Rising Star
SWIM is curious why so many teks talk about doing three of four "pulls" of acidifed MHRB solution from the solid material. That sounds like a major hassle. SWIM has read that some people do 3-4 of these pulls (NOTE: NOT talking about solvent pulls from basified solution) and then they heat evap down to an amount that they can handle. SWIM would like to ask a couple of questions.
1. In the pre-edited Marsofold, he recommends a single pull.
2. In the post-edited Marsofold, he recommends using a 1/3 H20 and doing three "pulls" for the same amount of solution.
How about this?
Use three times the amount of H20 in the beginning, simmer for a few hours, and then evap that down? Any real difference? Isn't this really just an issue of solvency of the spice in the warm H20?
SWIM once saw a post by 69ron where he showed to about 10 significant digits the amount of spice pulled from a pH 9ish solution using DCM. The sixth pull was right around 1%. Would anyone care to guestimate or even go so far as to say authoritatively something like:
1. First H20 pull - 50%
2. Second H20 pull - 35%
3. Third H20 pull - 11.5%
So, leaving with two major questions
1. Why not just start with 3x as much water and evap down as needed?
2. What is the principle behind these multi-pulls from the acified bark?
1. In the pre-edited Marsofold, he recommends a single pull.
2. In the post-edited Marsofold, he recommends using a 1/3 H20 and doing three "pulls" for the same amount of solution.
How about this?
Use three times the amount of H20 in the beginning, simmer for a few hours, and then evap that down? Any real difference? Isn't this really just an issue of solvency of the spice in the warm H20?
SWIM once saw a post by 69ron where he showed to about 10 significant digits the amount of spice pulled from a pH 9ish solution using DCM. The sixth pull was right around 1%. Would anyone care to guestimate or even go so far as to say authoritatively something like:
1. First H20 pull - 50%
2. Second H20 pull - 35%
3. Third H20 pull - 11.5%
So, leaving with two major questions
1. Why not just start with 3x as much water and evap down as needed?
2. What is the principle behind these multi-pulls from the acified bark?