Answering my own question...from an essay I wrote: Writes Rick Strassman in his book DMT, The Spirit Molecule: “The other planes of existence are always there … but we cannot perceive them because we are not designed to do so; our hard-wiring keeps us tuned in to Channel Normal.” Rather than seeing these other planes as pure hallucination, Strassman accepts them as realities that we tune in to when in these altered states. And synchronously, I came upon a thread about this very thing at DMT Tribe, and found the link to this enlightening blog post titled "Galleons of the Mind":[action]=search&serendipity[searchTerm]= GALLEONS+OF+THE+MIND I had an epiphany yesterday. It was astounding for me, though it may be amusing to you... I was recalling that when Columbus had sailed into his first harbor, the peoples of Turtle Island did not see/recognize the ships sitting at anchor just off the beach. This phenomena was repeated in Mexico, and if memory serves me right, in the Pacific as well when Captain Cook sailed into Hawaii. When asked later what they saw, the residents of the islands said, "I saw clouds on the water" or some variation on that. This is astounding really, but it points out something that I feel is happening on a constant basis to humans. Why am I on to this? Yesterday I walked past a ladder for 3 hours without recognizing it. It had been brought into the house where I am working for me, but it didn't register. In some viewpoints, I was "asleep" to its presence, but wait there is more. It doesn't look like a regular ladder, it is a ladder and platform hybrid, not at all what I was expecting to be brought in. This one did not fit my expectations. Therefore, to my eyes it was not there. Now, this is where the epiphany comes in. I am going to throw out a couple of statements about what I understand is common knowledge to those interested in light, and the formation of the universe. From what I have read and I think understood, humans see only 5% of visible light. The universe is largely composed of something called, "dark matter" which we cannot see or really detect at this point except by devices that measure gravitational effects. Okay, we are blind as mole rats to the greater part of the universe. We would be denied a drivers' license for venturing out into "the void", we would be entitled to a special bus pass, and more than likely, our language is a variation on universal braille. We are out of touch with one of the basic elements of the universe, only stumbling upon it by accident, when it has been here all the time. So, using these examples, I posit a few possibilities. There are Galleons filled with Aliens sailing past us. We walk past magnicent edifices, buildings, forums, and they are invisible to us being made of dark matter. There is a vast city stretching to infinity filled with wonders that we are only, only dimly aware of through our dreams, and through our venturing there with meditation, and the use of psychedelics. All the reports of luminous beings, faeries, spaceships, ufos, cities in the sky are based on something true, when our blinders slipped. It has been said our blindness is matched by our lack of using our brain. Only 5% seems to used at any one time. We are submerged and are part of other beings, passing through us, by us. Some of them recognize us, some even take interest in us. Mostly they are benign, some are not. on occasion, they interact with us, using extreme measures to get the blind beings attention. We actually have a fairly wide literature about this, as well as a deep reservoir of atavistic memories across the world... Fairy Tales, Holy Books, Sacred Stories, Ghost Stories, Hauntings all might indeed be the footprints left by voyagers who have come and gone from our dimension. We are blind, I am blind. There is a raging Universe of Beauty around and within us. There are really no ?boundaries that delineate us from our world. All these boundaries are artificial. We are consumed by a chimera of conceit, we the "Masters" of our world. We dimly perceive the distant ships whilst bemushroomed, or in the sea of bliss that we find our selves in whilst trypping... we assure each other that these are only products of our mind, and has no real bearing except in some disjointed, Jungian dream artifice... So this is what I had come to me, it took but one ladder, and a rainy morning to bring it forth.