat popularity, but as it is, the chat can apparently be a fast track for some.
When you started to post at the DMT-Nexus your attitude was a tad arrogant and confrontational, you were leaning towards reckless/excessive dosing and to put the icing on the cake you also broke the no sourcing rule back then.

This resulted in the down votes of three moderators and several other members, so that is why you are not promoted yet and why you cannot post in the other sections of this forum.

If you make sure you make good quality posts, with well researched information in it then it might just happen that a moderator will promote you regardless of the bad start you made. So here is hoping that you changed a lot in the past years.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Hey Traveler. I'm Sabnock (well, before my account was banned). I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that i sincerely apologize for how my attitude was, it was immature and uncalled for, and for that i am sorry. I shouldn't have said where i had gotten my Mimosa from, i was just trying to help a fellow poster, but i know the rules now and hope that in time i can be a regular member again, though it would help if you could reactivate my prior account (Sabnock), but either way i've learned my lesson, for sure, and once again i am sorry for the way i handled things back then.
The Traveler said:
When you started to post at the DMT-Nexus your attitude was a tad arrogant and confrontational, you were leaning towards reckless/excessive dosing and to put the icing on the cake you also broke the no sourcing rule back then.

This resulted in the down votes of three moderators and several other members, so that is why you are not promoted yet and why you cannot post in the other sections of this forum.

If you make sure you make good quality posts, with well researched information in it then it might just happen that a moderator will promote you regardless of the bad start you made. So here is hoping that you changed a lot in the past years.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

In my defense, "reckless/excessive" is purely subjective when it comes to entheogens with very high LD50's. If I was comfortable at such doses, I should not be ostracized for it imho.

The sourcing rule I can understand and I have since made sure not to contradict it....

Thank you for the input! :)
maranello551 said:
In my defense, "reckless/excessive" is purely subjective when it comes to entheogens with very high LD50's. If I was comfortable at such doses, I should not be ostracized for it imho.

See ... it's not all about YOU ... it's about the whole community of people (members and guests / adults and children) who will read your posts (previously and for many years to come) and think that high doses are 'OK' because some reckless individual thinks it's 'OK' in his mind and is comfortable with it.

That won't fly around here ...
maranello551 said:
In my defense, "reckless/excessive" is purely subjective when it comes to entheogens with very high LD50's. If I was comfortable at such doses, I should not be ostracized for it imho.
The LD50 is only part of the issue here.

If someone who is new to mushrooms would have taken that dose you stated as a 'normal' dose, it would have a good chance of resulting in a freak out. Freak outs can result in a visit from the police due to disturbances (think loud noises due to breaking stuff and yelling, running into the street doing erratic behavior and maybe even hurting yourself or other people), also a trip to the hospital is possible on extreme dosages.

Another result, besides a possible horrid experience to a newcomer, would be that this creates unwanted attention to the substances itself, freak outs are willingly used for clickbait articles by news agencies for example.

So as you can read the consequences of your actions can reach further than your 'it was safe for me because of the LD50' reasoning and can in the end hurt us all.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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