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why do i fear a full smoked dose of dmt

Migrated topic.


OG Pioneer
i have eaten much dmt many many times
have smoked it a few times but never near a full dose on the smaller hits i kinda didnt like the way it made me feel

i have what you would call a strong head i can keep myself calm through difficult trips but i also can sense when to back off.. and the few times iv had a couple small hits iv had some pleasant effects and been shown the power of the material but at the same time got the message to back the fuck off... this makes me nervous to try more

i know not to throw myself into the deep end and when i am told not to walk on the grass i try to obey

i guess i kind of worry its going to show me things i dont want to see
and on a subconscious level i know my heads not in the right place to push that far

in my experience drugs dont make you have a bad trip you do subconscious fear can really muck things up

i dunno im spun out on the end of a trip an got a bit of vodka in me now i glance from freebase to pipe and contemplate... where can you take me powder and can i trust you

Your fear is healthy. You should probably pay attention to it. From what you say, it seems that this might not be the best time to play with the free spice. Keep it oral for awhile. Someday you'll get nailed with the idea to smoke, and you will smoke. Two rules work well for this - it is a bad idea to take a strong psychedlic without premeditated intention, and if it goes beyond the jitters and makes you begin thinking of a recent bad experience, lay off.

My guess is that most people here will agree with me. The time will come. Just wait a bit. You probably have many years ahead of you.. what is the hurry?

halcyon said:

Your fear is healthy. You should probably pay attention to it. From what you say, it seems that this might not be the best time to play with the free spice. Keep it oral for awhile. Someday you'll get nailed with the idea to smoke, and you will smoke. Two rules work well for this - it is a bad idea to take a strong psychedlic without premeditated intention, and if it goes beyond the jitters and makes you begin thinking of a recent bad experience, lay off.

My guess is that most people here will agree with me. The time will come. Just wait a bit. You probably have many years ahead of you.. what is the hurry?


no hurry.. just everydays the last in my book
i sometimes feel life is too good to be true
and sooner or later "something" is gonna get wise and take it from me

but yes i am taking my time with the spice easing into it i think ill go to sleep instead afterall i have to wake up for 9 hours of hard physical labor in 6 hours. all this burning the candle at both ends gets to me sometimes....

im coming up on some time off perhaps ill be able to clear my mind from all the chaos enough then
I replied to you in the Oral DMT thread in General but thought I'd post it here as well.

In my expreience, small doses 20mg and under make me feel like shit. Jittery, nauseated, anxious...not pleasant feelings at all. 30mg and up is where the beauty kicks in. It is always good to be cautious, but I think they experiences you are getting could be due to the lower amounts.

Next time you smoke, have the right set and setting, and try 30-40mg and see how that makes you feel. You may breakthrough, you may not, but I think it will be a much more pleasant expreience than what you have had so far.
Saidin said:
I replied to you in the Oral DMT thread in General but thought I'd post it here as well.

In my expreience, small doses 20mg and under make me feel like shit. Jittery, nauseated, anxious...not pleasant feelings at all. 30mg and up is where the beauty kicks in. It is always good to be cautious, but I think they experiences you are getting could be due to the lower amounts.

Next time you smoke, have the right set and setting, and try 30-40mg and see how that makes you feel. You may breakthrough, you may not, but I think it will be a much more pleasant expreience than what you have had so far.

youve spurred me... at some point today i will try that
i have a test tube and glass bong downtube that i will use to smoke it
the downtube fits almost flush into the test tube so is quite effective for vaporizing items
there is nothing to fear but fear itself and i have to realize its not gonna hurt me or summon demonic beings to torment me... and untill i go for it i just will never know
dmt is a mighty psych. and can send someone who has had a plethora of great previous breakthrough dmt journeys to fearful places.

if swim is not feeling fully up to it, alittle pinch of mj in the deem bowl (quantity of deems accounted for harmaloid) along with harmaloid action (preferably sublingual thh) really helps one to learn or re-learn the spice. in fact swim usually considers those the most enjoyable journeys even though the straight dmt dose can have a "stronger" impact on your mental position (good at times) in my opinion.
" 'Tis better to never have left the launching pad than to journey into space in a state of mental or physical unease or fatigue."

-DarkShaman of the Blakk Skrollz Tribe, 2008
I was scared to breakthrough at first too, but I asked God for a good trip and he gave it to me.

I know what you mean about the lower doses not being to pleasurable, I dont like the comming up feeling at first, but if you can just psych yourself up to get past that its worth it.

Its like a new rollercoaster, once youve ridden it with no fear, its not so scary and unknown.
SWIM feels the same way about small doses - there is much more awareness of the thudding heartbeat, much more physical discomfort (manifested in feelings of facial/bodily twisting or displacement), and more of a low level anxiety in general. Still, lately SWIM will sometimes commit (or believe himself committed) to a breakthrough dose before taking the first hit, and then find himself setting down the pipe before taking in a sufficient amount. This can certainly be frustrating, as low doses are just not the same, but fear is a healthy defense mechanism. A DMT breakthrough is a massively powerful and extraordinarily weird experience, and one can never truly know what to expect, even if they've been many times.
i am commited latter tonight i will vaporize what i can of ~40mg and inhale what i can and hold for however long i am able
we shall see how it goes at the moment im still peaking on a 1.3mg/kg oral dose about 4 hrs so far:shock:
Uncle Knucles said:
Still, lately SWIM will sometimes commit (or believe himself committed) to a breakthrough dose before taking the first hit, and then find himself setting down the pipe before taking in a sufficient amount.
SWIM went through a period when that was all SWIM could do. Just got too uneasy. harmaloids give a nice delay to allow more tokes.
the best thing you can do is...when you commit..take your first hit..hold it for 20 seconds..and then when you are about to put the pipe down..take ANOTHER hit..and hold that to the count of 20...breakthrough..just DO IT..its the only way to get there..you must force yourself...do not be afraid...there is nothing there to fear..
eh i smoked what i could of 40mg but then again im still tripping from the dose i took 9 hours ago (many sublingual boosters in between) i felt a peak of effects but could barely hold the smoke... my tonsils have been bother me have surgery in a week to get them removed so i was coughing my ass off but smoked most of it i believe i suppose i should try this when im not already tripping
that feels to me like you have been burning some of the spice and not enough vaporization...when you burn the spice..it hurts..it feels like fire..perhaps you should check out the vaporgenie..its a flame powered vaporizing pipe...works wonders with the Spice
sounds to me like you may be forcing it a bit too. maybe wait a bit, let your tonsils heal & head clear and try again...
SoCal said:
sounds to me like you may be forcing it a bit too. maybe wait a bit, let your tonsils heal & head clear and try again...

yes indeed i am an ab-user i will wait awhile an smoke it sober one of these days

as far as vaporizing it i feel i was doing it right but my lungs really cant take that shit been coughing blood and tar for months... (maybe i should quit smokin cigs)
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