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Why I'm here

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone, now that I finally have the time to deal with
the subject of DMT I inevitably found myself here. While I originally
rejected the idea of joining the community I was quite surprised at
the unusual quality of the discussions going in the forums. I now
understand the reason behind the harsh and restrictive guildelines
and even agree with them, this prompted me to take the time to write
this introduction in hopes developing my understanding of these
psychedelic substances through the member's own accounts of their voyages.

Though my own experiences are relatively limited, they've been some of
the most bizarre yet fulfilling moments of my life. It is truly a shame
that what little research has been conducted hasn't been enough to
trigger the necessary curiosity to keep digging, its almost as if we
are so tangled in the reality of our lives that most of us are terrified of
the potential answers that could shatter our accepted explanations, even
worse are those that haven't even formulated a model of what is happening to
live their lives by, who are even more adept at turning the blind eye to
the inherently unperceivable. Be it due to the artificial taboo that society has
attempted to engineer into our minds or by our own rejection and natural
fear of the unknown, we conform with not even trying and simply move on
with whatever our life has us face next.

Even then, here we are. When society fails, its up to its members to change.
This is what I believe motivates most of us to willingly participate in this
community, because we can't simply sit back and let others choose for us
whats best, and these psychedelic substances can evoke experiences powerful
enough to convince us that it is something worth studying. Whatever problem
is currently keeping you from sleeping may seem insignificant to someone
who has essentially been to "hyperspace" and back.

This is why I'm here, greetings to all.
I can tell by the way you convey your thoughts & expressions through your writing, you
are a good fit for this community. I definitely agree with you on your thoughts of societal and cultural indoctrination. You could try DMT, entities like to teach if you find the right ones.
Thanks for the welcome, I've been reading all sorts of posts and I guess I can't be surprised at how interesting the forums are considering what inspired them.
xenid said:
Hello everyone, now that I finally have the time to deal with
the subject of DMT I inevitably found myself here. While I originally
rejected the idea of joining the community I was quite surprised at
the unusual quality of the discussions going in the forums. I now
understand the reason behind the harsh and restrictive guildelines
and even agree with them, this prompted me to take the time to write
this introduction in hopes developing my understanding of these
psychedelic substances through the member's own accounts of their voyages.

Though my own experiences are relatively limited, they've been some of
the most bizarre yet fulfilling moments of my life. It is truly a shame
that what little research has been conducted hasn't been enough to
trigger the necessary curiosity to keep digging, its almost as if we
are so tangled in the reality of our lives that most of us are terrified of
the potential answers that could shatter our accepted explanations, even
worse are those that haven't even formulated a model of what is happening to
live their lives by, who are even more adept at turning the blind eye to
the inherently unperceivable. Be it due to the artificial taboo that society has
attempted to engineer into our minds or by our own rejection and natural
fear of the unknown, we conform with not even trying and simply move on
with whatever our life has us face next.

Even then, here we are. When society fails, its up to its members to change.
This is what I believe motivates most of us to willingly participate in this
community, because we can't simply sit back and let others choose for us
whats best, and these psychedelic substances can evoke experiences powerful
enough to convince us that it is something worth studying. Whatever problem
is currently keeping you from sleeping may seem insignificant to someone
who has essentially been to "hyperspace" and back.

This is why I'm here, greetings to all.

I can say that I definitely feel like I know where you are coming from. Your perspective, while not one I totally agree with is a refreshing one.

Not all societies are afraid to dig as you say. Just as not all individuals are afraid to dig. For me, I spent my teenage years vision questing without food, water, or sleep for 4 days in a society that had been doing so for much of its history and while I can attest that those experiences were some of the strongest most potent experiences I have had, I also welcomed other experiences outside the cultural norms I was born into as well as those I had adopted. For me, it is a continual learning and sharing.

My primary love of course is anything to do with plants or cacti. I find myself most at peace when I am simply walking or sitting in nature. For me, the experience comes from within... but it is definitely fostered by the world around me and those I let in.

I am still learning much in these forums to say the least and probably will continue to learn much as long as there are so many knowledgeable people from so many diverse backgrounds sharing in these forums.


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