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Why you should NOT take DMT

Migrated topic.
dmt machine elves said:
people say you cannot die but i did when i stopped breathing. i was able to come back but i did die.
So, you died but then resurrected as Jesus Christ? Not bad.
Or are you now writing from the other world? Well, that's pretty good. I didn't know that after death they allow to access the internet šŸ˜
Nice post vovin.

I suppose, I'd like to add that low-doses of oral and/or smoked dmt are not as reality shattering. I speculate they can be used by the majority of people without the warnings beyond changes in perception.

I can attest to this. I smoked changa once a day for 3 weeks, building a relationship and familiarity with it, slowly increasing the dose. By the third week I was smoking rompa cones and going deep. I thought I had reached the pinnacle of the experience but was wrong. It was the final and ultimate time of smoking the changa. I packed a rompa cone in a peace pipe and sat and meditated for a while. It was night time and I was sitting outside in the dark. I feel asleep for maybe 30 minutes, tired from smoking the changa earlier that day. As soon as I woke up I remembered I am smoking changa. Picked it up and took one big breathful and hold it. It's the primer and all the usual phenomina that I'm used to. The next breathful took me over the edge into breakthrough, which all the previous experiences could not prepare for. I was confused and legit thought that I had died. Needless to say I got the experience I was hoping for. The thing is with micro dosing or begining the journey, you know what the eventual outcome/destination is going to be... like an addict it's going to be overdose or rock bottom.

I had PTSD afterwards for years. A song or a situation could trigger a dreadful feeling. I could'nt use mind altering substances for years. A honest days work, sraight and sober and a good nights sleep was mind altering enough.
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